99 of 1902 - Ordinance 99 of 1902 – Defining Fire Limits and repealing inconsistent ordinances. I I AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance defining Fire Limits and repealing inconsistent ,: sordinances. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1.• Thee`folloffin,g are hereby established as the fire H j limite ;of Salt Lake City,, to-wit: ' 14 Crnnmencing at the 3'iorthwest corner of Third East and F :i I South Streets;:•thence running west along the north side of H Ri Soutt S+reet tW the east side of Sectind West Streets` thence north a., _., i P q4 +he east side of 5 eoond W09t 5rcot to the' 'son'th Side of North ,�.._.. .are... r' ^+aA, ,Tempie str..eet; thence east along the south side of North_Temple ,,,z,.y,„„ .... Street'to the west ;side of State Street; thence south along the west siae,q.State Street to the south side of South Temple Stre'ct; ✓ thence east along -44q, south side of South Temple Street to the west - side of Third East Street; trt itde` south-talon the west s,lte of Third East Street to the north side ofSouth Street, the r Ii place of beginning; the said fire limits including all of blocks 97 La * azz G .t c�,L,-, IA49 to 60, both inclusive, all of blocks 67 to 78, both inclusive, and all of blocks 85 to 88 both inclusive, all in Plat "A". I SECTION ThatSection 21, Chapter 17 of the Revised Ordi- - nances Of 1�_92, and Sectiofi 1 of an Ordinance defining fire Limits passed by the City Council September 24th, 1895 and approved by the Mayor September 27th, 1895; and Section 17 of an Ordinance treating and Organizing the fire department and defining fire limits, passed i by the City Council March 21st, 1899 and approved by the Mayor March 22nd, 1899; and all other orC.linces and resolutions, and par of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upo approvq.. I I ft /I/ 1 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake C,.ityk,Utah; September 15th 1902 . and referred to the Mayor for his approval. r` 1. _ _ ity Record r. 4pproveI this LL day of September, 1902. .' •tom.c_ . ,,-`e . �- f.y $asi F+ ; wn ;, `"�'_' ,� •- ,.." `' ,° •_, . _ _ T: A T aJlmiLl .9717 gA. :.517 ao ,ItDruion vd. bp,c, i- eriT r-a(:).yrnaa rktia101eoril nr; • , ' !-• : Li I (1' • / '7 r(d.TliVt.„00 eP, bripep e(re. rf.t.41,1• • - _ cx, • • : . w„.1- ,,%(p3D, 7 - -151 .g•ro Q0 5 0 : • : t•-•, : . s2 $.r.1,TAT3; -1(0 tarot `Fe e ,,e{ • k•e g • CD oeriedJ. ; 141 • : " 'Thc *:e .\ alatle e9J-rio''; •- •4,4io- Fo.01.1" ri.6'ss0 0TLI1J r". ;,?„tbi LE r: FE: ,B' f_lcOrd" :to ,evt0:r3:•:0.1: c . 0 toa 0;1- 'A" try.tauf7'..cf,1; sod' F;;.; c i mfoo •t:‘, VI -ciztq,1--;!7, ;ES flot:l'uerl J.,P.AT e2i;L:.LT. rV.rSA. fl ci. oE ft..U brE.c ;„q0.1. Itt. OfKr.,' 1 11' tfr\ro-,. S fy.;' p„c.; \.;:j'in 9.CD Vd •;,1•;3.o 710 .k.z) 3 .1)EL, ,!•••; •t •i2 1.; ea ,t;791j•i,CY:ICCI 1"M17 Eil)itctor, ed:? `.`“) "“1.1.k.t0 e-tr- J'11, :.,,.ii,3P0011-t EI.O.ktillOael: JfIlfL i90I.Pdfik'10 '10 no4r diAT .6 ZOTTOU2 . . . . ' . 111ROt'