10 of 1921 - A resolution accepting bid of Palmer Bond and Mortgage Company on the issuance of $200,000.00 Tax An REMARKS: Resolution No. It' By Commissioner 1-1, H• G RELIT Accepting bid of Palmer Bond & Mortgage Co. on the issuance of $200,000.00 Tax Anticipation Bonds, and approving form of said bonds -or notes. • HEAD AND ADOPTED JH i621 IA2-,• 71/ 1 .. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE I NAY,1 Salt Lake City,Utah,. July 12th, , 192 1 Barnes ‘. i -I' Burton Crabbe V' I move that resolution No 11 by Mr H, H. Green ,. --- rF he adopted. Green VI 1 JUAN -7 ' 11 Mr. Chairman —. Commissioner or-Public Affears &—Finance. —. Result II , . st st enit Laana.oi . t!► fiat r000it , t• - VW. -' t+t.rs to sin ., POW*WOK It -I Aids**tilfW 06144141.4 to �igarr fir .1ut Ispont whir* *waft't:. sait+lratst o • .-.S aati 110000, to 000tt,at,s r*oma1►;Sat tsa* I. 410111111trallt,. anti tsI hiss sat, tItst'a*0 pelt. titr>f*.aid T114131 t is !rt !**.Moth opetio s 100010wo 71 t"-01 tetra a sty taint for • fats Of tbo ptilsotp4 to.boob *s5sfs ro s+W*.•Is SON"WW410 SIPS.art tor. r 1* WISSONISIS*0*..thtlt 7olar Gape for 40 pop000 w!aststaSt.4600S ta►&OW wittiest OgoiWoo to owossoo ester Ma1MM, oat tho %IA Vosr*tM StYsills aro 44111,4101 e t:O w sp 10 su atswt•wtsr 000 awl SOY 7.0411r tour britisti0 o+atuit , S.fos t • aa11t no�patr rhr tS*at*tioo tloaq to alr ttoott*;roe ffl Nis sawn dsstsip is Am*not 01'r'4at ttwMlt bowO U to 1*4001* *0 poStif 13t oa*r aaag SOSSIoll writ to pop.taatlivit on Laths-kl i,Ii*00 it Wow owiett splaas 0 far lisiOnt•�paorpoNMNai liana*o of'fiF Palket 1101011114.i1111fsd . 01110~11 j MIA fir est pnrppltC> !ib4MM ot•ar aa.pilassaires 1aa*m a be 1*rs 'wealllaMt►v *its la • aink,ismas Sel;t silt isea Mal, 'It 11) issUi tis4*de It blesMalwd�aM* si.St>>111 R ea se bets*bona:am.'*so* (I) 010- /Nt Nat I uatoai*Iu ot.SamM.i '004 :;Sati 14a1/4 eat wok of 040 0143 Imo 000 t.00 to. racs a11altAa ant itr�el0001 gto w 1 1111$1.0,.#tItttr•41.11-• • MIND NUM OF ANNalflA STATE Or STAN. COUNTY OP SALT Lon. OM OF SANG LAY$ +a w w r SUN LON CITT BONDS, SSRIHS OP JOLT Uth. Mt. de2.w_.�.r.__.. # ems ALL ng BY meg?R sisTsb That Solt ides City in the Cs ivy of Salt Lab and State of Utah hereby seknowlnass itself to be indebted awl fir vane remitted hereby praaises.le pp, to the bearer hereof the sesb of iillr Stoniest Dollars ($10,000.00) lawful low of the malted States, en the Slit day of Meatier, A. D. MI, at the leahsnia Males •Male National hark in New To* City, State of low with interest thereon at the rate of sin per rent (6%) per anew from late until paid, payable at saturity. This baud is Oral of a series of - l - 6 bends of like tenor and effect,,, aashe ed fre =•(// tao.. /6) • inslnsiio• and known as "Salt Like City hags, Series if July lath• 1021"e fur the user. sate sun of Tire Hundred Ihousent Dollars ($140000.Oo), issued pursuant to Station STO14 Asupiled Laws of Utah. 191!. The Beard of Commissioners skill levy in the year 1912 a suffioient tax to pity the principal and interest on this bond is the same shall fall ans. and this boad is Weed in anticipation of the petrasnt of snoh towns for the year 1981. It is hereby csrtif$15 **lied and daalarod that the entire indebted.. noes of said City hereby insarsrod is not la ensue of the taxes Of said City to be ivied for the aurrewt years 19210 and that said indebtedness use and is se. treated for the purpasse for which said tame are to be levied. it is.hereby oertift/e„ *oiled and dealers&that all **miniver, a , and thlis a essential to the validity if this bond,, exist, have bO U0&and bees tone and that Artery requirasent of law affecting the issue thereof has duly eamplist with and that this bend is within ivory debt ant other limit pro. Serried by the Ceasititation ail Lass of said State and that the faith sae onedi of Salt Lake City are hereby irraisesbly gadget to the panetsal papnext of the principal and interest of this bond aessrting to its tones. llf W1TR S T1$ OS,, Salt Lobe City has resod this bond to be signed by its Igoe,, its aorrorate seal to be hereunto affixed, sad attested by its City h000rder, as of the lath day of Julys 1921. Mayor. (Beal) Attest* City Beesrder. There shall be endorsed'open lath of said bonds the fellariasf "] Marrby eerttfy that this bond is within the limed debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, end is isseot ao. cowling to law. City AradLt er" AID 3E IT MITRES RESOLVED, that all tits oeseoaats, statements, repro- senaations sad agrwsesats eoatained in said beads be sat the Owes are hereby adopted as the o.weaants, statesman', mprssentationa, sgrsaesnts and prods , of Salt Lake Oityl and, 311 IT I EM =ItASOLriet THAT, l3h3ZA9e the Maier Bond S e Oompamy, a nth Corporatism, has offered to purchase said bonds at par, as and whom said beads wq be surd - legally isnot sad deliwerod,Wilds offer together with the aoosptaase thereof is in words and ftgmnrs as POWs, to-Witt Jaty / 1911 Benerable Mtyor and Oity Owmissioners Salt Lake City, Utah Cantlemons As per your offioial statement for$340,000.00 fats Antieipatten lands of Salt Lake City, Utah, lagslly issaed to the fratiafaetioa of ear at dame to dated hay16t3y 1921, to be at the dsmaiaatiest of$SI 000.00�te actors December 81, 19E1,without option of prier pesmont, to bear intermit at the rats of gimps. coat OA) per amass, interest passe at maturity, both prime rr,ue� interest to be mans at seas bank in In York Clip,we offer you apes do. livery of said hoods too' at sash basking point as testy doolgmato laws of esohatge or osllestien *urges, the par value of said heads, $504000,00 sad amnion interest fret date of.bonds to date of delivery. This otter is lads with the understsmaimg that you will furnish us pres<ptly wi a oetplste a irtifist transcript of-all proesediapga had imaged to iks issuaaa of said bonds eridematog their legality to the matiefaetion of our attorasrpsi together with seok•other dsetasents at our attempt for rl4uire,, and you agree to adopt sash proaeadhags and take such steps as our attorneys may require to the end thaat, in their epic ism, laid bosdreq be loyally nursed aid.-deli rod without undo*or uantoossary dater. •This offer is for imesdiate a000ptaaaee only. Hsspestf fly sahmittsdy, PALM BOWL b ROMA= Qtit? ate obeys offer is here" aosepted for and on bsha4f sf-salt City.Utah, by eider of the hoard.of City Ceasisatonsrs,thereof pursuant to a majority veto thereof at t logetly held meeting. Ilt Erna MOOS, I have.herownto set y hand/Sad the seal of said at to bo affixed, this day of Any, 1911. Aieda Attest tlity • (Seals NOW,TRH,41R IT Sla0/2114 that the offer of salt Palmer Bend & ortgase Cempalty be, and the some is herby saaspted, math*Meyer of Solt ke City is hereby authorised and directed to sign, somata, de1ttar and issue the act and dead of said Salt Lake City, the said bonds to the said lam sir Boni &Mortgage Comps, as and when the said bonds may be levaily issued sad delivered, and the said City Beeerder is hereby direeted set authorised to affix the seal of said salt Lake City to, and to attest, eaoh of said beads,and the City Auditor of Salt Lake City is hereby sutheriast and directed to plaice upon each of said bonds his certificate in the meaner and feat as hereinabove set forth, and SM Tr FLIRT=RESCLY]CD, that the Beard of Cemissioners shall Lary in the year 1921 a cuttioisat tau to pep+ the principal and interest on said bonds as the same shall tall due. BB IT FC3P.T1L!R BESCLViS), that in the opinioa of the Board of COMaissien, sirs of Salt Lake City, it is neseesary to the peaces health *ad sawyer the inhabitants of said Salt lake City that this resolution take *tied at ease. This resolution shall take offset upon s adoptioa. 4- ,z/Ar ,^ Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ,2 8sv of Judy, A. D. 1921. / r' Attests City rder. (Seal}.