11 of 1962 - A resolution declaring the intention of the City Commission of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Sta • Resolution No. - - 11 • By Joe L. Christensen COMMISSIONER Declaring the intention of the City Commission of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State Of Utah to con— struct certain improvements on certain streets within said City to be known as Curb and Gutter Ex— tension No. 290; to defray the cost • and expenses of said improvements by special assessments to be levied against the property benefited by such improvements; providing for a Notice of Intention to authorize such`improvements and fixing a time and place for protests against such improvements or the creation of such curb and gutter extension special improvement district. PRISM to the Sad et Cemmids and Order filed .1tM211962: gn!'i to lOOl a Irv. Ow o.ittty tegleeer M Mil boor tart The Sued .t c& Cated. et it. ►i helot this�I. tasiis/ai asl I ...t1t ilopo at the bud .t et* Coowtoslasowe ta.t.lelst S. tie etweltwt sod ass• atr.at+aa at Os* owl Getter't tat Sue Ma a verlows Areas within the anti fares ha.sas Mosso I. Stet tooth Luse* aM tr.a OW Is Uta Tint tta.atat. ' .ells I.*s..,is hereby attbrisa is soil* ..ea and every bidder.t the.setr.illM.s at'the W e/telals tt...fbre* awl to relied the 4*tS.t the flans.eta opeeitlestime taar.Srs to all plat MUws. 1M Clip atttita.r la else Si p.tare say l.et& ter•..H thus11 ate Setter tolow'a to We twee. ?..re talrAir, city bMA gj hoes► tree SUN** Saitarar time. Ur ra..i. • MC!. z ioo i.si MIN . ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, dune 21 , 196...2 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Christensen . . Harrison . . . L.k.�. .t :��� Smart Romney . . . Mr. Chairman RESOLUTION Result . . . . A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN SAID CITY CONSISTING OF GRADING, CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER (WHERE IT DOES NOT NOW EXIST) A DRAINAGE SYSTEM, TO PROVIDE WATERWAYS, OUTLETS, ETC., FOR THE EXISTING ACTIVE WATER RIGHTS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CURB AND GUTTER EXTENSION, TO REMOVE TREES WHERE THEY ARE IN THE WAY OF THE NEW IMPROVEMENTS, TO REMOVE ALL EXISTING HON-CONFORMING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE WAY OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING THE DEMOLITION OF A HOUSE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOGAN AVENUE AND 11TN EAST STREET, TO CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAYS FROM THE NEW CURB AND GUTTER TO THE STREET EDGE OF SIDEWALKS, TO CREATE A SPECIAL CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT I10. 290 IN SAID CITY; TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSES OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY SUCH IMPROVEMENTS: PROVIDING FOR A NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PROTESTS AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS OR THE CREATION OF SUCH CURE AND GUTTER EXTENSION SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. GE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah: SECTION 1 . The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah has determined and hereby determines that it will be in the Lest interest of said City to grade, construct sidewalks, curb and gutter (where it does not now exist), as specified on the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer, the streets in the extension to be paved with a two inch thick stcnefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed on a six inch thick compacted gravel base, a drainage system, tc provide waterways, outlets, etc., for the existing active water rights within the limits of the curb and gutter extension, to remove tress where they are in the way of the new improvements, tc re- move all existing non-conforming improvements in the way of new improve- ments, including the demolition of a house at the northwest corner of Logan Avenue and 11th East Street, to construct driveways frcm the new curb and gutter tc the street edge of sidewalks and to do all other work necessary to complete the project in accordance with Salt Lake City stand- ards; the said streets to be improved and the boundaries of said Curb and Gutter Extension Special Improvement District, all more particularly described in the Notice cf Intention to construct the proposed improve- ments hereinafter set forth. SECTION 2. The proposed district shall be known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 250 of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. SECTION 3. The City shall pay the cost and expenses of improvements to be constructed on streets and avenues on property owned by said City. Such part of the cost and expenses of the proposed improvements as is not paid by the City shall be assessed against the lots and lands adjoining, abutting, contiguous or adjacent to the proposed improvements. SECTION 4. Written protests against the proposed improvements or against the creation of said district must be presented and filed in the office of the City Recorder on or before the 23rd day of July 1562, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M., and on the 25th day of July , 1562, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A.M., at the City Hall of said City such protests shall be heard and considered by the Board of Commissioners. The City Recorder is hereby directed to give notice of intention to make the proposed improvements and of the time within which protests against the proposed improvements or the creation of said district may be filed and the date when such protests will be heard and considered, by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in Salt Lake City, said publication to be in each issue of said newspaper for a period of at least twenty (20) days, the first publication to be nct less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for the meeting of the Board of City Commissioners to consider such protests and by mailing said notice by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the owners of the property affected by, or specially benefited by, such improvements as said property is described in said notice, insofar as the names and addresses of said owners can be ascertained from the most recent available county assessment books, and addressed to owners as provided by ordinance. Said notices shall be mailed not later than five (5) days after the first publi- cation of such notice. The City Recorder shall have on file in his office a copy of the 6otice of Intention for the examination of any interested parties. Said notice shall be in the following form,to-wit: N OTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, of the intention of such Board of Commissioners to make the following described improvements: It is proposed to make such improvements that will cause all streets in the extension to be paved with a two inch thick stonefilled sheet asphalt wearing surface placed on a six inch chick compacted (gravel base, to construct s_andard curb and _utter where it does not now exist, to construct a drainage system, to provide waterways, outlets, etc. , for the existing active water ri,r2Ints within the limits of the curt and utter extension, to remove trees where they are in the way cf the new improve- ments, to remove all existing non-conforming improvements in the way of new improvements, including the demolition of a house at the northwest corner of Logan Avenue said 11th East Street, to construct driveways from the new curb and gutter to the street edge of sidewalks and to do all other work necessary to complete the project in accordance with Salt Lake City standards. All of the frontatje of streets in this district upon which improve- ments are to be made will be assessed in accordance with the improvements constructed. Credit to abutting property owners for street improvements made under proper permits from the Office of the City Engineer and exten- sions previously build and assessed will be made and allowed, so that the property will not be re-assessed for those prior improvements so con- structed. Credits for corner lot exemptions or partial exemptions will be made as provided by State Statutes and City Ordinances. shall be known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 290, and This extension/till be constructed within the following described area and Loundaries and upon the following named streets: AREA: Perkins Sc-cond Addition, West Grand View Subdivision, Ever-•reen Park Subdivision, Perkins Boulevard Addition, Lots 1 and 4 to 8 incl ., and 15 to 19 incl ., Block 1, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey; Perkins Addition, Fern Subdivision, Greystone Addition and Lots 18 and 20, Block 16, 5 Acre Plat "A" Big Field Survey; Hazelmere Subdivision, Block 1!-A, 5 Acre Plat "Arr Big Field Survey; Perkins 1st Addition - Grandview, and Lot 7, Block: 1-A, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. BOUNDARIES: North - Emerson Avenue South - 21st South Street West - 9th East Street East - 13th East Street -2- STREETS: Along the following named streets the abutting property will be assessed for improvements built -t the herein below estimated rates per front foot of abutting proper.:y for designated widths of roadway measured out from the street edge of the jutter to the center of the roadway, for concrete curb and cutter end sidewalk where they do not now exist and for the abutter's portion of all miscellaneous costs of the protect as follows: BLAINE AVENUE - both sides - between 9th tad 11th East Streets - Rote No. 1 . LOGAN AVENUE - both sides - between 9th and 10th East Streets - Rate No. 1 . LOGAN AVENUE - both sides - between 12th and 13th East Streets - Rate No. 1 . LOGAN AVENUE - north side - from the northwest corner of Logan Avenue and llth East Street; thence west 146 feet - Rate No. 3. LOGAN AVENUE - south side - between 10th and 11th East Streets - Rate No. 4. LOGAN AVENUE - north side - from loth East Street east to a point 146 feet west of 11th East Street - Rate No. WESTMINSTER AVENUE - both sides - between llth and 12th East Streets - Rate No. 1 . BRYAN AVENUE - both sides - between 9th end 10th East Streets - Rote No. 1. KENSINGTON AVENUE - Loth sides - between 10th and llth East Streets - Rate No. 1 . loth EAST STREET - both sides - between 17._h aid 21st South Streets - Rate No. 1 . HOLLYWOOD AVENUE - bosh sides - between 9th end llth East Streets - Rate No. 1 McCLELLAND STREET - both sides - from Wilson Avenue, thence southwesterly 75 feet - Rate No. 1 . McCLELLAND STREET - west side - from Dovdnington Avenue, thence southwesterly 75 feet - Rate No. 1 . McCLELLAND STREET - east side - from a point 308.95 feet southwesterly of Wilson Avenue, thence southwesterly 54.53 feet - Rate No. 1 . McCLELLAND STREET - east side - from e point 479.93 feet southwesterly of Wilson Avenue, thence south 181.90 feet - Rate No. 1 . McClelland Street - east side - from Ramona Avenue, thence northwesterly 75 feet - Rate No. 1 . McCLELLAND STREET - west side - from a point 75 feet southwesterly of Wilson Avenue, thence southwesterly 57.80 feet to Downington Avenue - Rate No. 2. McCLELLAND STREET - west side from a point 75 feet southwesterly of Downinton Avenue, thence southwesterly, south and southeasterly to Ramona Avenue - Rate No. 2. McCLELLAND STREET - east side - from a point 75 feet southwesterly of Wilson Avenue, thence southwesterly 233.9'"> feet - Rate No. 2. 363.59 MoCLELLAND STREET - east side - from a point/ uS feet southwesterly of Wilson Avenue, thence southwesterly 116.34 feet - Rate No. 2. MaCLELLAND STREET - east side - from a point 75 feet northwesterly of Ramona Avenue, thence northwesterly and north 292.25 feet - Rate No. 2. McCLELLAND STREET - west side - between Ramona and Hollywood Avenues - Rate No. 3. -3- McCLELLAND STREET - east side - from a point 51 .58 feet southeasterly of Ramona Avenue, thence southeasterly to Hollywood Avenue - Race No. 3. McCLELLAND STREET - east side - from the southeast corner of McClelland Street and Ramona Avenue, thence southeasterly 51 .58 feet - Rate No. 4. IMPROVEMENTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS Rate Proposed Front Feet of Estimated Cost Total No. Improvements Abutting Proper Y Per Front Foot Est. Cost 1. Curt & Gutter, 16 ft. Paving and Misc. 15,948.50 $ 896 $142,898.56 2. 4 ft. sidewalk, curb & gutter, 16 ft. paving and Misc. 1,425.00 10.9` 15,618.00 3. 4 ft. sidewalk, curb & gutter, 13 ft. paving and Misc. 684.20 10.43 7,138.21 4. Curb & Gutter, 13 ft. paving & Misc. 1 ,236.58 8.43 10,424.37 Total Estimated Cost of Abutters' Portion (including City as an Abutter) $176,077.14 Total Estimated Cost of City's Portion Proper 47,790.15 Total Estimated Cost of Project Exclusive of Extra Costs of Private Driveways $223,867.29 City's Estimated Cost as an Abutter *Property at the Northwest corner of Logan Avenue and llth East Street 732.01 Total Estimated City's Cost Proper 47,790.15 Total Estimated City's Cost Proper and as an Abutter $48,522.16 *This property has been acquired by Salt Lake City to allow for the full width of Logan Avenue into llth East Street. The cost of demolition and removal of the house at this property is included as a part oi' the miscellaneous cos:. All other necessary things shall be done to complete the whole project in a proper and workmanlike manner according to plans, profiles and speci- fications on file in the office of the City Engineer of Salt Lake City and to defray the abutter's portion of the cost and expense of said improvements by special tax or assessment to be paid in ten equal annual installments plus five per cent (5%) interest on the unpaid balance levied according tc the front or linear foot frontage upon and against all lots, pieces or parcels of land, c be benefited and affected by said improvements. The whole amount of the tax may be paid without interest within 15 days after notification by the Salt Lake City Treasurer of the amount due. All non-conforming improvements, such as lawns, sprinkling systems, -4- rock gardens, driveways, curbs, gutters, culverts, walls, fences, trees, etc. , which have been built or installed by abutting property owners within the areas to be improved, must be removed by the property owners or at their expense, prior to the commencement of the project. If these improve- ments are not removed by the property owners, they will be removed by the contractor and they will be disposed of by him as directed by the Engineer. Parking areas, i .e., those areas between ;.he back of new curb and the street edges of existing sidewalks, not occupied by house walks or drive- ways will be brought to finished grade using the existing soil . No fine tradin„ top soiling seeding, sodding, or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under this improvement extension. The abutters estimated costs per front foot do not include the cost of private driveways, the cost of which will vary according :c width and amount of parking area to be covered. These costs are estimated to be approximately $1 .00 per square foot for open type driveways and approximately $2.00 per square foot -For driveways requiring pipe or culvert in the gutter- line. The cost of driveways will be assessed against the properties benefite: in addition to the assessment for sidewalk, curb and gutter, paving and miscellaneous. There shall be exemptions 'rode for corner lots to be apportioned as defined and provided for in the Ordinances of Salt Lake City. The estimated cost of the City's portion proper consists of the cost of one half of all general excavation, the cost of the paving o: all inter- sections, the cost of all drainage and irrigation structures, drainage and irrigation pipe and the cost of removing and replacing, sidewalk and existing curb and gutter in street intersections, made .iecessary by the new improve- ment. The estimated cost of City's portion as an abutter is the costs of new improvements along the property at the Northwest corner of Logan Avenue and 11th East Streets. All protests and ob;ec;:ions to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing, stating therein lot, block or description of property, together with the number of front feet (or square feet) to the City Recorder on or before the 23rd day of July , 1952, the Board of Commissioners at its first regular meeting thereafter, to-wit: the 25th day of Jul. , 1952, will consider the proposed levy and hear and consider such protests and objections to said improvements as shall have been made. -5- BY ORDER OF THE 30ARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. DATED: June 21. 1962 i y r First Pub]icatior - June 29, 19 2 Last Publication - July 1°, 1962 City Commissioner Joe L. Christensen thereupon moved that the Board of Commissioners adopt the foregoing resolution. The resolution was thereupon put to a vote and unanimously adopted on the following recorded vote: Those voting AYE: Mayor 9! Those voting NAY: \ 61. ATTEST: it .eco. •�►v