11 of 1947 - A resolution authorizing the City Auditor and City Treasurer to make monthly payments of $55.47 paya Fr REMARKS iiI:I Resolution No. 1.1. ( NI — GI Ey Commissioner Glade Ili , �, Authorizing the City Aud- ' �;itor and City Treasurer to make ill monthly payments of $55.47 pay-I", i';'able to Orsa R. O'Brien, wid- i! s. ow of Frederick Thomas O'Brien,,;; . I! Police Officer, deceased, and I;� i1 $12.00 to Beverly Jean O'Brien,,) is minor payments to commence 'al f October 1947, as provided by " law. j Ii4 1'' Presented to the Board of Commissioners pl I; AND PASSED (j ' DEC—7-1947 I. a �J?ZQ> � � !I 11 CITY RECORDER I ii i III I' li ,;i lj Date Filed feeemhr r 2, 191.7 1Y Addressri II 1,1 Roc 102 200 12-1-94 • ROLL-CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,UtKr ^2_ iqj ,194 Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted. Matheson . Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . f �iIFESOLUTION Result e. foun as. a. _olici offider ih she voice. Le. .rt.ent of _nit Lake, City and died ar;iie in such e ;10 r ent on the 90tn day of be .te:;:ber, 1947, ieavir:r; a widott, Ursa 17. O'brien, and one child, bev,rly Jean O'Brien, eleven: years of ace, tee,- in the care and custody of said Ora. L. O'Brien; and it rein,_ . ndc to -r gal that under the arovisions of Cna,tee 72 of the Session hats Utah i947 anotvit as Section 71-1-1b, said. ..i .ov: is entitled to a ,tension in the sum or 455.47 per month and the said ,:.inor child is entitled to a ,.ension in the sum of .;lU.du per nonth for her sun:,:ort and ,.iaintenance; fO`,. ithrrrUbrl, be it resolved that in accordance itt the Hrovisior.s of said Section 71-1-ib, above rele_asec to, a auort_ly ,tension in the sua of fifty-five and 47/10a (,i5.,.47) io'isrs be uaid. to Ursa L. C'lsier. and the sa2i of It..elve .�rd u0/IOU (-.12.00) toilers _ -. ,uonta be pain to sold Ursa B. O'Brien for the sal;�ort and _aiatenance of said ,ainor c-,lid, Beverly Jean O'brien, and the City Auditor and City '_reasurer are hereby authorized to mince said yayments coanencin,, a.ith the �nontli or October, 1947, Cro. the Police tension 11,11d, said pa,rn_ents to continue foi- such Moue .LV it-p]-ovie�ra by Lav:. Passed by the Board of Co::saiss ,n rs of belt Pane City Utah, tr.is 7/ da." of llecerafber, r.. 0 1. 7. i i eyor 17 / ) City P.eco1 der - -