116 of 1913 - A resolution that the Mayor make formal application in the name of Salt Lake City to the Secretary o REMARKS: Resolution NO... 1-1" By Commissioner KORNS That the_Layor make formal application in the name of Salt Lake City to the Secretary of War of the United States for grant of land in the Fort Douglls ReSertion- at the headof the Fifth South surply mains for reservoir site. READ AND ADOPTED NOV F 19 13 CiTY ZoledAkmwot RE0oRm.R. oft, Ilik.4414;1 CALL ;Salt Lake City, Utah, ov, 8, 1913 -wpTiNG No Keyser . . . . I move that resolution No.\\\D ---- by Mr. Zarna Korns be adopted. Lawrence Morris Mr Chairman . . . RESULT - - - - ...... RSB • 793408.4S, to •carte out the plane'of the Board of Comai'eeicners of Bait Take' City, to add to and inereass the supply of water for the use'of_:the.inha'bit:luta of said oitf=-#or domestic purposes, it: is very necessary to have one or more:dlstributinig•reservoirs ;L t'ed, u imn' the'ieest-4,,he 'sod"ea 4 ei.ty at'thg head. of fbh South troet`saupply mein] and •?0,REAS, by reason of the. location of said supply main and of the ;topography of the ountry east of: the city,, ths:only possible ,location for such"rese 'air or re an'Vo re to_be of ,benefit to the" • city; 18 bn 'th*R united States Military Reservation :whigi:botmd.s • ,,Enid City on the Meat• ind'which is ,at a c onside rebl3* higher elevation than:eai.d .c-ity 'ane WF ,B, the City,.. ine,ei'. of Zait'Xake"pxty has"ins pursuance. of the,,city'e purp*sdato)if possible btain a grant from:the States of"a piece.of' ground nr,>w i»e,ludad in i d res:ervat"ion faa tjxe urpoees of said revervoir>or reeervoi and, -under the "direction of ,fie Beard of Corn es.oners,of said oily, made an aeeurate, seaway;of ;the Ian4 nought•t'o be eo granted," anl'has praapaz`ed a pint;o a portion of.Bait aks City arid. said •military reeer'atie t.a looting the' location of said lend with reference to said city and•4he surre*n&thgs e,g`the • a&ee, which sun e'y and plat duly Verified by'him have -been •sObi%i.tte*; to the::Boar.d of'Commiesiouets 'fur.approval.. 1p7� 'i'EMHEFOR 'TT I hRESt ;?T&b by the Board,of"Commissioners of alt k@ket C%tt that the survey end map as reps e4 vezrified anti • ubmiate4 by.said..gity sneer as aforesaid, 9uttiled. 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