99 of 1902 - Ordinance 99 of 1902 – Defining Fire Limits and repealing inconsistent ordinances. I I
An ordinance defining Fire Limits and repealing inconsistent
,: sordinances.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1.• Thee`folloffin,g are hereby established as the fire
j limite ;of Salt Lake City,, to-wit: '
Crnnmencing at the 3'iorthwest corner of Third East and F
:i I South Streets;:•thence running west along the north side of H Ri
Soutt S+reet tW the east side of Sectind West Streets` thence north
a., _., i P q4 +he east side of 5 eoond W09t 5rcot to the' 'son'th Side of North
,�.._.. .are...
r' ^+aA, ,Tempie str..eet; thence east along the south side of North_Temple
,,,z,.y,„„ .... Street'to the west ;side of State Street; thence south along the west
siae,q.State Street to the south side of South Temple Stre'ct;
✓ thence east along -44q, south side of South Temple Street to the west -
side of Third East Street; trt itde` south-talon the west s,lte of
Third East Street to the north side ofSouth Street, the
Ii place of beginning; the said fire limits including all of blocks
97 La * azz G .t c�,L,-,
IA49 to 60, both inclusive, all of blocks 67 to 78, both inclusive,
and all of blocks 85 to 88 both inclusive, all in Plat "A".
SECTION ThatSection 21, Chapter 17 of the Revised Ordi-
- nances Of 1�_92, and Sectiofi 1 of an Ordinance defining fire Limits
passed by the City Council September 24th, 1895 and approved by the
Mayor September 27th, 1895; and Section 17 of an Ordinance treating
and Organizing the fire department and defining fire limits, passed
by the City Council March 21st, 1899 and approved by the Mayor
March 22nd, 1899; and all other orC.linces and resolutions, and par
of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upo approvq..
I ft /I/ 1
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake C,.ityk,Utah; September 15th 1902 . and
referred to the Mayor for his approval.
1. _ _ ity Record r.
4pproveI this LL day of September, 1902.
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