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11 of 1932 - A resolution ordering cancellation and retirement of Bond No. 40, Series of January 15, 1932, payabl
a a,! } 'L r 'ctifY L Q' ', 7 R ►ra s ,. cr ;i1 Resolution Nc 11 Marcus By Cammrssioner ! '61-cierf.ii cancellation aid: x retirement of Bond No:.40, 15,Series or Jan. 1932, pays 1 i &,et s Jan. .15, 19.33,....bearf rig zn erect ' ' at 6% per annum. 4. t, I!f I, Presented to the listed of Canmbelaien AND PASSED Fr111Z1©1332 i rc r . -a: I move that t r"eeo1utiotit 1e adopted. r 4,� pl — _ !. RESOLUTION � „rp �.a , 4 � ,; - mfiFas, on January 318, 190, the Board of C4 asioners ' 'h ;sslanee ofsixty (60) bonds representative thereof, sf '':balled forty (40) being in the denomination of *10,000.0O$a*d A - ESERE#s, said bond numbered forty (40) has not been w.li l �a . and is on land and in the possession of the City Treasurer; and WHEAS&S, it is the des-ire and intention of the Board of ,;,; t: ,^.Bapmissioners to retire and cancel said bond. I*, TEE, BB IT ABSOLVED that bond. ' numbered.forty n-- (40), bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annua of the•; Series,of January 15, l9$8, payabl•'Junuary IS,. 1985, be , the 4`4 "' , • u.same: hereby is caneelled and retired and the City Treasureris haste �, by directed to destroy said bonds by cremation in the presence of the Board of Commissioners and report in writing his action with ' ' v, : reference to its destruction. It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commissiom- ` ere for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of f. ya # e,1ge - Like City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its 1 . C This resolution shall take /oar pea its_ k . ti4.r 'x#1 �s,`-1,'-;',, li d v.F..T+11f r`d- - '4. 'S- --: ,�r w �a „ `-; ftah, this Jim day of �'iM 3 �' � 534`- s' Mayor. „, t City ecorder. .S 4 ,