99 of 1911 - Ordinance 99 of 1911 – Sewer Extension No. 292, First & Final Estimate. AN 0k D I NAD CE .
An ordinance levying a tax and for to assessment of property
on both sides of Pacific Court between First West and Second West
Streets, in Sewer District igo. 1, for the construction of n sewer.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lele City, Utah:
SLCTIOYT 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafte.
described, in Sewer District Do. 1, for the construction of a sewer,
In Lots 2 and 3, Block 132, Plat "A", abutting on both :;ides
of Pacific Court between First 'West and second West Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing; a
vitrified pipe sewer eight (8) inches in diameter upon the portion
of said street opposite the property hereisbefore and sereincfter
described to be especially affected and benefited by said improve-
ment, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established thr.t
maid property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amou t
of the tax hereby levied, and said percels of land are hereby assee:ed.
at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot
frontage upon said portion of said street fronting, upon and to a
depth of twenty-five (25 feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby
levied and to be assessed upon said percale of lend is four hundred
seven and 88/100 (y407.88) dollars, or 98048U8/10,0 0,U00
(.y0.98014809) dodders per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 416 feet of abutti"L; property within the bounderioc of
the lots, block and street above mentioned in sail district, which
is the total cost and cost per Cron foot of said sewer, ea,ccordinE
to the contract entered into for the rerform:.r.cs of said cork and
aalin55 solid iyfprovement, with J. '. Johnson, dated the 18th dray of
ugust, 1911, and the Tresaurer is hereby authorised and directed
to assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for
he purpose herein mentioned:
The west side of the south 141 feet of the north 157 feet of
the east 145 feet of Lot 2, the west side of the north 82 feet of
the south 165 feet of the east 145 feat; of Lot 2, the eaet ::ids of
the south 153 feet of the north 165 feet of the west 145 feet of Lit
3, the north 40 feet of the south 143.5 feet of the east side of Lit
3, Block 132, Liet "A", Salt Laze City Survey, as the acme are oho n
upon the officiel plats of said city to a de.;th of twenty-five (25
feet back from said street, and to collect said. tax.
S CTIOL 2. Oald.tax aliall become and be dolinquont in five
equal yearly inatehl.tuents, with interest on the whole sum unpaid a
the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each in-
stallment is :due, to.-wit: Dne»fifth thereof one year after tho.,ap
grovel of the ordinance oonfirmin the levy of the tax for the pay
meat for such improvement; one—fifth thereof in bro years after su-h
approval; one-fifth thereof in three years after such opar.)val; on.-
� thereof iu four yearn after such aparov;-l; and ones-fifth the.e-
of in,five years after such approval. One or more of arli cl inata..11-
'dents, in the order in which they are payable, or the wlio1- specia
tax may be raid at nay tine within thirty days after tie approval
of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax, without interact.
In the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not beinf.
paid on the date the sane becomes due, the whole o mount of the
special tax unpaid at the time said inr;tnll;:out and iutereot are d e,
shall become due and payable, end shall droc interest at the rate of
eight per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed;
provided, ono or wore i._0talltannt;s, in the order in which they are
payable, or the whole special tax unpaid lay he p id on the day an
installment becomes due, by pra.yint: t;i aaouet thereof and interest
to said date.
oECf10L 3. Thin ordinance shall take effect upon apan:ovel.
Sewer 3mte nnion ido. 292.
b'iret and c'iru 1 l a.ti_nacte
••� �.'J N O es-,
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 23,
1911, and referred to the liayor for his a ro ya l �/)
Approved this m ay of Octo er, 1911n, Qi eeo d.r,
G�/may' .2fj,Q
r i' � Mayor.
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