99 of 1968 - Annexation, Annexing certain property located immediately west of the present City boundary line (8t ROLL CALL November 27 8 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196 Barker . . . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . Harrison riTi11 - CZ( Mn Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 698 of 1968, by Sabol and Rice, Inc., requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioners have caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unaminous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: 99 -2- Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Lincoln Village, according to the official plat thereof located in Section 14, T 1 S, R 1 West, Salt Lake i'';` Base and Meridian, and running thence east 51.5 feet; thence South 105.25 feet; thence West 51.5 feet: thence North 105.25 feet to point of beginning, including the entire width of Margaret Avenue or 1820 South Street which is directly North of your property for the full width and for the full width of this property. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Indus- trial M-1A. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and which tract of land shall be zoned as Industrial M-lA District, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. {lfl -3-- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of November, 1968. _„ TI3', , 7 • /' ' - //' '// .; t: ( (/MAYOR C �. kACY16REI DER (SEAL) BILL NO, 99 of 1968 Published December 5, 1968 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 12/13/68, for recording in the office of the County Recorder.) 99 22'70'7S0 BoaK2715 PAGE 529 Rtwordad e3 Raciu.st to �.,i,T I/7.CITY G2f,It DEC 1 6-1968 • f Q Utah 1 d-d`'J Fee Pdd$._�telAZIL TAGGARE C I R eci Sall L County, / sv. �p = Jnpr.nee /r • -Zr Ste'.rpt, Street Which is directly North of AN ORDINANCE dolur!propr erty ivll for d;lh of lull pidth AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE w • LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY AND BE IT FURTHER OR- • WHEREAS, there has been filed BRINEDole of AND ove DECLAREDdescribed the h the Cily Recorder of Sall Lake ay be,and the same hereby is,zoned City, and Petition No. 690 1 19611, by Industrial MIA, Sabot nd Rice, Inc.,requesting that AN0 RE IT FURTHER OR- She tract f land hereinafter de.oDAINI-D AND DECLARED that • scribed be taken 'thin the limits ! when this ordinance lakes effect the Salt Lake City;and said tract of land d tlIce red WHEREAS.aatheio y o petition s shall thenceforth be burin the r - signed rev laeroPoertvt a d the of the owners p fe limits of Sal!within City nd tract f land shall be zoned o of re than one-third as value t which tract ial fNf l Distract, as the II more rest tl v, a shown of ordinance provided, na all orainan- the last assessment Its,situated l e vrisdicnens, rules a tl oblige, the ERE Ahereinafter tl said bee; antl lions to' o lainiov to Sall ake WHEREAS, the the said elitioor City areor a and made errs have caused an accurate nisior applicable apertinentr to the said p t0 be surveyr certifiedp o e tract of Ian&and he streets,blocks. by cthepCity Engineer and loa bed alleys and ways f said tract shall tfh the Cily Reco:tler;and be controlled antl d by the • WHEREAS,the Boartl of Commis- Ainacnces..vies and 9ulatin ns of a d In in tha behalf, d te sin rs of Salt Lake CCity, fter ex s is of the City and said petition of said shall thenceforth be taken therein a of saidgtract o land,antl c siderin9 the standards of locations and tli5t the circumstances thereof,ov red by threes ,, pus vole of all tubers of SECTION 2. Upon the Passage of said l Board in favor leannexing this ordinance, the City recorder er of \, saidn l land Salt Lae City ISierebvakdirectedsRtol file, awithhethe should b¢ ssed annexe ordinanceSaid terri• County Recorder of Salt lake Coun- tory and the extensions of the city tv,d of the m plat above limits of Salt Cake Cilx a cordingly. mentioned, duly certified and NOW. THEREFORE, BF IT OR- knowledged, a ovided i soch DAINED NY THE BOARD OF COM s,together as a certified coov MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE olsthis Ordinance. CITY. UTAH: SECTION 0. In the on of the SECTION 1. That the city limits Boartl l Iommissionsr_.r of Salt hf S II Lakc City be.antl he s Lake City t ntl s en to ire ereby a nlarged'Lad .tende0 peace,health and Itare of the - s toe Ina the lollowlno tie- habitants of Salt Lake City that this cribed tract f land i Salt Lake CPU '. oreinance become effective i etli Beginning ately Beegi at the Northwest c SECTION 4 Tits ordinance shall ner of Lot e Lincoln Village, fake effect u its first publication. according•i the official p lal there- Passed by the Board Of Commis- of located S in Section e I e R of Sall Lakem Cil0.Utah,this I West,Salt Lake Base and Me rid- 1ltllstlav of NJ.BRACKEN EN and running thence east et, J.BRACKEN LEE. 1 968. eef; thence n�Sovth 105.25 feet; Mayo' hence West 51.5 tent: thence HERMAN J. Lily NSErd North 105,25 feet l0 noire of th 05 (SEAl.1 City Recorder Marsenetly Avenues or hrt 020 ldsouth PubBILL NU lisheed Deceniber 5.1968. (A-511 9y STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Herman J. Hogensen I, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY on the south side of Margaret Avenue or 3 820 South west from 8th West Street. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 27 196 8 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said 13th December 8 City,this._...----_._ _ day of 196 (SEAL) .•f;fi. 3 . �9`�N F . 1,i i `rs \( City Recorder ` y`•,(, 1 i' Hea" December 5 196._8 BILL NO. 99 of 144AIE`'5�),\. 99 ADM•AAA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jr ss. l.tgal Notices it j; • AN ORDINANCE D V. Ockey OF ELT LAKE CITY ._ I LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY I' 1.WHEREAS, there hasp been filed i+n I pe CNv Recorder f I+, � Iv, !Ilion No. 69c et tins l Salvo(and died,one.,convecting Ih-'11 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- th0 1 f land hereinafter eEe`e ee P°ken Ih+n Me limits rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) au Lake Glv:aI',d u WHEREAS. t?e said l netlike', 1 newspaper printed in the English language with genes-al cir- .of Iherr I pr°ono-1 di"value pi culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake .of a 1,', -IhhC +' 4anc'I re weenie* ,6Core-ib�';'..%I ' County,in the State of Utah. ehWHER1EAS. the INC said.octi °tl'r y 5 have caused n Ti ale olat°nrt' R Io be aUe eno;Gard/'ap'o Eyi m ibv Cthe city'Enaheer ehdatabe'approval; That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto vrW the AS,Ito fl e';d'Cr WHEREAS.the lco City, d,�fler ex- i sinners emeahe uon Cflsild Seine Salt Lake City Bill No 99 of 1968 fie la firm?CI land,reof,ovote lino n i the i sr c s thereof, of. —unanimous ooard"°'n Tavel members An Ordinance Extending the Limits Jid train Of land'to Sall Lake°City'6 F ana direeg Oo or,'%pw- iinedla be o see n,<masaia mrN- ory na me lea ion r meIv Lake limns t sad EF c n aE IT O9i- of Salt ace City NOW°THEREFORE D_ 17 OR. DAINEN N THE BO-rSAL OF AK CIIIISS,ONERS OF SALT .LAKE OSECTIONA 1. 'That the oily Hines: nf Salt sake City bed;and lee s -- - erebv le lir n +enaee cribedltrec lafe lalnd in Salt9Lake Be5lnnin9 atnhe Northwest co, - — — - Trc r Loot ,, I i is n i Vitla9er a to +Se Section al Plot tilerR of located in$ke B e T,S,R December Ian, Sari running thence Base one test 515 was published in said newspaper on 5� 1y68 i thence thence, S1VSn fecei:25 NOOSE NI sth lec;SElr Seine eat of iota inf �a tl el Avenue or alb Saufh..I --"-_ YYStreet rDInCTA is directly North of a ntl`br0The full Iwidg otfCrib o oo. ' L/L IANO HE IT FURTHER OR. OAINEDANDeECLARrbthat e Whole llh described —_—�-- -__ //i / I,ys be,and.Ilte same hereby is,coned l ` /�(L - Indusle8 Mir Y I AND BE IT FURTHER OR H,Xln the rce�an°Etauesaet°c, . Legal Advertising Clerk Iap&I tract f Iona above described 'OUri I hm�ts of e' a se me o which boot or°ioSett l snail ee nr..1;' IndusfrlaI M-IA DiOIl,OI, v Ire Oldl nano,n vidOd,and a oir°linan I t Iisddlcllons. ry s ai 5 pbll<la. • >'CPohc'able e or°`°iin et°"rit,c'°`'idj to before me this 6th _._ day of 'I'.,of tend,and then itreila'c blocks, >,$ real oiled°;Yid ee eve le 68 O'oidiomoos,rules and v eitulalilons oft A D 19 n saw city.]in of .he behaiff, ,RI Illy-- --- - jl,hall e,,iid cisrl of tie locationsli c.ld'md s- 1 t StCT ON U t f >Z t h' L INN ddh 'r I!h 1 1 id% 1 fl h-Ihc 1Cul R tle f5IILk G /r -..., - + llty,. m of the n r plat hovel menli°nod, duly certified and a `oval,l00d. ay yea n Scott Notary Public +000:ncr w;fh a ccrlil ice c°nY� O5 Il�ir DrdiianCl. flora VIN Ir the rain n of lies r Col In srcnrors°ol Sac qce,lira i+ll Isd ne Itzrc`of the I ne� aEllams o Sall Lake Clty+m�,his l'a ace become ellective d,.l a CTION .1. This Drain Vice shall .a .Inert u ue Nrst n mmah°n. SSlIonnaased bv,lhe mold CO Commis.li ?7TIFACof oI Novcmbel'i0„1.Hoh,this J.BRACKEN LEE, I-i) Mnv°r 1l RMAN J. IIOG ENSEN. !SEAL] Cite Rec Order I Pul)BILL N0.9e of IbeB IlUied December 5,1968- IA.617 G tla