1 of 1910 - ADOPTING AND APPROVING MAPS AND SURVEYS OF RESERVOIR SITES EMBRACING LAKES PHOEBE, MARY MARTHA, CATH - - Resolution No. I I• • Councilman FERRY _ .opting and approving maps_& Isurveys of reservoir sites embrow 2ng Lakes Phoebe,Ma ry„Mart ha, •gtherine and Twin Lakes and authorizing Mayor and 2ecor& joimosiiii earthy same -_ READ AND ADOPTED., • - J ,, a ., , „ - I ' 1,7LT Li . tofore acquiree certain rights fr,m . - 7. 3. Cole to reservoir sites in Eig,CottowooL, C nyen., ie the intention of sold City to perfect its rb, ,to i],eroto, one to utilize said sites by con- - structi imf,cucai u, h., . cr.Das te natural outlet channels Lnereof, for t,'e storidc, ,Toter therein Is part of the City's ,7,1.e, Cottonwood wster suoly system, no the City Lncineer of C. Luke City hoe in pursuance of iCe City's 'purpose no authority of its Ii.ayor no City Couscil, mace occurute sur,TE.ys ot Gado reservoir sites, whien embrce Lukes Phoebe, hey, murtha, Catnerine and the Twin Lukes, situated near the LeoU of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Solt Lake County, Stote of Utun, in Townz:hips C ind B South, Range 3 12.-t of the Sc-t Loke Leriaion, und hos prepared a map -,ci field n tee, widen acau 'etely represent such surveys, ono the said tan no field notes, auly verified by him rave been submitted to the City COUACil of Salt Lake City for approval; 1,f0 Th.E=OKE, IT Ia Rf.,2C1V .D by the City Council of Salt Luke City, tint the s,de surveys, map ann fiele notes us prepL.red, verified aria su'emittea by stia City Engineer s aforesoid, entitled "Lop of reservoir sites in Big Cotton- wood Canyon, including Lakes Phoebe, Lary, Lortno, Catnerine and Twin Lakes, Suit Lake County, 1909,” and tide reservoirs represented on sada mo-p, be to; the same ore hereby approved ono adopted us accurste represe..tutions of the surveys of said reservoirs, which were made unuer authority of said seat Lake City, and the said reservoirs ore hereby aaopted, the definite location of said reservoirs being os follows: Lakes Phoebe ond Lady reservoirs, 21.90 acres, the initi- 2. .l point of the survey of which 'errs S. 0° , 57, 10" E. 3569.5 feet distant; Take Martha reservoir, 11.47 acres, the initial jj point of the survey of chic bears S. 10° ,21',50" W. 5141.30 feet distant; Lake Catherine 12.83 acres, the initial point of „urvey of• ,aic_^. beers S. 8° , 35' , 19" W. 6S57.72 feet uist.;;,t; Twin lakes reservoir, 31.20 acres, the initial point of the survey of which bears S. 72° 38' , 00" W. 2235.50 feet distant, all fro_a the Southwest Corner of hhe 1'orthv.'eat Quarter of Section 35, Township _. South, Re age I East of the Ssit Lake a Ease and 1-•erir.ian, c.ria embraces a total a.reo of 77.4C acres; that saia described reservoir of/es .se deaireu for the .,min purpose o sucplyiag the irha art: ate of Salt Lake City with water for culinary and other domestic and ❑,unicipal purposes; A11i IT IS lURTlibR RESOLVED, that the bayor ana City Recorder of Salt Lake City, he cnn they are hereby authorized vo,„ directed to make a certificate on Coin map in the fora: re- , quirea by law anu the rules ann regulations promulgated there- under, arc., Llso to execute rnd file in the United States L :au Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, with said map eon field notes, a written application for said reservoir sites under the Lots of Congress provioing therefor,togetnor with such stipulation therein as may be required by law or the rules a_na regula.tichs of saia lard office relating thereto, and in the name of said city to coke, execute ano deliver such ix>r_d i.s ..iLy be required by the s.:..e, all of which shall be attested by the corpor- • ate seal of Salt Lake City; a.nu the Inyor is authorized <.:;d requestea to take all necessary action to secure t:ie raid reser- voir sites to the City, wi ti: all necessary ease..:ents, ri3:ats of way and privileges pertaini;i thereto; and that this reso- lution be spread at large upon the minutes of this Council. Pa, by. the City Cou.1. 1 cf Slt Lake City, Jlary A. D., 1910. President of the Ci y Cou.n, 1 of 9f?Lr.ke City. JLIIIFLry /49_ 1910. 17e;'