10 of 1929 - A resolution authorizing $8,000.00 reduction from Refunding Sewer Bonds, Series ‘G’ and known as Nos Fr REMARKS:
# •
I , _ [
.il 1
Resolution No. 10
1 FE
'• By Commissioner HR
I' 1
.1, Authorizing $8000.00 re-
11 1
1 ..
1 .
1. duction from Refunding
Sewer Bonds Series 'G',
and known as Nos. 1 to 8,
il both inc1. and withholding
11 them from issuance and
11 delivery.
MAR 12 1929
1 xeiLlpsa€4,67,10,44
CI TY Rif.CORDlitt
\ II !
1 I
11 11 ,
11 i
---. - - i----
? T1�i� AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, rc , 12tA IO2_.
@� - I,move that resolution No by Mr Fza
Finch be adopted.
Mr.Chairman —
Mal , A. D. 1929. Page
The bare of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. met in Regular
Wotan. I
lfayor /ORR F. Mal, in the Chair.
On roll Boll the following members were presentt-
Commiosioner JOH3 1. 2010411, Commissioner of later Supply and
Waterworks, Chsirlun.
Commissioner BQRTOI, Oosmissiomsr of talkie Safety.
Commissioner 3DRAI , Commissioner of Publis jmprevements.
Commissioner 00 , Commissioner of Pabiio Affairs and /manes.
Commissioner PITCH , Cosmissiemrr of Parks sot Public Property.
Commissioner FEAR than introduced and moved the
Adoption of the following resolutions*
131RBAS, at a Regular ]footing of the.Board of Cemaissionars of
Solt Lake City, duly called ant lawfully holt en the 10th day of Jaawry,
A. D. 1929, the following desoribed outstanding bonds of said City were
milled ter redemption on April lot, 1929, to-witt-
0116,00000 power Bonds - Series IV", dated ApPil 1st, A. D. 1919,
yasable April let, A. D. 1959 redeemable en or after
April let, 1129, numbered from 1 to 196 inalnsivei
040,000.00 Voter Bends - Series NO", dated April 1st, A. D. 1919,
poyabemable on or after
llleet, 1l1929,, numbered from 1 to39, 640 inolasivis
tt,000.00 Water 3e111s -Series SR*, dated April .lit, A. D. 1919,
payable April lot, A. D. 1951, rsdemsable en or after
April 1st, 1929, membered from 1 to 14 inelasivei
said boats aggregating the prinsipal sum of $750,000.00, and,
W202A8, at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, duly
milled and lawfully hold on the 29th day of Uneasy, A. D. 1929, a sosela-
tion and ordinance was duly passed, made and entered providing for the
lewanse and sale of Refunding Bonds to the amount of,160,000.00, consist
of$196.00.00 Refunding sewer lands - Seri*, "X", dated lebruary lot, 1929,
numbered from 1 to 196 inclusive, deaominstion $1,000.00 each, with interest
1. coupons attUshsd. prinoipll payable sorisllys $16,000.00.en lebruary 1st
in each of the years 1980 to 1948 inclusive and $1,000.00 en February 1st,
1948; also 4584,000.00 Refunding Water Bends - Series "Y", dated February 1st,
1929, numbered from 1 to 854 inclusive, denomination 41,000.00 each with
interest coupons attached, principal payable serially, 414,000.00 on February
list. 1945 and 415,000.00 on February let in each of the years 1941 to 1984
iinelusive and 426,000.00 en the 1st day of February in sash of the years
1956 to 1969 inclusive, for the purpose of redeeming, refunding and retiring
said outstanding bonds above specifically mentioned and described, and,
1188RuLS, at said meeting a further resolution was adopted, made and
entered, reciting among other things, that the City was without sufficient
funds to redeem, refund and pep said outstanding bends, mmounting in the
(aggregate to said tam of $780,000.00,and it would be aeoeasary to issue its
!Refunding Bonds in the sane sum of 4750,000.00, and,
TRL'9i1S,.Snow. Coodart and Company, a Utah Corporation, offered-to
purchase all of said Refunding Bonds at par and accrued interest, plus a pre-.
lion of 48,000.00, which offer has been duly aoeopted, and,
1 lBABFAS, said City is without authority to imam and deliver Refund-
ing Bonds to an amount in excess of what would be necessary to redeem and
retire the outstanding bonds above described,
NM THRIER)BB BR IT RBSOLVBD, by the Board of Commissioners of said
Salt Lab City that the amount of Refunding Bonds to be issued, be, and the
'same is hereby reduced in the amount of 48,000.00 and the same are represented
and described as "Refunding Sewer Bonds - Series`K", membered from 1 to 8
both inclusive, dated February let, 1,29, d..s<smiv tion 014000.00 each, bearing
interest at the rate of four and one-half per,eeat (4,) per aunum from date
iuntil paid, principal payable February 1st, 19i0, and all of said last above
' enumerated Refunding Rehr Bonds - Series '&", amounting to the said sac of
48,000.00 be and the pas aro hereby permanently and perpetually withhold
ifront issuanee and delivery.
the notion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
seconded by Commissioner BIJRTON and upon being put to a vote
was unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of all Commissioners present,
the vote being as follows,
Commissioner BURTON "Aye"
Commissioner FEHR "Aye"
Commissioner FINCH "Aye"
Commissioner MORAN "Aye"
Commissioner BOWMAN(Chairman) "Aye"
�y !
y Iecordor.
t SS
I, ETHEL MACDONALD, the duly chosen, qualified and acting City
Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and fore-
going constitutes a full, true and correct Dopy of the minutes of a Regular
meeting of the Board of Commisaionem of Salt Lake City, held on the day
of March, A. D. 1929, in so far as the same refer to or concern the pro-
ceedings of said Board, upon resolution eliminating from delivery eight
Refunding Sewer Bonds - Series "G", numbered from 1 to 8 inclusive from a
total authorised issue of 196 Refunding Sewer Bonds, as the same appears of
record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
corporate seal of sail City, this day of Naroh, A. D. 1929.
City Recorder.