99 of 1908 - Ordinance 99 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 34, First Partial Estimate. 1 ._.
A L. 0 .4-: .6 ILA .310E .
.! An ....r..fleL.7.•ce 1.-:',,:-I..-- L .I.-., Lnd L.: . :•':•lif•- "„f• I.:':: -._',..43: !d--;!-... of I
tie proi3..7.77%,- hry,-...44:Lr4.ft•-3: 3...--4s4 •-•il••36. on .fi•-• .1 .L..! th 33tr4-..et oet.••'-44,3a I
Second 2;b,t an.' -21.:ft,-el.,...:1 E.st ..3t3!:4 --I , i. .2_ ::, •;.L Li:.t-I-I; T. . 27, 1
7or t71.-. i..y7:._-:.i.,% - ,r i.:,•%-.vis3illi: ''....;i- l'.,c 8)...,3;,-,_,, L:,-Itt.,,c1T-L,
,,,,,I.3. .pa-1:1•Zi6; 1:1n:it,31'.
Bo it ordfinod lufl th-. dit, 4.:3.)..!!:.-I.III L " 3.3- 14 L I.
6L02i0L i. That t'sc Oitj 0ounoil (co levy the •;,/3.-,;, isod , !
provide .1.4,r -Cie acsoL L.; .-nt of -1.'..-.s c. .4-. ..4.i.; /. I:0. .,...c61:e...t„ hd-
described T3! Ii4,4/1.7.•L/ Lict.:Ict o. 27, for the pappose of i..34-.,/idint;
for the 6raftin6, ;. -3.‘-tor13.,./:, r-nd. e rloi..L, L. : L.3 '1.4i; of a, ;,••3-.--tI.3.4, of
said distriot, to-v.rit..
In Lots 5 to 6, i -;,-411.313i'vo, El.::3-./. 72, Tlat "L"; ;!!:-..14 .7; Led 6,
/ . Blocd3. 1:2, Tact "33 , 61:„.:t-tin. on Y.-- c••uth --'1d,d .•f iIrrst 66,31-'1 313reeti
between Second East and Third East Street:3, ana :between '331117th La:•.t I
-,ed OIT1-1: L..;t. St.T. 'etc.
Th-I:3 ta>: i:4 7,-..\/.1?:1 t de"rc.; the expo6:3e ••7 ,..,r,-1.4-1.1-fti!;, L,itt-r-:.-eg
, .
1 4
end ohrbirg, .:I.th cement, an pa via v..-th lit ;•.t,iir., tt (:If:1.7 t.i. ,iiiit.L.11.; I .
1 .1):',V.S'1.- '-'t to 1.:),1 -'-.flt,,, (,:i(J) 243.-t TiLlo 6••t-suon d'...-1..43, c.-.....1 nine ()/'/n- 1
. chec thick bed,•eon 6 eend liaA anl ,•:\e-rtle L 4 t ,3t-c• ..-..tc, !.! 7 ,..:
(60) 7.-•--t cite "1.:,-;:.`,:7- 'I-1 , 17.: rit"c, (:); IL 7.1 , 1,',-,', 7..a bet can
Fourth Enat and 7.11:1t-o.,41.13 Eact Str,..41.c I, id..-.0 13,:..rtrIon4.3 uf old stracit I
/1 I •
! 1
ul..•,:4.:•s!.11:1 1:':::. i....,,,, -..-1::. -, .-.-1-r1 :_74-3---: ,L4e.1 * rleft--,c ti. -P,A to be
ecpecial% affected 6.--ei bon..3f-lt.-.-3 1,;,, ;;a-dd i, ..r,- .-.- -.--.-:1], w..7 !.t: . 1
•._-n 1 ,-„t,-1,i'::,',: ,...:: ..-: -'. 7 --. :,.",,: Intl
--.0i,-.17,, b:'n: ''':ted 1.;',,-,--- ,,,: ,.. . . .1. -, .,......,, ,
'... 1,1 ' 7,_• --;-1 -^ --"''1', .-;:- LI:::, 1.; • '. K i arid!
!lin i fcri¢ r.','".-:0 in fLeccrcn hoc 4.-t t:i ! -!- .;..'r!.:'.- .i1 Zi,-,1-1., . c. .1.,.:, c ;,' -iiS
* 1
} land 4.1174/1L'u (4i,-,11,317.24IIII .1.•17.,•-•-•o; .4'.:- '1.•3.....:.•:•:', ..... .-... • 1e...lr•-',1 devInti• '
4 I .
l73.•/•-• !:nd 5/1/.3..:L! ':,!,37.,77.7.I.5-11,) doll •-• , ..•l: 'Fr': 4--- l 41:•n/7.9lIII-I-••-•
i 9
i 1
; 9 -2-
p-r fro-nt or II!'; co' .2,,ot u7 abuttin;:;-, pre -9 or ro ,c11-t.,', t3u feet i
wide, there boine 660 feet of abuttirL, prop-rt,,,; within the bousanr9' '
liof the -lots, hick and street t..1:ove .-.1-9'it.:(;;;;;3 it, ;:991;l1 61;,trie.1 ; ana,
. I five thousand forty-one cod 71/1....), ( 5,041.71.) U9)17e.,o;, or sovoT' an .
11628952/1,0SO,OC90 ( .7.67.8952) .19;1.1:It's 1.),--c -rsnt or 1'9 --,.; r foot of
'91abuttint; property for resd,99,.rey 60 feet wide, there be!)-4„; eGi; feet of
iabutting property ,,riled e 9-.),,e bons ;;-,rf.:-9:: of 1'15 lot.-:, Block and street
labove niertioned in said ijstr-!ct, 9RhiGh lo t'9,-; tot..1 cur.t and cost
; 9
:Per front foot of s,-.id paver a3cerfing to the'eontrct entered.
; I
9into for the porforts)Fm3e of snid 9,ork enl ',,e9kint_,- staid ',Ain-eve:Jo-at, 1
'with 1. ,:. .lorsi,, d9-.tc.fl the 26th d 'y C'IS Ad.“9:97) , 1908, Ode 19110 92r ea e- ',..
arer is horoloy authorized and directed to a....9).;e. 93 in accorth9sce, with
; ..
, the provisions o f thi.3 ordllu.n3s rur 4ho p irp, .:o heroin Lanti 599.-.)d.:
; 9
• i1i0llaty Foot 9-losd)h..y..
The north slae of Lots c, to 8, i.nillus"Ivo, Block 72, .,:'LA: "A".
8 ixt._y Foot _oudwNy.
i The north s id e of Lots 5 L,,-'d C., Bler9.1; 22, ,..-ivt "3", e it L' he
; 91 City Survey, es the aewe ore ._,:r..vrrn ;Li)(,Y. -;;I:,-- u cf"ctinl .plr,1;3 0 6 ns1 d
, 1 City to a depth of t.7ert2-71 vs (22; --..nt 1)!,c1: fro.:91 993sid. ;.,treot, and
ii to c9-'79_1s c t
' 19
'9 SECTIn„S S. .if_id ta:: s'9'. 11 1908,)c~9. -..1)l 1)o- d elin1.-.9:.nt to ten equ.)91.
inst;?-119:nmto, us fellows, 19..-,;:..1.) Onc:-to ,t), 1'9-.7.9?9,f owe ;,,:n;-;-r after
the L9 approval of the urdir,o19)ce con"Irth.I19:0 ',Be 1;-rvy of ',Mt' td,.., .r.le th,
1 payment hoc sui.:h imirr.?v,--1:-,,, 1:.; o' c--t,-:,-, 11 t 1 ,-,'-," ii, ',7 u ,id,.. r:.:. after
; 9
such upprovol; onetc); 1-1-1 1;').-re99`9' in L' - „,,,-.)0- 9: tr : B ;....L.,1:9'8val.
; 9 u-Ge--t.. F1.1-: t" c of ''.'; r`• 1-.. j-WI' , ' '''..,'"' r11,7,3, :-. r,,?F"I.; '..),j,-t,-;,1'1 thOra-
i :I Of it five ,,,-)or.:-; ;9f!,-; :. ,, . 19. 91.9.27-9.94,;.- e; 9.;;; el_ ;9 ", 9l., .•.-9J f . 'al.., yo;9r,
!9 e,ftsi99 si..;:,:b ,,..,),.9.ro..< 1; o'':.;-' -19. 9: 9, ' - iL, ..: • ) ,,,,:...r.) t"or ... :IL at.
I!) -... *,:99't „,. r ) :_ r'l' ' •-- i:b L...,...p.',.... 1; one.-
of i 4.,;_--,n :;`,:..1!,-_, 3 F't,r ...1... L:.,:... ,-.-,k, .2... orr, 0": L:.;:,,-,-* .)' . .i. - . , ,
tow LI: -", .0', :' :,,-'-', ,,-; bt_,2,1r?, t. - :_i_t,, ,,
1 -3-
approval of the Or3iale, con7irmin,7 the levy 07 the t .x. 01W
Inor install7nef.ts, or t-7,. whole spacii Lax ..1 -y on paid on t day
any instfalment J.,ecomes due by p,ying te nr,onit IrT,oreof aid int .res
to date of paymant. Each of s&13 installne 1-311 be,r interest
at th ate of six (6hper cent per anum fror, the date of tbe Z.1.1):YQ
1 pr ', ordinance _o , rminE: tl levy 377 said taxiinti4itho ti,tte
rr, I'. •
1 ( Oftjay ciaehey, and 0 , ., (6)47cent per 41,J:twig/A delivuency
c' L4 ' ' ' •1 LC. ;-1 z
3. ThiARor.iince 41n11 tskc o7feam4 '0,,.,a4irovsl:
' 0
ez Pt;ir(i)xtension iTc. Loi?,:-i t' 1 'T-t•r-t-1, .
, 1,- .,,- - ,,, 11 0%
' if ja K '...'2719A-1&74(--OCLA:
I 64
I Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,
iingust 17, 1908, and referred to the Mayor for his approval.
City Recorder.
• A-e;--7- ------ i
. I
Approved this42L day of August, 1908.
f , ,
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