98 of 1911 - Ordinance 98 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 129, Fourth Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property
within the folloving described districts, to-.wit:
Commencing at the interseotion of the south line of Second
North Street with the west line of Third West Street, and running
thence north to the center of Fourth North Street; thence Best to
the center of Third West Street; thence north to the north line of
Sixth North Street; thence west to the center of Twelfth West Street;
thence north to the center of Leadville Avenue; thence west to the
Jordan River; thence southerly along the Jordan River to the eente.
of Fifth North Street; thence east to the center of Fourteenth Wes'
Street; thence south to the Jordan River; thence easterly end sout -
easterly along the Jordan River to the south line of Block 1, Oakl y;
thence east to the center of Eleventh Went Street; thence south to
the center of Seoond North Street; thence east to the center of
Tenth West Street; thence north to the north line of Fourth North
Street; thence east to the •ast line of Fourth West Street; thence
south to the south line of Second North Street; thence east to the
place of beginning, with the exception of the east side of Fourth
West Street between Fourth North and Fifth North Streets; the west
side of Fourth West Street between Fifth North and Sixth North
Streets; and both sides of Third North Street between Tenth West
and Eleventh West Streets.
Also commencing at the intersection of the center line of
Thirteenth North and Davis Streets, thence north to the north line
of Nv.ret Avenue; thence west to the •west line of Hot Springs Stre..t;
thence northwesterly along the west-most side of Hot Springs Stree
to the north line of Duluth Avenue; thence west to the center line
of Dexter Street; thence south to the center line of Duluth Avenue;
thence west to the west line of Superior Addition; thence southerl
along the west line of Superior Addition to the north line of Thir-
teenth North Street; thence east to the center line of Eighth West
Street; thence south to the center line of Thirteenth North Street;
thence east to the place of beginning. And further, the east-most
side of Hot Springs Street between Everet Avenue and Fifteenth Nort'.
Street, and the west side of Fourth West Street between North
Temple and Firts North Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 20, 21
and 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Jo it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax an.
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereineft.r
described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 20, 21 and 41, for the con-
struction of cement sidewalks, to-wit:
In Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 96, Plat "C"; 4, 5,
6 and 7, Block 136, Plat "A"; 1 to 28, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 15,
inclusive, and 18 to 30, inclusive, Block 2; 26, and 1 to 12, in-
clusive, Block 3; 1 to 28, inclusive, Block 4; 1 to 14, inclusive,
Block 5, Superior Addition; 14 and lb, and 9 to 12, inclusive,
Block 1; 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 2; 8 to 14, inclusive, Block. 3;
1 to 14, Block 4; 1 to 16, inclusive, Block 5; 1 to 19, inclusive,
Block 6; 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 7; 20, and 1 to 9, inclusive,
Block 8; 13, and 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 9, Empire Addition; con
meneing at a point 210.57 feet south,rt 44 deg. 01' east from the
northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 9, Empire Addition, thence south
44 deg. 01' east 6.52 feet, abutting on both sides of Fifth West
Street between Fifth North and Sixth North Streets; on the east sire
of Sixth West Street between Fifth North and Six h North Streets;
on the south side of Sixth North Street between bh West and
Sixth West Streets; on both sides of Eighth West Street between Fit
Everet and Duluth Avenues; on both sides of Fourteenth North Stree
between Hot Springs and Chicago Streets; on both sides of Dexter
Street between Everet and Duluth Avenues; on the south side of
Duluth Avenue between Hot Springs and Chicago Streets; on the verb.
north side of Duluth Avenue between Hot Springs and Dexter Streets;
on both sides of Everet Avenue between Davis and Eighth West Street- ;
on both sides of Seventh West Street between Everet Avenue and
Fourteenth North Street; and on the east side of Hot Springs Stree•
between Everet Avenue and Fifteenth North Street.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing oem• t
sidewalks upon the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described
to be •specially affected and benefited by said improvement, and i•
is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property
will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax
hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an
equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage
upon said portions of said streets fronting upon and to a depth of
twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied an•
to be assessed upon said parcels of land is ten thousand eight
$uadred seventy-nine and 9/100 ($10,879.09) dollars; two thousand
eight hundred eighty-two and 4/100 (02,882.194) dollars, or
95385/100,000 ($0.95385) dollars per front or linear foot of abut-
ting property for sidewalks six (6) feet wide and four (4) inches
thick, there being 3021.47 feet of abutting property within the
boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned; and
seven thousand nine hundred ninety-seven and S/100 ($7,997.06)
dollars, or 766968/1,000,000 ($0.7G6869) dollars per front or line,.
foot of abutting property for sidewalks five (5) feet wide and fou
(4) inches thick, there being10426.64 feet of abutting property
within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentio .d
in said districts, which is the total cost and post per front foot
of said sidewalks, according to the contract entered irto for the
performance of said work and making said improvement, with McKay
and Reed, dated the 12th day of June', 1911, and the Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
Six Foot Sidewalks.
The east side of Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, the west side of Lots 2,
3, 4 and 5, the north side of Lots 5 and 6, Block 96, Plat "C"; th
west side of Lots 4 and 5, the north side of Lots 5 and 6, the wes•
b1.47 of the north Ride of Lot 7, Block 136, Plat "A", Silt Lake
City Survey.
Five Foot Sidewalks.
The west side of Lots 14 and 15, the south side of Lots 15'to
28, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 and 28, the north side of
Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 1; the south side of Lots 18 to 30,
inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 and 30, the north side of Lots
1 to 15, inclusive, Block 2; the east side of Lots 1 and 26, the
north side of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, the north side of the east
12 feet of Lot 12, Block 3; the west side of Lots 14 and 15, the
south side of Lots 15 to 28, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 and
28, the north side of Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 4; the north
side of Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 5, Superior Addition; the
north aide of Lots 14 and 15, and 9 to 12, inclusive, Block 1; the
north side of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 2; the north side of
Lots 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 3; the west side of Lots 7 and 8,
the south side of Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1
and 14, the north side of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 4; the
west side of Lots 10 and 11, the south side of Lots 1 to 10, in-
elusive, the north side of Lots 11 to 16, inclusive, Block 5; the
west side of Lots 11 and 12, the south side of Lots 1 to 11. in
elusive, the north side of Lots 12 to 19, inclusive, Block 6; the
south side of Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 7; the south side of
Lots 1 and 20, the west side of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 8;
thlvest side of Lots 13, and 1 to 10, inclusive, the west side of
the south 14.53 feet of Lot 11, Block 9, Empire Addition; oommenoing
at a point 210.57 feet south , 44 deg. 01' east from the northwest
corner of Lot 13, Block 9, Empire Addition, thence south 44 deg. 01
east 6.52 feet, Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon
the official plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five (25) fee
back from said streets, and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in five
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per sent per annum, payable at the time each in
stallment is due, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after the ap
proval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the,pay
sent'for such improvement; one-fifth thereof in two years after
such approval; one-firth the4eef in three years after such approve ;
eaeefifth thereof in four yisre after such approval,; and"gnb'.tifth
thereof is five years after'auoh':dpproval. One or More o.2 as.i,d,in
stallmeats, in the oxler•inv hiol. they are payable, or the whets
special tax may be paid at anytime within thirty data after the
approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax,'Nlthout
interest. In the event of any installment or the interest afore-
said, not being paid on the date the same becomes due, the whole
amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and
interest are due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until sale of the
property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the orde
in which they are payable, or the whole special taxxnmay be paid
ea the day any installment becomes due, by paying the amount there. '
and interest to said date.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension No. 129.
Fourth Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, October 16th,
1911, and referred to the iiayor for hi:• a...<
C 'e170.er.
Approved this / day of October, 1911,
C ayor.
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