10 of 1911 - A resolution that the day laborer for Salt Lake City be paid $2.50 per day, and the old men employed •
JAIICARY 9, 111. n"'.RY 9, 1911.•
!I libets, rr t c t, end will, es soon as nee: be after the corpletion of said work, re- • The south side of ;'orth .rmple Street e uo e of earth t
:, c c c streettic sere condition in wine-: it existed prior to sold excavation, end will the cost ac de of Second 'lest ,t rest, end thee ar t :r,.c of :Sixth 'vol Street.
o,O t :re: r , iron the street, and•:'i11 save the city harmless from any and all ,n fl is' All pI re he es are re:,r. tor.-., or .arts of :u mcc
•1:-e, ire, demand:: or Garages, for 'nt and all injuries to person or property arising bons in conflict herewith, ere hereby repealer to the e nt e 7. 1.r.fl i..t.^
j, in r rr t of or byreason of ere such ercrvotion. Such bond shall be in the sum of five] S4ICTIOi• 3. This err:i pewee ,hall trk_ effect .:r.v,_y 1, _:].1,
thouo..nd dollere, for excavations in all streets; provided, hoe-ever, tint whenever paving or
r..cefce, -ii'T or :xi: .o roc-.oved in the process of any street excavati on, such pe vi rg or macadam,. Report I]o,l from the Coerittee on...cr.ici n;,7. Lye's, rm ortirp fnv or,ily peer. 3I11
dirt or rock :Gust be replaced under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Supervisor ofi.
A •Streets, :red et the expense of the Harty milking the excavation; end provided further, that any 7 • No,154 for en ordinance relating to fly pmducirg,diseeee e-us`_ng conditions, ctc., pre-
persan, inn', corcorr.t lore or association operating in or using any of the streets under a Pran-
c'nive or rine norr:on, firm, our-oration or e ssoeintion 'she in the pursuit of his or its regular
cell.❑:. r s r -uert occasion to oven or melee excavations in the public streets, ma Y file a seated to the pity Council curlier in the sass,on ;Jed laid rnr cr to coca up ei th o:--ir .cc ec,
d with cornorete surety in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned as eb ov e, to cover all, I
was taken up and the report end er:inraice referred bee;: to the err ittee on :,.cr.ic]nra L
excavations Lade for a period of two years from the date of filing, but permits for all excava-
fern, excent for the replr.cecent of street railway rails and ties in unpaved streets, must be '
ape for and is:cued rake ed before it shall be lawful to any srah excavations; provided, further, and the City Attorney associ ctcd,
that in excry trnr, through asphalt or cement, or beneath stone blocks, the excavation shall be
"' cut ren ^.ec:cu =t m sides ,.red ends from the surface, the fell length and width of all ex-
Resolution Ilo,B. By Courci lr:an hall.
tions to the necessary Beth; on top of the backfilling there shall be placed six inches of I,..
� vr.
,l .ore or concrete .lush with the pavement, red In all cases, whether the excavation is made
through esphelt or ,H erniae, in bash filling the material used for that purpose shall be thor- the right
that the orgineering -:apartment is hereh y instructed to proceed at once
- ':.1ytense rend a sufficient unewt rty of water used to properly settle the material so used; to secure the right of way for an extension of the 'hest Jordan Canal from its present l'I
and titer co"rlet ir an excavation end lea chfi ilia all dirt, rocks and rubbish shall be removed terminus to Big Cottonwood Creek of sufficient width for ¢ canal of capacity to carry tt
1i'V' nor.. he t set pro•i'ed further, that failure on the cart of my ne rs or, i ire, sssocintion or water now ordan byCe the City in the enop Jordan Canal end also for the 'pater over
the Salt
.err - i r u primly with any of the rrovinr one of this chapterLake and Jordan Canal;eenderier
to therevere Plans and spec:£-cut'_^nr, for a ecrcl over said right I ' •
A)- _ shell be sufficient reason for of way of capacity to carry water now cooed by the .:ity in said'Best Jordan Canal with '�1
the , ervi-or ofStreets refusing a yerm it to excavate in the streets of this city; provided
:urtncr, .t no eteee:loon shell be pereitted to rosin open in arc,:street of this city fora an eat mete of cost of con^,tr:et:or. _red err ort _ tc this co unc ill
1,..,r c t"ir-f. toe dey.e. If tl i 6 leer.ei on is violated the Sane rvi son of Streets may fill Read and adopted, 4.
11 n c- excavation at the a-reuse of the peruse making the Berne; provided -further that the ;,
Sol.enioor of 3treete :hall charge and collect, upon issuing any pezr:it, the followitg fees and
charres to-wit:
Foe cec voting in anycement sidewelle, for the first eight equnre feet or Resolution No.9. By Councilman Fernstrom.
pert thereof
�, For ache additi nel ,canna foot or rcrt thereof p 2'� BE IT R^.SOLaF.D, that the :it Attorney and the Chief of ^olive be, and they are Iu.
Nor ern i - c: r -.r., for ,� :;rat eleven square feet hereby instructed to enforce the dew rsee.n:., the m,i,.t:cance of powder tce;._res incite of I'
ex -tthereofthe City limits. . i'-
c. d rorcl cure foot or part thereof 5.00
r .45 Read and adopted. I it.
nr e clew.tins Sr. ,nv.e,ecda: nil eeent, for the first ten feet, or hart +
1 �I
I �- yw-re :sot, Or can t..ereef �,20
r r ic, of one blocks, for each square lout or part the reef I Resolution ..0.10. Councilmen . .. ere•:,
'or rrs ectine work when there r no asphalt or macadam cavement, per block 10.00
era. :sore c e for less than a block. • CfhB....lh by reason of }n 'nip] cost o1 living' the 1+,'sorer :or Srlt ,.re Jity r,,
Ire - ....-
L. - - .„- .::Su L,,,,une, or pens or orcinancos and resolutions ,.,... .,..,.. ..,.� .,.. .:,field- ,.
n _e hen tat e ''a t I, •rc beech y renc:led to the extent of .:uch conflict. twin n�for 1W upon the wupes -,id h1- b it rd
-- .,. Ord-pence shell take effect upon. approval, ,�RnAS, by roisor, e. tr tie n tip,/ ron.]tr;.n great distr.:.s is f_•tined .non tee
II�. f laboring wort end 'pis film ily; and
i2EAS, the wed;arc..of society dm.+mda „hat th,e ^c inn men }a;.l e -ive mch
ep ort '0,1'0 ,`mil fire Co ^.]ttee on W•:nici-reed :.awe, reporting on Bill is o.194 emending comuen s=.ti on ,`er his labor r. •1 nr..`ale 7 v to rover: rear rr cr Sn m I h hate ,is
t _ n Children and to have the necessities, L not file .uxurie o] life tier air:, 1 n,. I',. s_J,
,.ct -p ..t en J5 rcLe`.i na to ,c] .,, f .. .he _ ,, cr,;,il now therefore
- 'i December i. B6 Ii R:"11 th t :ire d,e✓ 1 lrrer for o-1t lc to he ,eiu r nu, d,,, �I
- ._ lei:. :c.• ' "0k, c p -_o-,o 3, -'..1, red laid over for one week, and end the ode men enP loge b;j tlr Street : r.^•,ht, be �, a-.• - d_y,
...e. riser in tee seeeion cr.d lei over to one on wit' or;i rrr,ces, Wee token or end Referred to the 3ar,rd of F.sti mate 2 Apno rti earn en t,resein
i , -:=i'- ..0,194 for no ordinance rimer,di end re-enact- Resod:t ion I:o,ll, ify Cour:r.ifmrr. Wei.;r.rr.-,;,
R'7 rg Section 36b of Chapter 27 of the m1REA5, the best interests of the cs.nunity nd the better regal
n of the I
Cityliquor traffic of Salt Doke City der reds thief the eurbor o ,Moon
,_... a_ c,,: ✓ c ib presented to the Council December 19, 1910, „,nnw,B fn ieme,:,te are'. •.,,rr ^r.. _
t° ' • 1' •-_-:ci^r1 Lar.B, feel:oreb ly reporter. upon per justice; now therefore '
I'll a• i r e r>,n t- tic nnmhrr of vfl,en,= in ; It lee ct �,: r of tr, SO I ,
Iu - t, „�.err '?, Li^, the orcii raw ace reap second time, r "•- b1 and Viet r. ee reduc tell I,vr r :.ter. .he ,
wee then .,.._rn number o]'renloond be kept-eovm end limiter:teto r se e per net•onnn M���
A tut e, t.s Ieulowe:
anpl lent-one i'or 1Scenaes from parsers not roe, ho17o r ihs, b .i rr tole to
■ i� .. - ._... . .., • ...,,.,..r e,i� I every ttcat] :.hlr or lr.,r^ rh .lo r .. _ : r. . .
I 9
CYO>C 1i9 1 OY t: t
ran - tin i 1 rrl
-. a __., I:7,Z, o- ,,,,aP Out hr us bile ee-
- +- ; of 1713, rel.e:i facie lie en ')
r ng :c the hoop ing of billiard or pool tables,
L 1' ewer *r lank t 'J., , -- t
._ cr _ : - nr r .i-. •Ile y; - -t'.d,,t neat ubtai Wing a license. � �
c it or..]ned by the 'Sited dour-ail of Snit Lake City, l'trh.: :,rat of Aut'�.,r1 ill :;_ .,, ,tu roc
,.r:pter a] cc the ,.evise, irdinenoes of Salt Lake
vote. A11
!y�� r, o '1u+.::e. so ha to reed ca follows:
Ill --•- - .., ,leyr,ar.,on, :ir r.:, aesoclaflea or corporationubscr.t, I�:-c 1 `ee t .teas of keepg, orto ukeepormnlntein for nubile use or hire oily bath end
hu .in 1ssy or ten pin alley in or on which
^" ire ^r ] t,,' ll enue io o do as provided Sn Sootion 366 of
.ton - - i`e'' r r,ees o alt Yr CCity o 903 ss ,.nonded duly 6 1906; Pro- I,1.
..._- •..0 -..�,._. rl„e°of Li. istn et following:
i 11111111.11MOF