By Councilman FEIRY
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fhU=RI-0, S; it Lake City has heretofore ecquirec certain
rir'i_ts f'ror:. T. i- . Traaas and H. P. Cole to reservoir sites in
Big Cottonwood C:-srynn, uiici i u is the intention of said City to
perfect its rig,,ts thereto, ::nna to utilize said sites by con-
strii: tint' it_;ou,_ az,1,s ...._O:'a the as ?:?:loturl oul:Let .,_.un..els
tr_erPof, for tT n+r:•poe.e o aloriug vn..tar tr.e ei:, part of
,e City's .:AL Cottonwood w.c ter supply syste:,, +.ad
71;I1;1Bi C, the City Lnt;ineer of S?It L...ce City nas in
pursuance _f t':e City's purpose : rid by ,ut:a rity oi its
,flu City Coui:oil, tecurate surveys of sa.ic reservoir sites,
e...rr. ce Lakes Phoebe, L.. y, -u rt n , C;.ti.erir:e , r:d the
Twin Lakes, situated no r the need of Big Cottonwoau Canyon,
S: lt L:ke County, State of Ut:'__, in To •_isnips 2 -Id Sou;:..,
Binge I East of the Suit Lake I.-eridian, r..nu has prepared a
man : nd field .a tee, t.aicls so:u ctely represent cut_•_ surveys,
raidsac said :.Ian field notes, only vcrsfiod by i'a.n nave
been s.ibaittea to the City Cou:cif of Sit L-ke City for
`BC`', nEr "CPJ , IT I: 1:1,:,u1ti rJ by the City Co i,ruil of
S�It Luke City, t"rrst, the s' id surveys, sap Lnu field. notes
Ls prepared, verified end subisitted by s Ia City• ,ineer
s aforesaid, entitled "hip of reservoir sites in Bid Cotton-
, noon- Canyon, including Lukes Proebe, dory, ..;rt:;r, Catneri;:e
card Twin L..kes, S:.it Lake County, 1909," sno t,�e reservoirs
represented on sa.iu ..:gip, be :-.-is t1_e .,,...:e are hereby Lp.,sroveo
ape c.d.opted as i ccuriate represe.-t:.tio:Is of the surveys of
said reservoirs, wndch were ::,sue unuer authority of said
Salt Lake City, and the said reservoirs are hereby enoptea,
e definite location o_ said reservoirs -being zs follows:
7 kes Phoebe :I'd Lary reservoirs, C1.90 acres, the iriti-
go- _
al point of the survey of which ears S. 0° , 07' 10" E. I569.b
feet distont; Eake bertha reservoir, 11.47 acres, the initial
point of the survey of which ',Dears S. 10° ,211 ,b0" W. sla41.:O0
fet disnhit; Loke Catherine 12.83 ocres, tne initial poiht of
the survey of which bears S. a :51 , 19" w. C.U5';.72 feet
aistbnt; Twin lokes reservoir, :A..20 cores, the initial point
of the survey of which hears S. 71!; I81 , 00" W. 22;3.50 feet
oishant, all free; the Southwest Corner of cYorthwest quarter
of Section 10, Township 2 South, Ra;ie I East of he Shit Lake
Base and 1-erician, Loa e-h'crtces a totel area of 77.40 acres;
that saic described rcservoir sies are cenirea for the ee...in
purpose c supplying the inhait: I:ts of Salt Lake City with
water for culinary no other col.lestic and TAunicipol purposes;
ill 12 1UZ;ThER RESOLVED, thot the Itayor ane City
Rtorder of Salt Lake City, to Lnu they are herCoy autaorized
:Th... directed to 1.eke a certificate on seic Ela.p in the fonn re-
quired by low ana the rules ana regulations promultteci. there-
under, La.-la tlso to execute :end file in the Unite States .Lnd
Office rt Salt Lahae City, Utah, with said olap tha field notes,
b written application for stir reservoir sites uhder the hots
of Cohgress provioih,g therefor,toLetn(r with such stipultion
therein as may 'Sc, recuired low or tne rules anu regul.htia.:s
of said lallu office relatig thereto, Luc, in the na.a,e of said
city to note, execute bno celiver soon Go 10 1.0 hay be requiree
Cy the t-ene, all of which shall be attested by the corpor-
ote seal of Solt Leke City; no the ltayor is outhorizec and
requesteC to toke all necessary action to secure the said reser-
voir sites to the City, '-'Ito all neceseary eose.::ents, rights
of say ond privileges pertaihig thereto; anu that this reso-
lution be spread at large upon one Ldnutcs of this Cothicil.
Va* 1111111M11111111mm
Pa by, the City Cou:.kil cf S1t L:..ke City,
D., 1910.
Ii7eViTe7T, of the Ci y Couc, 3. 07
ke City.
.110VPD: Jz.nuz 7/9 3.910.