97 of 1976 - Amending sections 19-2-17, 19-2-18, and 19-2-19 setting forth regulations and requirements of beer l VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 10 ,19 76
Mr.Chairman 6 ' _, rH�
Agraz I move that the Ord' ce be
Hogensen /
Phillips c�
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 19-2-17, 19-2-18 and 19-2-19,
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating
to beer licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 19-2-17, 19-2-18 and 19-2-19 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to beer
licenses, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 19-2-17. Forfeiture of license. If any licensee,
licensed to do business under the provisions of this chapter, sells
his place of business, together with the entire assets of said
business, his license shall expire and be forfeited.
"Sec. 19-2-18. License fees. Applications provided for in this
chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided,
which fee shall be deposited in the city treasury if the license
is granted and returned to the applicant if denied:
For Class "A" retail license fee to be assessed according
to the annual gross receipts of the store applying for license
according to the following schedule:
Gross Receipts License Fee
Under $100,000.00 $ 50.00
$100,000.00 to $250,000.00 75.00
$250,000.00 to $500,000.00 100.00
$500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 125.00
Over $1,000,000.00 150.00
For Class "B" retail license $200.00 per annum or any part
For initial application and issuance of Class "C" retail license
$1,500.00 for the first year of operation or any portion thereof.
For renewal of Class "C" retail license $300.00 per annum or
any part thereof.
For Class "E" retail license $200.00 per annum or any part
For seasonal license $50.00 per month or any part thereof.
"Sec. 19-2-19. Location limitation of certain licenses. (a)
The permissible locations of establishments licensed with either
a Class "C" beer license, or a Class "B" private club license,
or any combination thereof, shall be determined by geographical
proximity, based upon the following criteria:
(1) District A. There shall be no more than two esta-
blishments located on any lineal block. A lineal block is
hereby defined to be both sides of a major street between two
intersecting major streets. For the purposes of this section
a corner establishment having abutting front footage on two
major streets shall be included in the lineal block in which
the establishment has the greatest number of front footage
abutting said major street, or if said abutting footage is
equal, then the address originally filed with the City
shall determine in which lineal block said establishment shall
be located.
(2) District B. There shall be no more than one licensed
establishment within a 660 foot radius of another licensed
(3) District C. There shall be no more than one licensed
establishment within 2,000 feet of any other licensed esta-
All major streets and districts will be those so designated
on official City maps Nos. 19372 and 19373, copies of which shall
be on file in the office of the city recorder. All said establish-
ments holding a Class "C" beer or a Class "B" private club license
must be located so as to front on a major street or be within a
building with the main entrance to such building fronting on said
major street.
(b) No Class "C" beer establishment and no Class "B" non-
profit club may be licensed or operate under the provisions of
these revised ordinances, which is in close proximity to a public
park, public elementary, junior high or high school or a church,
without having first received approval from the Board of City
Commissioners. Such approval shall be given only after:
(1) The Board of City Commissioners has received recom-
mendations regarding such an establishment from the Planning
and Zoning Commission of Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake City
police department; and
(2) A public hearing has been held, with actual written
notice having been given, where applicable, to the parks super-
intendent, school superintendent or to the church and to the
City and the residents thereof by at least one publication in a
paper of general circulation in Salt Lake County at least ten
days before the hearing stating the purpose, time, date, and
location of said hearing; and
(3) A finding by the Board of City Commissioners that the
proposed location will not materially interfere with the activi-
ties and functions of said parks, school or interfere with
church worship or church related activities. For the purposes
of this section a public park or public elementary, junior high
or high school which is located 800 or more feet from said pro-
posed establishment and a church which is located 500 or more
feet from said proposed establishment shall not be considered
to be in close proximity to said establishment and no notices
or hearings need be given or held prior to the granting of a
Class "C" beer license or Class "B" private club license.
(c) Exceptions. Class "C" beer establishments or Class "B"
private clubs may be allowed on streets other than those outlined
in paragraph (a), and may be allowed within the interior of a
block upon receiving approval from the Board of City Commissioners.
Such approval shall be given only:
(1) After the Board of City Commissioners has received
recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission of
Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake City police department; and
(2) If said street shall be at least 60 feet in width, or
if within the interior of the block, the entrance to the
establishment is from a court yard or mall like area with
paved vehicular access and proper lighting; and
(3) If the addition of said business would not exceed the
number of establishments otherwise permitted under paragraph
(a) of this section; and
(4) After a public hearing has been held, with actual
written notice having been given to the abutting property owners,
and public notice having been given to the residents of the
city thereof by at least one publication in a paper of general
circulation in Salt Lake County at least ten days before the
hearing, stating the purpose, time, date, and location of said
hearing, and
(5) A finding by the Board of City Commissioners after the
holding of said hearing that the proposed location for said
establishment will not (a) create an undue concentration in
the number of Class "C" ,beer establishments or Class"B" private
clubs, (b) materially interfere with the free flow of traffic,
pedestrian or vehicular, (c) create an undue burden in con-
trolling and policing illegal activities in the vicinity and
(d) create a nuisance to the community, or (e) adversely affect
the health, safety and morals of the residents of Salt Lake
(d) Prior location. The provisions of this section shall in
no way affect the rights of the present licensees to continue
their operations, so long as their licenses remain in good stand-
ing, and continue to have their licenses reissued as provided by
law until revoked or terminated for any reason.
(e) Zoning restrictions. Notwithstanding any of the provisions
of paragraph (a) above, all such Class "C" beer or Class "B"
private club establishments must be located within Commercial
"C-3" districts or less restrictive zoning district."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissior},ers of Salt Ll tp3.tah
this 10th day of Tune , 1970.
BILL NO. 97 of 1976
L Published June 18, 1976
AN O)2DINANCr: AMI:NIJ2NC)Snchona 19]I1,19 II an0
19/-19.of the,9,0,cd Ordin.,nn'r s of Salt I dkc C/Y.UI.,I.1965,
n s boor licese.
Fie 11 ordained by+he Hoarse al CeMelllss''.r,cr'r,of Salt Lake
( Utah,
Sf CI ION I.Thal Soe Pons 12]`1,19-'I lb and 19-2,e9 of Ihr
Hevlud Ordinances of`wilt I_oleo City,Wan,1965,relate.,to rkti r
hcerbos,lk`.and Ilse same hereby ao.>n._hded le re..,
Sice 9 II.I oraiirtiire of llre,e.I1..12 ticrnwg,la enucalto
do business warder IMF provisions of taus ehaPlosi since
b hieess, of
lateen w the rreite n_cts of sa1J Rosiness,ha'
ramp shall moire
c Iaie. by t rarluns ei video for
• 1 accompanied Ihl H f J_3./..
h, 1 " ' tidavit of Publication
itch 1 - 1111 tl.
For Closs A rots Cleo tope applying
eJedol5C4 n olhe
annual iota of Ihasstore aPPl vin9 for li cenu'.cn:ordiny
ollreceiia sr�hetlult.
to Gr0'ser.00ls taco.Poo
Undar'.r 00.000.00 /5.00
0250,000.00 to
o S500,000-00 /0.00
`✓SO.000.00105500,0W,00 1
O er 6100 01 000 0 000,UW 209 0,00 1[5.0
or Class"13"retail„sense F200.00 our d„num or any part
F.he roof.
ul Class" marl lis:en c
1 Car.Utlne.1 0 cat ye. orrrnr�ili atom or:envIro tide award.
Harr ere o'Clds"C'rc ail hr ensc SS00U0 tkr aae gun,or
:°a,.s,-1_' redo nnen>se szaoao r. annarn or aoY Part Shane D. Palmer
__ _.--- -- -------- -"--._
,I Ilocatio lienix anther any parr1pos (t
See olu to Location Of li labl Grwa o1 is Bien Il wth( the
Of r a Class
"14" 111,11e with u144,, r
lass C br4C C 14 b Ircf.hsc o
e I , H derail l�eutg first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ndver-
(lPro 1 50i ice ratity based . is II ehan'We„51OhlishoInaf5 tis1nri clerk of the DESERE1 NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
t r 610,A11144, I r. I
,d,•..rhi. al t u a.-ebliaer.en a.et[-.spaper printed in the English language with general cir-
e, For nava"' rhr Lu,,'eau k d;ront•on i,90 minor n, streets
ri�� cfdatian in Utah, and published in Salt lake City. Salt Lake
nRur of lroral Iootake dbubin9 barn nldior sheet.or it
,'ni�'>,oi l'i' loolode i,coo.,neer,rho,ware„o. ..tiled Caunty,in the State of Utah.
rirh he City shall d0ler tine nil which lineal Pblock seed
s sebh.hrnenr Moll,located
(2) District B. Plow shall He r moreh al
4,4,311,14111,11 r;e0 lent radio. blotto, Idol,. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
nHrsm„ent n
(3) U'islrrcl C. There 1.ho11 be ro inoro rhnh o Ilconsed
eaculishrnnnl v/Ithnrr 2,000 teal of area caller licensedeestablesn
t. Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
n All melon streets and distrtc'ts will be!hose so dcst9natad o ---- ----- _
o'firaal C 1'mapsNdo 1939,and 193/3 c.o..whirr,sliaa led
cn - in the ffl I the city rec.dor All said each...tools
eto'I>L onet Class
o aoa license must
beer licenses Wont or
a mnor aro.o Inwitlohd
will,n n,ail, w entran,to sue,building frontline on,ald nloacr — ------ -__ _.
ILI No Class "C"neer establishment nna no Class rB"
- .a club mew axe hnien.,or...rote under the prove...of
n n nr
1,4I.,pub!aJ edai./dry,which in 0,11 Proximity tea nubhc ---- --—- ---------
del:,nuhav denied dry,Pallor Mere o soh.chm ehirc.
,al sine airs.r calved n vat Ilrorn the!Spain u'Cily
rC sty va151da�be ho. cents,after.
s'Boe,rnofCch ane,nissiunv1s I0ra-r rd r,
rnP l Y. t 'tb lrlpriI from 1119Platinum and
/on,.ie Conemasioes 01 S.It 1.ace City.e the Sa+!La. City
/1 A Pub,hearin+e hs barn Fuld,will,((_toil wr Fran non..
Ira1su fig whet,a o ear,tunesnaro.ec arIn ten-
schndl s by
ledlo the n-public-end to the;Cr,ben and
1 1there.11 vHll ;senor of
r, r `1 -c r r lay June lf3 1976
�.d� d locorion .a was published in said newspaper on _--
F1.A litielrna Hv the Board of City Ca s that the
,nldlocaliun.vile nutm �Ihn oc+ivilie�
lunCtiui,s of.old Pnrks.os intoner with coupal
W, nark or t l r colareaV o f proposed
r r%hien is tad chord,
n e Ir_�d r did P rl
Ur id.rt.1 h I .5 1 f 00 .1 1
I0 .,:.'ear vP r.eslui,lhre,t 1,11 nut h.,r or11,,orele bah.
10, u I lh 1 f 11 'C lAnta rt, 1
e 1 ce
( c c c o l I la I c ea A, $S. ,gib- _.�_ r�^ � r,
ear Ivo.rhbs r venallowed un ll ex .th„teeorot rl _— —
nil,(eI andgy b.:allowed me Min;hrl inleridr d legal Advertising Clerk
Coming oval Irene Beard of city ]re Suchrd of CI:Pall b.nice'),0)0 'ly
nAror rindalhc Board of City Co and/o eye has r 001
eddy ens from I It okeirty and o depa lmemais nd of
Serll Like id si and Ile Self t Ito[.itv feet
e didth,or if
Ici r::ai dho se seaheedrbast a0 feelsablishoa it wit Faso tic_
rasa 1idr r the Hauck.the arrt wit fo teed voniishar a as ream a
lik.dean with paved venreular deers,end
1 h: le ea - Id 1 pea the mbar(� me this._. 1st day of
ot tdharst oh„w r ni+tvs an urdyr.tPH(d)o //
it d0)10 lecen.l ha Fos brim hew,o with., not written
eRuler,rho hear ,toO.ee.nroncrdensit thn A.D.)91S!___.•
ooafl least
rPdein:Iuli vantner of neinal oflboefty the Sad
Lyal leastone61.0*rile h,o,bolof9e1a^alcl inn.l Horse Sad
Pam .Iho o of 1 balsas he re.inn.aWtinJ❑m
I aeio,anal.eason of said hoarsen.and
H tl f City Cornmosionc. r t o
1101411110 of 1 bearing laitt lac oroposed location lo 1
'Iwl 1 will- 1,0 d concentration the
�l /
quoit, I ("beer ostablistones.or Class e'
bs Ill) I r f wan Iho 1 11 I lac,
Parlos1 1 1 J b '1n,
0 o h i'.cr orr a ,Meuse the Nntory Public
ru v and erases of ter:no keen,of Solt I akin City_ •
Iyl)Frior location
(he of the, et In noway
ado +he r of I Iicen_045 Id cuohnue
opar aeons.to
O,rl their li men.,
continuo lo their edmoverleafbv aw ur,l
rievo temiivI Zonion rear e Jn lor lwlthslanniva1 e b earareral. above,.a!1 "C' r , a
HesI0 .anranlsaruse Y wen-.Co,99rer can
10l51rsnrr1,,r i thnr4.(obe "
C'ION)In the opinion o)Ihn board
of Cdrrtnri ssroner•:it is
� vt o the txVare.hnd!11r inn•
welfare ill the•inlrabilants of
.;allCIS ekeN tear e Brian sell b ic'�(l fhalponadiaiirv.
St Ca1ON:i. lHru or dinanee-,.all In rn-ueccl upon 0�lirvl
P, 1/1 he t bur rl Cornnar.srorrr.r. Loser ilY.Ural,,---
hr 10+n Jay dl Jnn�.IV/L.
e rrrlrordrY Chairman r
(SCJ_HILL No June to,
obh�ned acne m.rv/a ca-w