11 of 1930 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations to budget of Salt Lake City for the year 1930. REMARKS: Resolution No. 11 By Commissioner Fehr, Authorizing additional appropriations to the Budget of Salt Lake City for the yea 1930. pm.sii N ;Ted,' 4,0ze.,,d4exial • VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, r'4y 2},., 19 D 1 I move that the resolution be adopted. Burton - _ Fehr - - Finch - - Lake i Mr.Chairman - Result - RESOLUTION fI Fi AS, Corr-is5:ionere of the various de art'nents herein- after specified have _lade written requests for ecc'_itional ao;ropria- tions settin' forth the emer7encies nececsitztin' the requests; and 1:HERCAS, it is necessary to ;lake such adcitional a ro- 7riations for the su opt of the city ^overnment :or the year 1'''0; '_"'LR.FOR'_, 7-31. IT "._SOLV'_D that an ever?ency exists and it is necess�.ry to riake udc__tio__al appropriations for the fol- locin:- accounts and ae-artments for the year 19'40, and that the fol- loain- sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be ant the same are hereby a -ro,sriatec for the support of the various depart- ments inchcotes for the cr-.1encc.° yyee-r easing i-eceeer .'l, 197:0. 5Tpro-,ria.tions are further itemized in the requests on file for such m rooriations cans+ are in acc -;.tion to those heretofore authorized and :as-ec by the 'oart of lommissioners of =.alt L:be City on _ecember 20, 1 9, Jonsary CC, 1,1''0, ='e',ruary l.`, 191.0, -rib 1, 13 ,0, 22, 1.97,0, and _pril 29, 14a7'i, to-wit: PF_RK _A"_dD PU3LLC PR0?I'RTY. _ccount No. Lenart-ent. Lmount. 78 V-2 Par'..: I:e)t. (airport) a,000.02 73-C2 Park Lelt. (73h,eville) 1,0,1_-5.00 S9-B -'ark 1'c artrient 35.65 2UBLIC AFFAIRS AND_EI°i5",LC . -C License Dept. 50.00 36-B Juvenile Court 80.00 -2- PUBLIC SLFE Y•• 80-K ?olice. Department :-'50.00 62-6-1 health " 50.00 -J Health " 75.00 59-0 Fire ;e artysent 5242.00 STIIEETS_AMF_Ea ICc_I"MP OV'Y1ENT 0-k ]snnineerin^� Fepartment 200.00 j STkTUTORY JP1L :FkkL. s d 9'-I Purchase of land �500.00 9:-V ecial i-_uCitors 15�1 .00 ' 9 -Z Miscellaneous ernense 500.00 �� 9 -P ;".oecial -pond_ Flectioh "011.D9 a 94-C 2rintin unici al .ccords 500.00 1 LTI,h_JRi'_S .DU ,.kTLR.._SUPPLY. 1 75,7- aterr:orks tc a.rtisent ?00.00 751-8 " " t400.00 1 t TOTkL y; 4777.54 It is necessary in the opinion of the oarc: of Cona'is- isioners for ti-e ueace, health end safety or the inha'n_tants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its pass^ye. F This resolution small take effect uuon its a.co;tion. 1 __ ,/Z ' 'I 11 Ato,:tec- by the Poard of Commissioners of • alt Late City, it Utah, this 134101.. c,eyr of _ _—, l il / Mayor. it -11#1tit--City ilecorcer.- d 1 i xf``" e , +y +Y, s xs' ,tit.',,-..