1 of 1959 - A resolution granting to the Utah Oil Refining Company permission to construct, lay and maintain an t cs Res tit." No. 1 aIy premteiori9r L C Romney ©ranting to the Utah Oil Refining.Company permssids� to construct, lay,afd m.rota a "to oil pipe line in, under . �) " ' and along property in``Ssa, r 23, T.1 T., Salt E- Meridian,,said Utah Ail lCei ` g Co assigning all ita ri t � title and interest in said �1: ` 1 eemeht t©.Service Pipe .ti'.. Company,.a Maiaa Corporat#,on. ' PreseMid to the Boar4 of Commieaec AND PASSED II 4 CITY.RE(,"pBpgR Ir iI 1 far i - 1f t � `.*ice c F k"r•` F.�I 4 r t,g 4 --', y r ' I C s 3a RESOLUTION IitilflAS, by agreement dated October 6, 3953, Salt Lake City granted to Utah Oil **fining Company permission to construct, lay and maintain an oil pipe line in, under and along certain land situate in Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Salt Lake County, Utah, and YEAS, Utah Oil defining Company has assigned all its right, title and interest in said agreement to Service Pipe Line Company, a Maine Corporation, by assignment dated June 1, 19571 and WI EREA3, Utah Oil defining Company and Service Pipe Line Company desire the approval of said assignment by salt Lake City. NOW, TlIEaORE, ad IT REIOLVID NY TWZ HOARD Op c0ssNISSIONERu 0S SALT LASCU CITY, UM: That the assignment of said agreement dated October 6, 1953, to Service Pipe Line Company be, and the same is hereby approved. Passed by the board of Cemmissionera of Salt Lake City, Utah this 8th day of January, l9 9. z j ,;.-e Q. 6 ATTUT! II Ng .i l 441i iI RESOLUTION WHEREAS, by agreement dated October 6, 1953, Salt Lake City granted to Utah Oil Refining Company peraiasion to construct, lay and maintain an oil pipe line in, under and along certain land situate in Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Salt Lake County, Utah$ and WHEREAS, Utah Oil Refining Company has assigned all its right, title and interest in said agrees sent to Service Pipe Line Company, a Maine Corporation, by assignment dated June 1, 1957; and Wh EREAS, Utah 011 Refining Company and Service Pipe Line Company desire the approval of said aasignment by Salt Lake City. NOW, THERIPORE, BE IT RESOLVED Ex TES BOARD OP COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LASE CITY, OATS: That the assignment of said agreauant dated October 6, 1953, to Service Pipe Line Company be, and the same is hereby approved. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this t h day of January, 1959. Adiel F. Stewart MYOR ATTEST: Herman J. Hogensen ciw Wank" RESOLUTION MIWZAS, by agreement dated October 6, 1953, Salt Lake City granted to Utah Oil Refining Company permission to construct, lay and maintain an oil pipe line in, under and along certain land situate in Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Salt Lake County, Utah; and MBBRBAS, Utah Oil Refining Company has assigned all its right, title and interest in said agreement to Service Pipe Line Company, a Maine Corporation, by assignment dated June 1, 19571 and WRIERRAS, Utah Oil Refining Company and Service Pipe Line Company desire the approval of said assignment by Salt Lake City. NOW, TKZR*PORZ, BB IT RESOLVED BY 'llti BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Or SALT LAU CITY, UAW; That the assignment of said agreement dated October 6, 1953, to Service Pipe Line Company be, and the same is hereby approved. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 8th day of January, 1959. Adisl F i•S teAd'i't'' MUTbR ATTZ3T: Herman J. Hogensen CITY R=CORDZ( RISOLUTION wimans, by agreement dated October 6, 1953, Salt Lake City granted to Utah Oil Refining Company permission to construct, lay and maintain an oil pipe line in, under and along certain land situate in Section 23, Township 1 forth. Range 1 rest, Salt Lake Meridian, Salt Lake County, Utah; and wISRMAS, Utah Oil Refining Company has assigned all its right, title and interest in said agreement to Service Pipe Line Company, a Maine Corporation, by assignment dated June 1, 1957 j and MAW, Utah 011 Refining Company and Service Pipe Line Company desire the approval of said assignment by Salt Lake City. POW, TQMIPORU, BM IT MOLY=R MT TU WARD OP COIrtIUION= OP SALT LAMM CITY, UATx, That the aesigtwat of said agreement dated October 6, 1953. to service Pipe Line Company be, and the same is hereby approved. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 8th day of January, 1959. Adiel F. Stewart nA ATTSBT, Herman J. Hogensen all mamma K .102 50 1.58 Q.P. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, , 195-`5 ✓ t VOTING Aye I Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Burbidge . . 1 Christensen . . f r / i ( (� �_ Geurts . . . . ✓ Romney . . . RESOLUTION Mr.Chairman Result . . . . KEEREA3, by agreement dated October u, 1953, Salt Lake City granted to Utah Oil defining Company permission to construct, lay and maintain an oil pipe line in, under and along certain land situate in Section 23, Township 1 North, Sane 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Salt Lake County, Utah; and ijHEREAS, Utah Oil Refinirip Company has assi5ned all its right, title and interest in said a.3reement to Service Pipe Line Company, a Maine Corporation, by assignment dated June 1, 1957; and OTIESEAS, Utah Oil hefinin:t Company and der✓ice Pipe Line Company desire the approval of said assiulraent by Salt Lake City. NOW, THEiREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UATH: That the assocosment of said agreement dated October c, 1953, to Service Pipe Line Company be, and the same is hereby approved. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 8th Utah this day of January, 1959. .--MA OR ATTEST: lfh ,,.. �/� I1,1 f---1 r..I`PY R 1, ��