98 of 1908 - Ordinance 98 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 39, First Partial Estimate. !2- AU OP. DILIA :dC .E . 1 An ordinance levyin a tax and prow]ding for the asneso::ont, of the projio-t:, -11 -' Fifth dOth Stcoet between 1 • I Lain and Second east 'greets, in 2ai iilstrtot 'Ca. 28, foe the pur- . pose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and ioavin thereof. 1 of dolt too City, Utnh: 0ECTIUr 1. That the City Conodc"I does herebzi levy the tax and I pro-vide for he canoe h . 2unt h,;-•;-.7-- _ft:ex desdribed in ...."nvint': DitniCt Co. 20, for the pn-in.: e of pruvi for the gredi-L, guttering and enri,In_ , an.:1 po-,,Irg of a portion of said diatrlet, "A", o1j dee both ;-1:17-.a, Q? 7i"th let.:oen Itain and State 6treets, .1, Thin I- .1-1 to d ffe , the .e.xpense of grading, guttering ott,1 ire/1 eihafesi.t (72: f.": 4ide bet eeCo r ihe prep 1 heodoi) ;:or,:: 001 „losaribedto ..e • I mined and eetablb,hed ta; I ald if be cop ,L7-„ ; III: • ' f.l.: ' t' '-a : looP p a, loll' el lajit ;:re assessed Lt i 7contlq; upon and to a depth of tlenty-five (25) feet baol'. land the ta:t rool.:; of iland iS t,,elve thouane.. nicety a•et;I 13/-.1J'n •2 , Jnine and 159166/1,000,000 ( 9.1591361 7, ,r I foot o I ' ,7 paving the street above mentioned in l'avinn,_ hIde lot ITo. 23, ' • lots, blocks and street above mentioned Insa' I I t,3tri,g, ; 98 • I total cost and cost ,p,--r front foot of said ,,Javed,,,Lt, .-,o- ertin,>; to the contract entered into ?or'the 1.;nrcfccratoce or i,, .,.,-,-', . , k,- I i 1 ing said improve aith -2. J. :loran, d,,ted the 4th day of May:, 190(y, and the Treasurer is liere." L,111;;torld L:,n, d !rected to asses ,, . with t •ovisions. of this ordinance for the purpose 47.... ,' /i. ti-' i, lill ,ii?".: o 1 ,,,, north side..A.P •ots 5 • 51 7 a",1 q ia,-)0W - thet couth side ..t 0411 and 2, Plokk4-4.;9,, 21a.t-, ,`':',', ' r,11.-t; J.,,;i.c.e, tCty-411r-gr, as the 7' /1',.., , ‘C:3 •co ry... 4 sagh Bpi shown upon Ahte9ioicia1..blats of said ejpth uf 1 , , 1" ,, 1,.., )(:' cl:.)11 tw -cIty 1 ve (25) fee '' ck from st.id street, arig t Ali sr.:;i1. t:a4.- ., , , , ., ., _, , .T . . : , 6 ,J.I0ii ..1ai,,..1i ,..c :n.i,,J.1. •ocea,..,,e and be d, ,incluent ,.,en 1,1 t,j11.1ents, .,;, folT4:to-wit: une-tenth thereof one yltar after i th appry no al of the era ce confirminE the levy of the toy for ths t II Lpaylf,,,t r,.., ,;_._Jh :1:-. ,;:-:,,, -:Jt; one-tenth t ,ereoi* in two years after I1 such approval; one-tenth thereof in three yeFirs after s Lich apt;roval one-tati: the reo."_' in four years after such approval; one-tenth there- of in five years after such approval; one-terth thereof in siv. yerr __, -,--.7t,:‘r such approval; one-tenth tidereof in seven years after such 1 ' I approval; one-tenth thereof in eight years Ft fter such ftp)-CoWil j onei. tenth ther: 7 "-, .. I a:1'7.1- •, 7,:-'1% 1 :;,rue f-,1; ,und one-tenth 'the+ of in ten ;Tears after such approval. One or ni:)-2.-J of said insta,11- merts .2- i.,7-, ..i,eil: , , . , a. if on or be fore ter du .. b.fi •• uhe I a.PProval of the ordinc.nce con fi rariiiv V levy (•47 ;he ta-.;. One or ' • i II more 11- tc.11r,_it_,, .,2 LI_ .;„,.1 .,: ., ,1 . • - .. : 10. CY, 47'^: -' y !iI soy intallnielit becomes due by in,,,T,1,_ng the atiount Lheroof end intere ' 1 l' to date •,)f pr:--',,,-t. _1 - " 7; „ -11 : .., L,11 ,.3.1 ,,. I at tl-i3 74..k:t,CI of t'7;a (C, f a:la att, 7 Ck):,; titt", ;:iat; ct 7 ti1C; appr.1- i li I, 1 of delin•itlsny, and. 1,71-ct i 3 i par eel:1 ,er aunuim Zroiii del 1r,, ,,L-ri.1,* art 1 I 1;tPit. t 0. .:;1!:7 i,r'' _C: .,., :"7 7. 1 •i - ,7 7'7'...7 t; apoi, e;.;,:i-0 vol.. i i k 2.a vir tz, 'Extension fo. 39. first .Larti .,1 -:,sti:ftt,`1,0. 1 i Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Auzust 17, 1908, and referred to the 1,1aer for his a proval. idg• , . — C ty Reno Fere-F. Approved this //e daya•folcrust, 1908. dr ' - Elaylo2/X • :o4xr,y co ..3 r..... ..".L.33-\& 0,t -s _ , o .. , 1 1 . i+ r. -j I :_,, .. .` f_ Cis �.:i, ic1 i (,,11 boaaiSG ?St .Br.3 n ',,;t r rt t f ,"L fir-; ,r,' {.'I ,VI ��\ �h� __