11 of 1948 - A resolution authorizing the Legal Department to commence condemnation proceedings condemning a righ Pr I -- _- REMARKS: ,,r Resolution No. ji--. ill 11 • u Affleck , i By Commissioner Ci tip, Authorizing the Legal Depart-i;� jI went to commence condemnatio ` !. proceedings condemning a ri 1 of-way over land owned by ;I Parleys Grazing Ass'n. for thl 48 inch steel pipeline to be G' installed in the near future from the Sam Park Reservoir in See. 26, T.1 S., R.1 E., IIi' SLB & h4. N: I '; Presented to the Board of Commissioners 1 1 AND PASSSIX II l'I n SEP 2 9 1048 C1TY RECORDER I''' Ii II 1 I.ill v i! I I 6 ii.. 1 I I eec.102 200 12-1-44 • ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted. Matheson . . . • Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, it is necessary in order to insure to the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City an adequate and suitable water supply for domestic, culinary, commercial and other uses that Salt Lake City construct and maintain as a part of its water works system a bg-inch steel pipeline from its reservoir known as the Sam Park Reservoir, located on Lot 34 in Pleasant View Park Subdivision in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., in a northerly direction to 17th South Street in Salt Lake City, for the conveyance of water; and that Salt Lake City ac- quire a right of way in connection with the construction and mainte- nance of said pipeline over the lands hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City that it is necessary and to the public interest of said city and its inhabitants that said city construct and main- tain the said pipeline upon, over and across the premises hereinafter described for the conveyance of water 'as a part of the water works system of Salt Lake City in supplying water for domestic, culinary, commercial and other uses to its inhabitants; That the construction and maintenance of said pipeline be and the same is hereby authorized; That the said land hereinafter described and the whole thereof is hereby determined to be necessary and the most suitable place for the location, construction and maintenance of said pipeline and the acquiring of said land by Salt Lake City for such purposes is hereby declared to be a public necessity and for the good, well being and protection of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City; That condemnation proceedings be and the same hereby are authorized to be brought in the name of Salt Lake City by the legal -2- I ;department of Salt Lake City to acquire by such proceedings the ;land hereinafter described for the site and location for said pipeline and for all other purposes necessary and convenient to the proper use and maintenance of said pipeline. The premises hereinabove re- ferred to as the site and location of the right of way for the lay-, ing, construction, maintenance and operation of said pipeline are situated in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and owned of record by Parleys Grazing Association, and particularly described as fol- lows: A strip of land 150.0 ft. wide being 50.0 ft. westerly from and 100.0 ft. easterly from the center line of a 48 inch steel pipe watermain to be constructed by the City of Salt Lake City. Said property being bounded and described as fol- lows: Beginning at a point in the center line of proposed 48 inch steel pipe watermain said point being S. 88" 55' 33" W. 2201.69 ft. from the southeast corner of Section 23, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. Meridian, running thence S. 89" 33' W. 60.4 ft.; thence N. 33' 45' W. 684.53 ft., more or less, to the North and South 1/4 line of said Section 23; thence N. 0' 06' W. along said 1/4 line of Section 23, 270.7 ft.; thence S. 33" 45' E. 1006.06 ft., more or less, to the north property line of Loretta E. D. Scheer property, thence S. 89" 33' W. 118.80 ft., more or less, to point of beginning. /Cal Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 7'R 4—^"day of A.A. D. 1948 laW0t) Ci y Recorder.