1 of 1914 - A resolution designating Commissioners to various departments. REMARKS: Resolution Nal-- V : .... .1, T 2 T':'' fly Commissioner u'iorris. 1 - . Designating Commissioners to !I, .. . various departments. 1! 1 . * I 4 READ AND. ADOPTED ' 1, CITY RECORDER. 1 1! 1 1 ' ,a; 111 , I : ; $ irt ----- - • ______• ROLL CALL „,..o,...<,„..,,.,.. voTJNc �rax 1 2• Ba'Ct� ce its;.Utah.. S> .. .5th ' i.. 4 I move that raeoluoi � IQo ...: by Mr ... . be adopted. r �ryrt�mra= rcc+xy� ROLL CALL ‘,0 VOTING Yea No a Salt Lake City,Utah, C54 191 0, Shearman Welk alf\j/4442 101/ Lawrence Morris "" P Mr.Chairman Result lact,4c. • the ar of loners of Salt Lake City,Utah, N 191 ... -....--- City Recorder. MAYOF ROLL CALL VOWING Yes No 5 ., Salt Lake City,Utah, 146 Shearman' /1 Wells , A ' ...V, .c , (I i Lawrence At ..4...,4 frit A(„7 . V ' . r,/,....1 ••••-e- Ct.t.A A Morris 110"/ .r: Mr.Chairman ,' I(e (.1.., ,(.... 11-t ' ('.., Result r it-( i k 7`-•''' C1/5A1 t"If ".1 ill 1g4tut //a 26 Pass he Bo. d Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, .11.N. —."; 19.1_4 ,--Lli.92D City Recorder. / ,..... ROLL CALL I VOTING Yes No IA , Bait Lake City,utaa, PN --,-; 1.9.14 , 191, -g. Shearman ! r--, WeIls , I i Lawrence . o - - Mrris I/ *-Itical tir_AtALZ--- Mr.Chairman Result • • asset), he Board I Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, 0•en N ''7 1914 , isi „ ..,,e City R.corder. Mayor ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No 4 Salt Lake City,Utah, .191.4 pai I Shearman k/ Wells ) NAAR/ titlAk Lawrence V , ' 10/ i SL Morris 7 mAAkk/vvtimtio_m:,441u- 4" "a A4 Mr.Chairman ILLResult etimio:4/044.11/4„41i /....., tti / 414144,./14\ '1/4 . aittokwito Ofrt,./IMAAW. . ed b he oard of C issioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, J L914 , 191 City Recorder. Mayer ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No ...?... .. Salt Lake City,Utah, J4N --r, 1914 , 191„„„., 1...." Shearman -----17— Wells Lawrence I akina ltr R(A411/11 (lO Morris 1 g....004441,41_ k efitti lia._ ki (4.41 Mr.Chairman- i Result ouisiurizi,( v 4., ItiAltaki *i'M f-- q;14thitt \itItti"thl •:;:ed by the •:if.rd of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,._____:J._ --f." 1914 / / e i • /fatitiy1.____, City Recorder.s , < ROLL CALL ^°° •^°°•e°a• \ VOTING Yes No 1 Salt Lake City,Utah,.....__.._..__...........__.__._..._.._.._.._191 Shearman ___ Wells I move that the allotment of Departments Lawrence be made separately and in their Statutory ✓ Morris order, that is to say; Mr.chairman - First Public Affairs & Finance Second Water Supply & Waterworks Basalt Tpird Public Safety Fourth Streets & Public Improvements Fifth 1 .PlirkS & Public Property - ,A1\1\4t4q ass y the a f Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,......._.. v , 191 1 City Recorder. - Mayor RESOLUTIO• N. WHEREAS, at the municipal election in the year 1911, Henry W. Lawrence, Richard P. _Sorris, and Samuel C. Park, were elected Commissioners of Salt Lake City for the term of four year-, and George D. Keyser and W. H. Korns were elected such Commission ers for the term of two years; and WHEREAS, at the municipal election in the year 1913, W. H. Shearman and Heber LI. Wells were elected Commissioners of Salt Lake City for the term of four years; and WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 201 of the Laws of Uta., 1911, that at the first regular meeting after the election of its members the Board of Commissioners shall designate by a majority vote: one to be superintendent of the department of Public Affairs and Finance; one to be superintendent of the department of Water Supply and Water-Works; one to be superintendent of the department of Public Safety; one to be superintendent of the department of Streets and Public Improvements, and one to be superintendent of the department of Parks and Public Property; and WHEREAS, by an ordinance duly passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, the same being Sections 898, 899 - 900, 901 and 902 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, it was provided that the superintendent of each statutory department should be designated as the Commissioner of said de- partment; and FHE:2EAS, this being the first regular meeting of the - Board of Commissioners_ofSalt_Lakc City__after the election of 1913: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 7h 1. That Commissioner Henry Lawrence be, and he is hereby A designated and declared to be Commissid,ner of the department of Public Affairs and Finance; li 2. That Commissioner 4. H. Shearman be, and he is hereby ) designated and declared to be Commissioner of the department of Water Supply and dater Works; 3. That Mayor and Commissioner Samuel C. Park be, and he is hereby designated and declared to be Commissioner of the depart- ( ment of Public Safety; 4. That Commissioner Richard P. Morris be, and he is hereby designated and declared to be Commissioner of the depart- meet of Streets and Public Improvements; 5. That Commissioner Reber M. Wells, he, and he is here- by designated and declared to be Commissional of the department of Parks and Public Property; 6. That each of said Commissioners shall have general charge and superintendence of the department assigned to him, subject always, however, to the control of the Board of Commissioners as IIa whole; that each of said Commissioners in the administration of the department to him assigned, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah and the ordinances of Salt Lake City pertaining thereto. T.A o.r Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January , 1914. 1 City .ecor er. yor.