10 of 1980 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION to Mr. Hal Spencer, staff writer of the Salt Lake Tribune for reporting n VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, January 31 , 1980 _ Whitehead Resolution No. t.0 of 1980 by the City Council Mabey Councilmember Fonnesbeck moved and Fonnesbeck Councilmember pa,kp,_ seconded that the DePaulis resolution be approved Shearer Davis Parker ✓• Result Chairman January 31, 1980 Salt Lake City Council Ronald J. Whitehead, Chairman 211 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Council Members: The Salt Lake City Council, at its meeting this day, approved Resolution No. 10 of 1980, expressing appreciation to Hal Spencer, staff writer of the Salt Lake Tribune, who is leaving the employment of the Salt Lake Tribune to accept a job with the Associated Press. Yours truly, 7,04:10:4,11 ,1(.ffseitiot..1 City Recorder ma CC: Attorney —Files RESOLUTION OF APPRFCIPTION WHEREAS, Mr. Hal Spencer, staff writer of the Salt Lake Tribune has reported on the news worthy activities of Salt Lake City Corporation for the past two years; and WHEREAS, Pal Spencer is leaving the employment of the Salt Lake Tribune to accept a job with the Associated Press and will no longer be reporting on the daily activities of the City; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hal Spencer has devoted many long hours of service in the exercise of his duties and responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City that it does hereby express its most sincere appreciation for the services and association of Hal Spencer. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution he delivered to Mr. Hal Spencer. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of January, 1980. CH IRMAN COU4A4ISIBER C 1NCIL MEMBER G/Ca Q / rr., �' ' OUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL C [ACIL MEM.I'E> /R � COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER Resolution No. TO. By City Council Expressing appreciation to Hal Spencer, staff writer of the Salt Lake Tribune, who is leaving the employment of the Tribune to accept a job with the Associated Press. -,////• c F ,(j/��G.r / • • V Cfii RECORD