106 of 1911 - A resolution that Board of Public Works instruct contractor to lay a six inch watermain on west side --a
REMARKS: Resolution NO. 1006
By Councilman MULVEY
That the Board of Public
Works instruct contractor to
lay a six inch watermain on
Iwest side of Third East
fro-m- So.-Temple ta...Third south
JUN 1°1911
JUN 191 t
• • • • As,
-R E S 0 L U T I 0 11-
WHEREAS,S, There is no watermain at the present time
on the West side of Third East Street , between South Temple
and Third South Streets; and
WHEREAS, A contract has been let for paving the
above portion of Thira East Street with as?;halt ,
1T 0W BE IT HEREITT RESOLVED, That the Board of Pub-
is Works be advised to instruct the Contractor to lay a
six-inch watermain on the nest side of Third East Street,
from South Temple Street to Third South Street at a cost
not to exceed z3750.00.