10 of 1941 - A resolution of condolence on the passing from this life of former Mayor John S. Bransford. REMARKS 10
Resolution No.
By Commissioner
Resolution of condolence on tje '
passing from this life of
former Mayor John S. Bransfor;'.
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Ili Dated-Filed
Goggtn ......., o....Y.�.,:
Keyser r. e.
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - --.— RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, John S. Bransford departed this life on May
21, 1941; and
WHEREAS, he was one of Utah's leading citizens, having
on the 13th day of August, 1907, been appointed to fill the unex-
pired term of the late Ezra Thompson as Mayor of Salt Lake City.
He was re-elected to the office of Mayor in the year of 1908 and
continued to serve the people of Salt Lake City in that capacity
until 1912, when the commission form of government became effective.
During his period of public office he was one of our greatest civic
leaders, having initiated many of our present municipal improvements
and since said time has been continuously active and prominent as
one of Utah's outstanding citizens.
He was always a gentleman, courteous, dignified and gra-
cious; straightforward in all of his actions and lived the Golden
His passing will bring grief to a large host of friends
and associates by whom he was loved.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City for and on behalf of the citizens of said City
that an expression of profound sympathy and condolence be publicly
made and that an engrossed copy thereof be conveyed to the surviving
family of John S. Bransford.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon
the minutes of the Board of Commiss' ers. \
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake. ity, Utah,-this
22nd day of MAY , 1941 1
eaiLh 4 Ji Temporary CFiairman
City Recorder.