98 of 1947 - Amending Section 2901 relating to salaries and organization of Fire Department VOTING AYE—1NNAY NOV 12 I
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Romney ��I
Mr.Chairman . . ,
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1944, July 3, 1945,
February 7, 1946, and January 28, 1947, and amending Section 2902
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended
by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 28,
1947, relating to the Fire Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 2901 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1944, July 3, 1945, February 7,
1946, and January 28, 1947, relating to the Fire Department, be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers,
whose salaries shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners,
within the limits specified as follows:
Not to exceed.
Chief of Department $4980.00
4 Assistant Chiefs 3780.00
Superintendent of Equipment and Maintenance 3480.00
Superintendent of Fire and Police Alarm . . 3480.00
3 Battalion Chiefs 3300.00
Captains 3060.00
Lieutenants 2880.00
Firemen of First Grade 2700.00
Firemen of Second Grade 2580.00
Firemen of Third Grade 2460.00
Female Alarm Operators, First Grade . . . 2340.00
Female Alarm. Operators, Second Grade . . 2220.00
Female Alarm Operators, Third Grade . . . 2100.00
First Class Electrician , , , , 2820.00
Second Class Electrician 2580.00
Third Class Electrician 2460.00
1 SECTION 2. That Section 2902 of the Revised Ordinances os
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by t e
BoarS of Commissioners on January 28, 1947, relating to the Dire
Department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 2902. ASSIGNMENTS. The Chief of the 'Dire depart-
ment may assign any subordinate officer in the department to
any duty which in his judgment the good of the service recuir:s,
and may change such assignment from time to time whenever in
his judgment the good of the service requires.
Whenever assignments are intender for a period of thirty
days or more, the Chief of the: cire L:eoartment shall report t
the Board of Commissioners the;oames of such firemen as are
as:-:igned by him to the follo i1g service, to-wit: firemen me-
chanics. Copies of such a.ssignimeni shaL]d.he filed with the
city Auditor and Secretary of the Civil Service Commission.
Firemen while acting in the following capacity under as-
signment for thirty days or more shall be entitled to compen-
sation in addition to regular compensation as firemen, to be
determined by the Board of Coss:issioners,and not to exceed the
Firemen mechanics, 410.00 per month.
;SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Conn2ii ssioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
Iof Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect irmediatei- .
!1 SECTION 4. This ordinance sh� take sect at once upon
its first publication. �v
Passed by the Bard. of Commis ions s Salt Lake City,
Utah, this / y d day of) ' , l' 19
_:,._ ,Mayor. — -
. ' ,-, . ; /X'-/'', •
City Recorder.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
NOV 12 i947 • .
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
SECTION 2901 of the Revised Or-
dinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,
1944, amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commis-
sioneni on Ji 12, 1944, July 3, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
1945,February 7. 1946,and Dom-
' ary 28. 1947. and amending See-
Don 2902 of the Revised Ordinances vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944. Ne
amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
January OA, 1947, relating to,the
Fire Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of of Utah.
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 2901
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake.City, Utah, 1944,as amend- That the advertisement
ed by ordinances passed by the
Shard of Commissioners on July 12,
1944. July 3, 1945, February 7,
1946, and January 28, 1947, re- Ordinance bill
laying to the Fire Department, be
and the same in hereby amended to
read as.follows: No 98
AND SALARIES..The Fire Depart-
ment of Salt Lake City shall con-
sist of the following officers,whose Salt Lake City Corporation
salaries shall be fixed by the Board
of Commissioners,within the limits
'specified as follows:
Not to'exceed
chief of Department $4920.00 .
4 Assistant Chiefs.. 3780.00• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Super,Inles&dent of Equip-
Police %dorm 3480.00 day of A.D. 19
3 13attation Chiefs ' 3100.00
' Captains 3060.00
Lieutenants 28E0.00
Fiternen of First Grade 2700.00 and was published Nov 14 1947
Firemen nf second Grade 2580.00
• Firemen of Third Grade 2460.00
Female Alarm Operators,
First Grade 2340.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Female Alarm Operators
Second Grade 2220.00
Female Alarm Operators, •
Third (Dade 2100.00 day of 19
Firs, Class Electrician ..2820.00
second .Class Electrician.. 2580.00 .
Third Class Electrician 2460.00 ! Z/i7
SECTION 2.Thal,Section 2902 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, as mend-
edd by.an ordinance Cmm passed by the
Board of oissioners en Jan•
miry 28, 1.947,relating to the Fire ,
Department, be and the same Is •
hereby amended to read as follows:
Chief of the Fire Departinent may
assign any subordinate officer in •
the department to any duty which sworn to before me this 15th day of
in his Judgment the good of the
service requires, and may change
such assignment from time to time A.D.19
whenever In his judgment the good 4-7
of the service requires..
Whenever assignments are in-
tended for a period of thirty days
or more..the Chief of the Fire •
par Lment shall report to the Board
of Commissioners the names of
such Semen as are assigned
hiin to the following service,to.w11::
fireinen mechanics. Copies of soleh
assignment shall be filed with the Notary Public
City Auditor and Secretary of the
Civil Service Commission.
Fireinon while acting In he fol-
lowing capacity under assignment
for thirty days or more shall be
entitled to compensation in addi-
tion to regular compensation as
firemen. to be determined by the
Board of'Commissioners, and not
Op exceed the following:
*Firemen mechanics, $10.00 per
SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
Board of COMMithifilltiliS. it is
necdssary to the peace,health and
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall
take'effect immediately.
SECTION 4.This ordinanne shall
take effect at once upon DS first
'Passed by the Board of Commis-
. sionera of Salt Lake City, Utah,
Ohio 12th delY of November,A.D.,
-EARL J. GI.V.yE,er.
City Recorder.
BILL 2.70,Oa
Published November 14,Iher.
• •