1 of 1950 - A resolution directing the Superintendent of Waterworks of Salt Lake City to enforce all the ordinan V
Resolution No.
B B. E. Lingenfelter
Directing the Sup't. of Water-
works of Salt Lake City to en-
force all the ordinances of
Salt Lake City regarding the
duties, standards and regula-
tions for the preservation of
public safety and health within
the water shed area of said Cit;
and to call attention of the
Health Connn'r. to any omission
or violation of said duties.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
FEB - i i950
Form 101 200 1-s6
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the resolution be adopted.
RP, ehf Biter' 4//
desco 1
Mr.Chairman . .
UHtHLAS, the 'revised Ordinances of halt Lake 'City,
Utah, 19;A, rrovide for and nrescri.be ditties, standards and re-
pulati.ons for the preservation of the cebi.ic sefet - and :public
health within the water shed urea of Salt Lake %ity; and
, tLPAS, the said ordinances further provide that said
duties, standards acid re:ula.t'orc as orcscribed shall be enforced
and performed in part by both the So-?eri_ntendent of hater :arks
and the Health idormissioner of the Hoard of Health of said tits;
.;. .H :AS, in the supervision of the said ci_ty's water
sheds by the bitrerintendent of iater ..orks he is placed in closer
contact with any violations or omissions by persons of the pre-
scribed duties, standards and re:rulati_ons above referred to.
PE IT dhbY IlESOLVID by the Hoard of
Commissioners of Galt Le27e .ity, Utah, that the Superintendent of
hater horks of Salt Lake fifty be thaw cf with the duty of the rigid
enforcement of all of the ordinances of alt Lake Utah,
as amended, with reference to the duties, standards and rer-ollations
ordained thew in for the preservation of the public safety and
cd)lir health rfth a the water shed arca of eialt Lake . '+' -
than the immediate attention of the Health Joy^..__.,..Loner be. called
by said Superintendent to any infraction, omission or violation
of the said duties, standards or re ;ulations above referred to
which by ordinance regolres his attention or action.
It is necessary in the °Pinion of the Hoard of dommis-
sioners for the peace, ',ealtd and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake city, Utah, that this resolution take effect uron its
oass< .
• ' I
. .
This resolution shall takezcsVe: _Por its adoption.
PaasuS, ,y the I,7,oaru. of :(-_ -2,iiasiont.:1.,s of .,alt Lake
•lJtab, I.-,h.s., 2 _ _ru a j .,
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