12 of 1942 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations to the budgets of the various departments for the REMARKS G K. Resolution No. 14 17 11 .By.Commissioner MCConkle , a tz Authorizing additional appropriations to the budgets ' •> of the various departments 11 " I "tor the year ending Dec.31,194p fir` w q aOtaling154,b30.29. 11 hinted to the$lose of Commissio ' AND PASSED I D(C;2194 jj 1 K 11 11 11 / 5 E. ,/ .. li tI).f, , O tf Filed.1 fi �I r. 3.S y •:.Address ...4.,1, e,. � \ iWuhh4ll, V 1 _J_., lii i ,�JI Ii Keyser - - - - - '`-- --2 k - i ., Matheson - - - - McConkie /cce s..J . . - - - - - -- Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, Commissioners of the various departments herein- after specified have made written requests for additional appropria- tions setting forth the emergencies necessitating the requests; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to make such additional appropria- tions for the support of the city government for the year 1942. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that an emergency exists and it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the following accounts and departments for the year 1942, and that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the support of the various depart- ments indicated for the calendar year ending December 31, 1942. Said appropriations are further itemized in the requests on file for such appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on December 24, 1942, to-wit: AUDITOR. Account No. Department. Amount. 1-A-2 City Auditor(Office Employees) $ 2053.35 (salary increases) 1-B-1 n n Office supplies 100.00 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE. 2-A-2 Commissioner's office (Salaries) 230.00 3-A-1 Wasatch Springs Plunge W4Saiaries)ineers 1482.50 82.50 3-A-4 3-A-12 n n n n Janitot & Watchman 235.37 3-A-14 n n n n matrons 75.00 3-A-20 " +, n 't Lifeguards 300.00 3-A-22 " " If " Laborers 600.00 6-A-2 License Department (Salaries) Clerk 115.00 6-A-11 n n " Inspectors 97.50 7-A-2 Purchasing Agent (Salaries, clerks) 875.00 8-A-2 City Recorder (Salaries, clerks) 172.50 9-A-2 Civil Court (Salaries) 632.50 10-A-2 Criminal Court (Salaries) 230.00 11-A-2 Cemetery (Salaries) 230.00 11-A-3 n (Wages, Maintenance & Ground-31 13.58 . _2- Account No. Department Amount. 11-A-12 Cemetery (Wages - watchman) 6 74.75 11-A-16 " (wages - truck drivers) 450.00 11-A-21 n (Wages - Florist) 230.00 12-A-2 Treasurer (Salaries - Clerks) 600.00 14-A-11 Traffic and Collectors (Salaries 747.50 PUBLIC SAFETY. 20-A-2 Mayor's Office (Salaries) 985.00 20-A-55 " " (Traffic Supervisor, etc.) 500.00 21-A-1 Public Safety Office (Salaries) 80.00 21-A-17 n n n n 57.50 21-A-31 n n n n 591.55 21-A-40 " n tr n 115.00 21-A-41 " " If n 115.00 23-A-12 Public Safety Building " 115.00 25-A-1 Fire Dept. (Salaries) 500.00 25-A-2 n If " 80.00 25-A-6 " " n 2560.00 25-A-11 "' " " 120.00 25-A-13 " " " 8040.00 25-A-17 " n n 752.00 25-A-31 " " it 6270.00 25-I-1 " " Fire Station No. 10 6488.00 30-A-2 Police Department (Salaries)(Administra 466.7226.72 30-A-6 n " n n 30-A-7 " n n n 66.72 31-A-2 n " Records Bureau 360.00 31-A-6 " n n n 120.00 31-A-7 " " " " 400.00 31-A-8 " " " n 120.00 32-A-6 n n Communication 22880.00 00 32-A-7 32-A-8 " " n 400.00 32-A-31 " " " 320.00 33-A-6 " n Traffic 386.72 33-A-7 " " n 2217.50 34-A-6 " " Criminal Investigation 80.00 34-A-7 " " n " 80.00 34-A-8 " " " " 3200.00 34-A-37 " n " n 40.00 35-A-6 " " Prison 160.00 35-A-7 " " n 560.00 35-A-14 " " it 80.00 36-A-6 " " Juvenile 240.00 36-A-7 " " n 160.00 36-A-8 " " n 240.00 37-A-6 n n Uniform Detail 440.00 37-A-7 " n " " 1200.00 48-B-1 Health Dept. Administration 100.00 40-B-2 " " n 200.00 40-B-3 " n n 225.00 41-A-10 " " Epidemiology 97.50 41-A-40 " " n 115.00 42-A-10 " " Social Hygiene 28.75 43-A-10 " " School Nurses 820.00 44-A-10 " " Maternal & Child Welfare 167.50 45-A-1 " n Laboratory 57.50 45-A-30 " " " 115.00 46-A-1 " " Emergency Hospital 115.00 46-A-10 " n n n 410.00 47-A-11 " " Sanitation 1550.00 48-A-2 " " Milk Division 230.00 48-A-11 it It n n 650.00 48-A-30 " " n " 57.50 50-A-2 " " Vital Statistics 858.75 51-A-1 Shade Tree Department (Salaries) 160.00 -3- . PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY. Account No. Department. Amount. 61-A-3 Liberty Park (Wages) $1000.00 61-A-7 n n n 540.00 61-A-21 " n n 980.00 62-A-1 Bogle Zoo (Supervision) 60.00 62-A-3 " n (Wages) 360.00 63-A-1 Nibley Park Golf Course (Supervision) 300.00 63-A-3 n n n n (Wages) 900.00 64-A-1 Bonneville Golf Course (Supervision) 300.00 64-A-3 n n " (Wages) 900.00 65-A-1 Forest Dale Golf Course (SupervisionX 300.00 65-A-3 n n n (Wages) 900.00 66-A-1 Bird Aviary (Supervision) 154.20 66-A-3 " n (Wages) 60.00 68-A-1 Custodian Supervision) 120.00 68-A-3 " Wages) 750.00 68-A-12 " 'Wes, janitor) 800.00 68-B-4 n Fuel) (Stoker equipment) 192.00 68-I-1 " ($eating and Lighting System) 2228.24 7m-A-2 Recreation :Office salaries) 60.00 70-A-3 " (Maintenance of Grounds) 240.00 71-A-1 Auto and Mechanical Division (Supervision) 300.00 72-A-3 Jordan Park Wages,maintenanee of grounds) 360.00 72-A-21 " " (Green House Labor) 1737.50 73-A-3 Soft Ball (Wages, maintenance of Grounds) 100.0060.00 74-A-3 Pioneer Park (Wages, 77-A-3 Parking and Boulevards (Wages) 5.40400 78-A-3 Athletic Park (wages,maintenance ef,grcnnds) 285.00 82-A-3 Community Bail Park (wages, " " n 60.00 83-A-1 Memory Grove Supervision) 120.00 83-A-3 " " (Wages, maintenance of grounds) 300.00 86-A-3 Wasatch Springs n " " n 172i00 87-A-3 Victory Park Playground " n I' 80.00 88-A-1 West Side Boys1 Club (Supervision) 60.00 89-A-3 Fairmont Park (Wages, maintenance) 1150.00 95-A-3 City Scale (Supervision) 200.00 96-I-1 Airport No. 2 Culvert 625.90 97-F-8 Felt Recreation Center 300.00 97-0-2 " " " 150.00 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Up-A-1 Engineering Dept. (Administration) 161.00 120-A-2 It n (Office salaries) 448.50 120-A-15 " " (Engineers, salaries) 5113.45 "120-A-22 " (Sewer Pimping Plant) 252.00 121-A-1 Main Office . 287.50 121-A-2 n It (Salaries) 287.50 121-E-1 " " Fluorescent Lighting 287.40 122-A-1 Barns and Shops (Supervision) 115.00 122-A-21 " " " • (Wages, stock room) 405.00 122-A-4 " n n (Wages, asphalt plant) 700.00 122-A-12 " II n Wages, watchmen) 115.00 122-A-17 " " " Wages,Mechanics & Helpers) 1600.00 122-A-17-1 n It It " Blacksmiths & Helpers 500.00 122-A-17-2 n n n n Welders & Helpers) 500.00 122-A-22 n n n n ;,abor) 325.00 123-A-1 Streets & Boulevards Supervision) 230.00 1 123-A-16 " n It Salaries 3000.00 123-A-19 n II n Salaries) 500.00 123-A-22 II If It Wages, labor) 3000.00 123-13-4 Jordan River Bridge 4070.21 123-0-4 Cost to complete Jordan River Bridge 1561.00 124-A-1 Sanitary Division Supervision) 57.50 124-A-16 n " (Salaries) 6000.00 124-A-17 n " n 500.00 125-A-22 Irrigation (Salaries) 297.50 126-A-1 Smoke Abatement (Supervision) 102.50 -4- Account No. Department. Amount. 126-A-11 Smoke Abatement (Salaries) 520.00 126-E-1 tt tt (Fluorescent lighting) 152.38 128-A-1 City Dump (Supervision) 57.50 128-A-3 n n Wages, maintenance) 200.00 128-A-16 n n ( tt truck drivers & helpers) 200.00 WATER SUPPLY AND WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT. 150-A-1 Administration (Supervision) 605.00 150-A-2 't Salaries office employees) 2400.00 150-A-11 n Salaries) 632.50 150-A-22 n Salaries 250.00 151-A-2 Maintenance of Shops, etc. (Salaries) 460.00 151-A-17 n tt It n n 804.00 151-A-22 n It It It If 300.00 152-A-17 New Watermain Extensions 220.00 152-A-22 n n n (Salaries 572.26 152-1-1` n it it Pipe & Fittings) 1003.61 153-A-17 New Service Connections (Salaries) 220.00 154-A-22 Reconnections Salaries) 300.00 155-A-1 Forest Fires Supervision) 55.00 155-A-38 n n (((Salaries) 55.00 156-A-1 Watershed Sanitation (Supervision) 55.00 156-A-16 n n (Salaries) 110.00 156-A-38 n n Salaries 115.00 157-A-22 Parley's system-Mt.Dell Reservoir(Salaries) 200.00 157-A-38 It tt n n n n 460.00 159-A-22 Big & Little Cottonwood & Mill Creek System 1000.00 159-A-38 tt n It II It It If n 275.00 160-A-17 Maintenance all Exchanges -Culinary Pipe Limes 27.50 160-A-38 n If tt It it n 115.00 162-A-37 Wells Investigation (Salaries) 40.00 163-A-22 Canal Maintenance (Salaries) 200.00 163-A-38 tt n n 180.00 166-A-34 Maintenance Chlorine & Ammonia Plants 115.00 166-A-40 n n n n n 230.00 167-A-22 n & Operation of six reservoirs 100.00 167-A-38 it n IT ft IT n 75.00 168-A-32 Water Distribution (Salaries) 460.00 168-A-38 it n It 230.00 171-A-1 Repairs & Maintenance of Mains & Conduits 57.50 171-A-17 n n n tt n II n 690.00 171-A-22 n tt n n n n n 300.00 172-A-1 Repairs tt n n Valves & Hydrants 57.50 172-A-17 n n tt It n n ft 750.00 172-A-22 n n n It It It It 300.00 173-A-17 n It It Services (Salaries) 460.00 173-A-22 It II It n It 500.00 174-A-17 Repair and installing Meters. (Salaries) 460.00 174-A-22 n n n If It 200.00 175-A-17 Drinking Fountains (Salaries) 57.50 175-A-22 n- It II 50.00 176-A-16 Miscellaneous trucking (Salaries) 400.00 177-A-17 Repairs Automobiles and Trucks (Salaries) 697.97 178-B-19 Materials & Labor Fire protection water lines Rubber Reserve piles 1118.65 181-A-17 60th South Pumping Plant (Salaries) 60.00 181-A-39 it n II n n 560.00 STATUTORY & GENERAL. 141-400 Defense 28729.56 141-A-31 Salary of Cit# Messenger for bal.of '42 800.00 141-F-33 Miscellaneous expense 300.00 141-I-i Capital Additions 3219.63 TOTAL $l$530.29 1 -5- _ • .. It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commissio era for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its passage. This resolution shall take of upo ' ion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 71 day of/D"e,6.GG.6!4-l-r 1942. (1.7- --'-- Mayor. l,Oy Recor er. I