110 of 1910 - THAT THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS BE DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH WORK ON CONSTRUCTION OF BARGE FOR DREDGE r11P Imm f"F 0 REECLUTION. Whereas the Board of Public Works of this city has advertised twice for bids for the construction of a barge for the amine owned by the city and. that in response to the first advertiaer:ent no bide were received,and that in reaponce to the second advertisement one bid was received' and thlt by Silver- Ero's Iron Works, the amount of which bid was w7885,10, and Whereas the City Engineer of this city has prepared and presented to the city council of this city plane and specification: for said barge and made 'rig estimate of the coats thereof at the euri of a660,00, and Whereas the Board of Public Works has presented a contract with said Silver Brea Iron Works for the stm aforesaid to the city ccutcil, which contract has been rejected by said council and being too high, and because the contract price for said barge is to greatly in excess of the estimate of the city engineer aforesaid. and Whereas in the opinion of the city council it is necessary that said barge be constructed as soon as possible, and that further advertisement for bids would not result any more favorably than in the past, row Therefore, Bs it Resolved that the Board of Public Works be and it is hereby directed to proceed to at once construct such barge according to the plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and at a cost not to exceed the sum of Y5G60,00.