98 of 1980 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning the area between 500 and 700 South and 300 and 700 East Streets to / SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 98 of 1980 (Rezoning of Central City) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has previously determined after lengthy public hearing and deliberations reviewing citizen's testimony, planning and demographic data, and an on-site inspection of the area located within Central City situated approximately between 5th and 7th South Streets and between 3rd and 7th East Streets, that in order to encourage and to foster and preserve the residential neighborhood existing within this area and to encourage future development and growth to be compatible with said residential area that rezoning is appropriate. Said Council also acknowledges the substantial development which has occurred within the area and desires future development to be compatible with the best interests of the particular community involved and with the development of the City as a whole, and consequently hereby adopts the following amendments to the Use District provisions of Title 51. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION 1. That the use "Use District Map" as adopted by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED as follows: That the following described parcels of real property situated in Central City, more specifically that area between 5th and 7th South Streets from 3rd to 7th East Streets, including portions of Blocks 18 through 24 of Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, which are presently zoned Residential "R-6", be, and the same hereby are, rezoned to a Residential "R-3A" classification as described below and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: Residential "R-6" to "R-3A" That portion of Block 18, Plat "B" Salt Lake City Survey, consisting of all of the north 330.0 feet of said block, together with the north 82.5 feet of Lot 3 of said block. Also the north 165 feet of Blocks 19, 20, and 21 of said Plat "B"; Also, Lots 1, 7, and 8 together with the east one-half of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Block 22, said Plat "B"; Together with the South 495 feet of Block 23 of said Plat "B" of said survey; together with a portion of Block 24 of said Plat "B" including all of Lots 2, 3, and 4 together with the west 247.5 feet of Lot 1 of said block. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect on the 29th day of July, 1981. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of September , 1980. r.L CHAT MAN ATTEST: CITY RECORDER y Transmitted to Mayor on September 16. 1980 . Mayor's Action: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDERS / (SEAL) BILL NO. 98 of 1980 Published September 24, 1980 -2- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake • SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty No.98 of 19E0 (Rezoning of Control City) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-a OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT'LAKE CITY,UTAH,1965, AS AMENDED,RELATING IC O REZONING AND FIXING BODNDARIFSOF HSE D15TIilETs. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal WHEREAS,the City1a Council 9f Salt L public he ring Utah,has advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily previously reviewing citizen's zen'lengthy testimony, Ile hearing and emo• graphic a leaving citizen's tenspectio planning the and dOma phis data, it an ems l approximately f the area hated (except Sunday) newspaper in the English limn South Streets is a •boatel 3rd and d 1th between,t d Pprintedg ode°tn"encourage"end`a fosteraand preserve the residential language with general circulation in Utah, and neighborhood published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the acknowledges he substantial developmeant'which iasao°000rnrdd State of Utah. within the area and desires future development to be compati- ble with the best Interests of the particular community in. volved and with the development of a the City as a whale,and nseouently he by adopt the following amendments to the That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Use District provisions of Tills., That the following described parcels of real property situ• ale"in Central City,more specifically that area between 5th and ith South Streets from 3rd to nh East Weds,including pub notice of Ordinance #98 of 1980 orisons of Blocks 18 through 24 of Plat"B",Salt Lake City Survey,whic same h.are presently caned Residential"Ra6",be,and ifi- cation as destriibed below andto a the Use'District Map Is amend- ed and changed accordingly, Residential"R-6"to"R-3A" • That conSIsfing of rtion al Clock of the8north 330.0 Salt of said blSock,to.y gether with the north 025 feet of Lot 3 of said block. Also the north 165 feel of Blocks 19,20,and 21 of said Plat • Alo,ots tla'bl BI k 22.`tlePlathghe east one-half of Together with the South 495 feet of Block 23 of said Plat "13"of said survey;together with a portion of Block 24 of with theawest 04/.5 feet of Lot 1 of said block.a"d together SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect on the 29th was published in said newspaper on Sept. 24, 1980 day of July,1901.' Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Clty,Utah,this 161h day of September,1980. NOW,THEREFORE,he it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah. \ SECTION 1.That the use"Use District Map"as adopted by Section 51.12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, ff�,) l/ (/ 1 Utah,1965 as amended.relating to the fixing of boundariesI ���j. ,'/\ i \ \ ,i!\ ;L?s - • Use Districts be,and the scree hereby Is,AMENDED as fol. lows: Legal Advertising Cle k__ 12ONALO J.WHITEHEAD " CHAIRMAN ATTEST: CO RE HIGHAM CITY tore me this 1st day of Transmitted to Mayoren September 16,1930 Mayor's Action: TED L.MAYORWILSO , HO ATTEST: A'D. 19 MILDRED V.HIGHAM CITV RECORDEk BSEL) • ILL NO.90 of 1980 - 6 , Published September 24,1980 D-05. t ' • G Notary P�Iic My Commission Expires June 1, 1981