1 of 1946 - A resolution regarding hangar space at Airport No. 1. Resolution No i By Mayor Glade COMMISSIONER Re. hangar space at Airport #1. Presented to thr lattl of Coriemkriawr AND PASSED MAR 141946 it C- R . 103 ROLL CALL • VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah; March 13 19f6 I 4' o lima* -Afflecic - I.,- I move that th r Sol n e passed. kker•exx -Ma the s on - tokodadeciikeackie ' -- t'latitelcm T e d e s c o ' vi•-•''' ' —Th EVMr.Chairman - . .1 \ -------- y' - Tick ,;H_._P:..,a, an application has been wade for an e;:clueive franchise to .,:prate and conduct all comaerciaf f_jlug at the .,a1t Lake .unicipal .ir— por.; and .,.-..10xh, the Board of Co.. :issioncrs of gait Lake City are opposed to Eranting such an eaciu;.ive franchise but are desirous of havin maintained and operated at said airport adequate and :proper facilities for comcercicl flair and ,h .,l_.5, it has been made to appear that unless proper and etuitable regulations and conditions are imposed upon persons engaged in commercial flying; activities at said airport toe cnaracter, quality, nuaatity and degree ' of the service rendered will be impaired and the lives and .property of the public jeopardized and endangered. PE IT APSCUdD, that no person, firm, partnep5nip or corporation shall engage or be ner;ritted to en ae in or conduct", or from said airport t::e business of commercial flying without first .e'osiplying with all of the following regulations, qualifications and conditions, viz: 1. kaintain adequate hangar space for the storing and servicing of airplanes. 2. :Furnish and have ready to serve efficient and properly licensed aircraft pilots and mechanics. • 5. u.n or control an invested capitol as said airport in hangers, shop eyuipaent, tools, oil and gasoline tangs and ,wraps, and other necessary ground enuipment, exclusive of airships, of a value of not less than •40,000.00, it being understood that the activities of united utates Government are exe::.ptea from the term of this resolution. 4. r'urnish and nave available for commercial service lice:;zed aircraft. IT fikah.,h APStLVds that for the purposes of this resolution cotasercial flying shall be deuced to include: i. Transporting passengers by aircraft; training student pilots or :aechaaics, makinE air flights for recnnnaisawn„pnoto__raphic, advertising.: exhibition or other cormnercial purposes; renting han_ar space for the storage of aircraft; renting; of aircraft; operating repair shop; furnishing mechanics or pilots service and servicing aircraft and aircraft engines all for hire or other remuneration. 2. Selling Gasoline, oil and parts for aircraft and aircraft engines.' Commercial flying for the purpose of this resolution shall be deemed • not to include: 1. Aircraft common carriers, operatinn over established routes on regular schedules with regular stops at oalt Lake City. 2. Demonstrating only for the purpose of the sale o" completely assend led airplanes. finis resolution shall take effect upon its ptio am'� .. G gassed by the oard of uormiaisg'oners S t e City ttah, this 14th day o£ March • 946! &Wilt) C‘?..:7 City riecorder i