1 of 1928 - A resolution authorizing and instructing City Attorney to bring condemnation suit to acquire portion REMARKS: nz I' Resolution No. I- BY Commissioner..._...._1doraZt'__.._......................._.._.._ = j Authorizing and instructing City Attorney to bring conde'II nation suit to acquire portion of property of Orran Lavan and Eliza Bernice Kilgrow. in Sec. 15, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. Fi! �. together with 50 ft. on ead' side of said property conta.inil: 3.42 acres necessary to reliev•i drainage in this section. 1 � I i;3 ..,,;,,i„$IJIIQ75 AND PASSED JAN 251928 ?ozC ,06010,74,014 cilY RECORDER I I Burton Fehr I move that the resolution be adopted. Finch if Moran Mr.Chairman - - - V Result RESOLUTION iF 1 .A5, salt Lake Jity, for its own purposes connected with problems of drainage and in order to provide drainage relief for streets and lands within the limits of :,alt dale 31ty and to promote the general health and welfare, is engaged in the construc- tion of a certain drain canal and drainage works and particularly that certain canal called the est Drainage ',anal which is intended to be constructed from point a short distance south of the common tection corners of 0'ections 15 and 16, Township 1 Lorth, .,ange 1 .lest, belt Lake ,.eridian, and in a northwesterly direction to the main drainage canal originating east of the Jordan river and thence in a northwesterly direction to the Greet c.elt Lake; and .- , it is hereby declared to be necessary and in the interest of the general health 0nd welfare of the public and for the purpose of completing said drainage canals and drainage works that the city acquire a right of way over and across the property of Orran Lavan kkilarow and f:liza Pernice ialgrow, his wife. .. .;i?_; 03s, ._d, Ii 33t;0LVED that the dity ttorney be and he is hereby instructed and directed to bring condemnation suit to acquire that portion of property of said Orran Lavan rlilgrow and Eliza Bernice :iilgrow, his wife, hereinafter described, and it is hereby declared to be necessary to the general health ,,,nd welfare of the public and for the use and purpose of the city hereinbefore set forth to aci-uire title to said land for the construction and maintenance of said drainage canal as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 1273.75 feet north and 10.3 feet L. 87` 30' from the v., corner of :sec. 15, P. 1 L., R.. 1 J., .:tilt Lake rase and Meridian, running thence along a curve to the left, radius 1146.3 feet, whose tangent bears . 3' 45' 1. a distance of 110.9 feet, thence 1` 45' 1375.7 feet; o-nether with 50 feet on each side of above de- scribed center line, cont,.ining .5.42 acres more or less. In the opinion of the 3oard of 3o1raiesioners, it is necessary to the peace, health ,.nd safety of the inhabitants of ealt ye;_e ;ity that this resolution shall ta._e 'ect icon its passage. Phis resolution shall ta._e of cct upon its cossage. 2asned by the osrd of )os issioners of .alt _sse ,ity, Utah, this _ day of .d. 192d. "..1 y _.ecorde:.