1 of 1922 - A resolution expressing appreciation for gift of Wandamere Park by the Honorable Charles W. Nibley. REMARKS: I s
Resolution No.
A : ..By Commissioner Neelen......
1 a
4 !!„.pressing appreciation for
1'� aift...or Wandamera Park.by
the Hon C. W. Nibley.
t i JAP; 'F=1922 Y
3 i
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VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, January 9, ,1922•
I move that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairman V
WHEREAS, for the uruoce of making a public gift to Salt Lake
City, a Municipal Cor;.!ora.tion of the State of Utah, and for the main-
taining of a public golf course and recreation ground in connection
therewith, the Honorable Charles P. Nibley of Salt Lake City has donated
and conveyed unto Salt Lake City the following real estate situate in
Salt Lake County, State of Utah, to-wit:
All of Lois Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10) and
Eleven (11) and the following described portions of Lots
Seven (7) and Twelve (12) in Block Thirty (30), Ten Acre
Plat "A", Big Field Survey, -to-.At:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot Twelve
(12); running thence West Thirteen Hundred Fourteen and one-
half (1314.5) feet; thence South Thirty-three (33) feet;
thence East Thirteen Hundred Fourteen and one-half (1314.5)
feet to the Pest line of 7th East Street; thence North Thirty-
three (33) feet to beginning.
Commencing at a -point Thirty-three (33) feet South
and Nine Hundred Ninety-nine and one-half (9.99.5) feet .Jest
from the Northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12), Block Thirty
(30) aforesaid; running thence South Two hundred Fifty-four
and one tenths (254.1) feet; thence East Two hundred Forty
and one-half (240.5) feet to the East line of Lot Seven (7)
of Block Thirty (30) aforesaid; thence South Two Hundred Eighty-
seven and one tenths (287.1) feet to the Southeast corner of
said Lot Seven (7); thence Pest Five Hundred Fifty-five and
one-half (555.5) feet; thence North Five Hundred Forty-one and
two tenths (541.2) feet; thence East Three Hundred Fifteen
(315) feet to the place of beginning, containing 5.6 acres, more
_ ®r less
Together with and subject to a right of way over and
across the following described land: Commencing at a point
Two Hundred Eighty-seven and one-tenth (287.1) feet South of
the hortheast corner of said Lot Twelve (12) and running thence
West Nine Hundred Ninety-nine and one-half (999.5) feet; thence
South Thirty-three (33) feet; thence East Nine Hundred Ninety-
nine and one-half (999.5) feet; thence North Thirty-three (33)
feet; to the place of beginning.
Also the following described tract of land commenc-
ing at the Northwest corner of Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty (30),
Ten .Acre Slat "A" and running thence West Sixty-six feet; thence
South Eleven Hundred Fifty-eight and four-tenths (1158.4) feet
to a point due 'West of the Couth .lest corner of Lot Eight
(8), Block Thirty (30) aforesaid; thence East Sixty-six
(66) feet to the Southwest corner of Lot Eight (8) afore-
said; thence _dorth Eleven Hundred Fifty-eight and four
tenths (1158.4) feet to the place of beginning,.
Tos_ether with any and all water rights rppendent
or abp rteninnt thereto or used :and enjoyed in connection
with the ownership of raid land, and
WHEREAS, the park described above has been endeared to
the heart; of the 2eo2le of Salt La-Se City ...rc_ vicinity because
of having been,from the earliest days of the settlement of this
connrwity by the pioneers, used as a place of recreation and
amusement r:nder the name of, first, Calder's :earl:, and later,
Wandamere, and
+THEbEAS there is urgent need at the present time for
the openir:,s of a municipal .solf course to be used by all members
of the _ublic, _nd-the groun6s thus conveyed are most beautifully
situated for molf course ourooces.
S:O i TKE.JEFO_iS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board or Commission-
ers of ,nit Lake City, Utah, that the aforesaid most generous
sift by honorable Charles N. i;ibley, be accepted on behalf of halt
Lake City, a munici gal corporation and also on behalf of the in-
habitents. thereof, and
BE IT FUblhJh _RESOLVED that the gratitude of the people
of Salt Lake City is hereby expressed to the ;aid donor for his
handsome and enduring sift, and
BE I'S 2U:w;i,st RESOLVED that in order to fittiii:l - arid
properly hold in public remembrance the name of said donor and
that he may be remembered by future generations for his splendid
patriotism, ;generosity and public spirit, that the said grounds
thus conveyed to Salt Lake City shall, at all times hereafter, be
known as:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the acceptance of said
property and with the intention of carrying out the purposes of
the said donor in rjakin_g said conveyance, the property above
described is hereby dedicated and set apart as a public park for-
ever for the use and purpose of a public golf course and public
purposes and uses for recreation and pleasure in connection with
golf and not in conflict or interference therewith, and said.
halt Lake City hereby pledges itself to suitably keep and maintain
said yrropert�r "or said use and aoripose and agrees that it will
not exact any charge or admission fee for the use or enjoyment
thereof by the public e-:cept a r,ere nominal green fee or charge
and th::.t .,:_.id park shall be ..aint tined and held open to the public
for the said uses and purposes during all seasons of the year, and
B IT. ='U..TIL i hp,.-OLT11) that the city recorder is hereby
directs , to -Pile said deed for record in the office of the county
recorder of halt Lake County and to present a certified copy of
this resolution to honorable Charles .1. Libley, the said donor.
In t :e opinion of the Board of Commissioners of halt 0
Lake fit:r, Utah, it is necessary for the peace, health, welfare
1 and safety of the inhabitants of said city that this resolution
become effective immediately-.
This resolution shall become effective upon its passage.
14'/%7 iyiv, ,//-lam /.
h'a:;sed bye the Board of ommisa:,ioners of Salt Lake City,
Uts„_', tkic 9th day of Jcnuar^ D., 1922.
,--7. a ror
City .recorder.
1 -3-