1 of 1981 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP February 24. 1981 Honorable Ted L. Wilson. Mayor 380 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mayor Wilson: The Salt Lake City Council, at its meeting this day. approved your recommendation on adjustments of the 1981 Community Development Block Grant application as follows: Reduce the Jefferson Park Development activity by$85.000, from$75.000 to$10.000. Reduce the Liberty Park project by$85,000, from$150,000 to$d5,000. Reduce the Land Write-Down project by$75,000, from$1.310,000 to$1,235,000. Yours truly,- } / Acting City Rscord#rb ms CC: City Council OBMP Files Council Report 197/80 --Resolution 1/81 1 January 18, 1981 • Honorable Salt Lake City Council Palmer DePaulis, Chairman 211 City and County Building Salt Lake City. Utah Dear Ccunailmsmbers: A public hearing was hold before the Salt lake City Council on January$ and 13. 1981, to make their decision regarding the funding of Seventh Year Community Development Projects. Stephanie Laker of the Planning Department explained that the decision on the allocation of funds must be made in order that the application for the funds can be made to Housing and Urban Development in Denver, Colorado, by March 1, 19e1. The City Conseilimproved a motion by Oeeso1lmmnber illisarer that the following statement be added to the resolution being presented as Item 2- "That the Salt Labs City Council espressos its concerti with the apparent overlap of programs and possible duplication of admiastavettw costs sad requests that the Mayor review the affielancy of each administering agency" and that the Statenumte an Page 2 of the resolution be renumbered 8 through a. A first priority of the Ctty Council shall be to provide funding for over-rides from under-run costs for those projects already appropriated. Upon motion of Councilmember Stearer. approval was given for the sum of $185,000 to be taken from the Contingency Lund for Neighborhood Housing Services expansion thus reducing the Contingenwy Fund to the amount of $215.000.00. Salt lake City Council -9- January 19, 1981 The City Council accepted the priority list as proposed for the 7th Year Community Development Funding. On January e. 1981, the City Council approved Resolution No. 1 to date as amended authorising the filing of an application with the Department of Rousing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grant Assistance. The City Council in meeting this day adopted Resolution No. 1 and authorised Council Chairman Palmer DePaulia to sip:the sane. Yours truly, r! i i (0..a r.1 City Recorder ma CC: Mayor Wilson Stephanie Laker WIMP Finance Files —Resolution 1 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ASSISTANCE AS AUTHORIZED BY THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1977, PUBLIC LAW 95-128. WHEREAS, Salt Lake City has been notified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that it is eligible to participate in the Community Development Program; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Salt Lake City to apply for this Grant in order to implement its Community Development Program. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Salt Lake City Council: 1) That the following projects and programs be funded in accordance with the intent of the City Council: EMERGENCY HOME REPAIR $ 227,000 PAINT UP PROGRAM 25,000 MULTI FAMILY RENTER PROGRAM 250,000 Intent of City Council - That Neighborhood Strategy Areas receive preference in the use of these funds, provided that the Redevelopment Agency shall be sensitive to broad City plans in order to minimize the likelihood that recently rehabbed homes will be demolished. A loan given for rehabilitation of any property shall be due in full upon sale, either by deed or contract, of such property. HOUSING OUTREACH RENTAL PROGRAM 12,200 Intent of City Council - That these funds be appropriated contingent upon the funding of this agency by Salt Lake County CD funds and South Salt Lake City Community Development Funds. GATEWAY MINI-PARK 129,000 Intent of City Council - That land be purchased with this and the previously appropriated 6th year money shall be retained by the Redevelopment Agency and shall not be sold, exchanged or developed in any way without planning and design approval from the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency. HOUSING REHABILITATION 1,000,000 Intent of City Council - That Neighborhood Strategy Areas receive preference in the use of these funds, provided that the Redevelopment Agency shall be sensitive to broad City plans in order to minimize the likelihood that recently rehabbed homes will be demolished. A loan given for rehabilitation of any property shall be due in full upon sale, either by deed or contract, of such property. VOLUNTARY CODE ENFORCEMENT (West Side) 14,500 Intent of City Council - That this program should be rewritten so as to achieve specific goals. VOLUNTARY CODE ENFORCEMENT (Jackson Area) 14,500 Intent of City Council - Thatthis program should be rewritten so as to achieve specific goals. VOLUNTARY CODE ENFORCEMENT (Central City Area) 15,000 Intent of City Council - That this program should be rewritten so as to achieve specific goals. LAND WRITE-DOWN 1,310,000 Intent of City Council - That this money shall be administered by the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City and shall be expended by said agency only upon specific authorization by the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors. INDIAN WALK-IN 190,000 Intent of City Council - That funds to purchase a building and to operate the programs of this agency shall be definitely secured before these funds to rehab the building are released and that once the funding is secured the question of site selection shall return to the City Council for approval. NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES 285,000 No Intent Sidewalk Rehabilitation $ 200,000 Street Improvements - Central City Neighborhood Strategy Area 256,000 Sherwood Park - West Side Neighborhood Strategy Area 82,500 Jefferson Retention Basin (Peoples Freeway) 75,000 Avenue Park 50,000 Storm Drain, Phase 2 - West Capito1Hill Area 410,000 Central City Neighborhood Strategy Redesign Sego-Ely Park 84,000 Debs-Van Ness Block Redesign 95,000 Park-Lowell Block Redesign 105,000 Sego Park Block Redesign 82,000 Senior Citizens Recreation Area Expansion 125,000 Rescue Mission Rehabilitation 40,300 Liberty Park 150,000 Urban Cross Roads 4,000 Staff and Office Expenses 200,000 Citizens Participation 52,000 LCRU-FM Community Radio 10,000 East Central Neighborhood Plan 14,000 Update Demographic Data 58,500 Sugar House Community Master Plan 28,500 West Side Neighborhood Plan 19,000 Historical Survey 24,000 Environmental Assessments for CBDG 6,500 Housing Assistance Plan 10,000 Three to Five Year CDBG Plan 60,000 Economic Development Study 71,500 Contingency Fund 215,000 2) That the Salt Lake City Council expresses its concern with the apparent overlap of programs and possible duplication of administration costs and requests-that the Mayor review the efficiency of each administering agency. 3) That the Salt Lake City Council does hereby authorize the filing of an application which includes the request for funding of the aforementioned projects and programs on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Community Development Block Grant Program. 6) That Ted L. Wilson, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, is hereby authorized to execute and file said application on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation, and to act in connection with said application and provide such additional information as may be required. That it is the intent of the Salt Lake City Council that the Community Development Block grant monies be spent as appropriated. 6) That the Salt Lake City Council recognizes that there are other necessary programs and projects in the City that cannot at this time be funded. 7) That these projects and programs are recognized by the Salt Lake City Council to be beneficial for the residents of Salt Lake City. R) That the Salt Lake City Council is aware that there are projects and programs throughout Salt Lake City that were postponed with the expectation that those projects and programs would be funded at some future time and that this has not occurred. D) That excess monies become available due to cost underruns on various projects and programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salt Lake City Council recommends that any and all excess funds be appropriated to the projects and programs set forth in the following priority: 1. Sewer Rehabilitation - Jackson Area 2. Sugar House Senior Citizen's Center 3. Water Line Installation - People's Freeway Area 4. Para-Medic Service Rescue Unit 5. Drainage Ditch #4 - Central West Area 6. Land Write Down for People's Freeway 7. North West Center Park Improvements 8. Rehab of area torn up at 4th North and Center Streets 9. Solar Dawn Project 10. Morton Meadows Park 11. Hawthorne Block Re-design 12. Land Write Down - West Side Neighborhood Strategy Area 13. Additional funding for Land Write Down Passed by the Salt Lake City Council this 13th day of January, 1981 "Chairman City Recorder Resolution No. 1 By__ City Council Authorizing the filing of an application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grant Assistance. 4 f I