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12 of 1947 - A resolution authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government for the year 1948.Pas
Rec.]ez.A REMARKS -i1 Resolution No._ 12 i. i ByCommirriomer Glade i'li I, Authorizing appropriations III ' P !� for the support of the City yl Government for the year 194o. #i( it Presented is t9a 9esfd of C miniotioners 11. III AND PA§§gD i ,11 111,. 2,4,,,ev i I 1I I cAtY 12z oROER I I, j 1 lit I . 1.. .... 1' N, , it F III 1!� rle i IIa III I II I'! Dau Frkd li AJdrav y5 — $. .. r :=thy 9'ypg*a.`r x g �, a} i' `. ,' Afflec Otri.fr3; c c s ti` u._.y ..- Barggiacxx- - - Matheson � Ks7eacxxx Romney Ddez6toemRx Tedesco Mr.Chairman - - - RESO TION Result A RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1948. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1948, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. Salt Lake City, Utah TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SALT 7,A%E CITY, UTAH Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time, until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished,and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31st, 1948. We have carefully considered the requirements of each department of the City Government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes, and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the budget. Adopted December0EC 311347 1947. Respectfully, /mayor 1116' • amity Au r Board of Estimate and Apport onment 11111 --•weiw .A.:.! Bps ..0 '.X ')a $137 .1 J5<►,�'. O---FsB kILL LEVI SALTY FREE LIBRARY (1) 1948 Levy 1-Mill Per Thousand valua a 183,705.00 1947 Surplus 54,568.00 (2) 1948 Fines •\ 7,320.00 1 \'8tal $ 225.593.00 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION\\ 1948-Levy of 18Q Mills per thousand valuation GENERAL TAXES Prior Years 75,000.00 Current Years 0 18$Mills .;'-,,.. \_ 3,028,547.00 Business Licenses '\\ 300,000.00 Business Franchise : 150,000.00 Non-Business Licenses 100,000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 160,000.00 Rents and Concessions 45,000.00 Departmental Fees and Charges 120,000.00 Earnings General Departments 110,000.00 Earnings Water Department 1,200,000.00 Commercial Sanitation 85,000.00 Class "C" Road 178,649.00 Airport #1 Estimated 1948 140,000.00) 271,035.00 Surplus 1947 131,035.00) Parking Meters 175,000.00 Excess Revenue 309,618.00 Watermain Extension Service 200,000.00 Street Replacement Service 50,000.00 State Liquor MUM 272,454.00 $6,830,303.00 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Auditor 45,430.00 Public Affairs and Finance 356,989.00 Public Safety 1,608,370.00 Parks and Public Property 561,249.00 Street and Public Improvements Engineering 246,805.00 Streets 704,731.00 951,538.00 Water Supply end Waterworks 464,957.00 Statutory and General: Operations 705,050.00 Bond Retirement and Sinking Fund 374,937.00 Bond Interest 172,895.00 Class (0) Roads 178,649.00 Commeroial Sanitation 85,000.00 Airport #1 127.671.00 1,844,202.00 Capital Investments: Auditor 3,000.00 Finance 17,306.00 Public Safety 78,900.00 Parks 155,000.00 Streets: Engineers 30,000.00 Streets 50,000.00 80,000.00 Airport 143,364.00 Water 275,000.00 Statutory and General 35'000'� 789,570.00 Revenue Transfer Accounts: Watermain Extension Service #3 S00,000.00 Street Replacement Service #4 80.000.00 250,000.00 .Unappropriated Surplus 160,000.00 $6,830,803.00 Note: Items Number 1-2 Library Fund and 3 do 4-City Budget-to be expended only as revenues are actually received. PM PUBLIC LIMIT SPECIAL ACCOUNT (I) 1948 Lev 1—Mill Per Thousand valuation $183,705.00 1947 Surplus 54,888.00 (2) 1948 Finer 7,320.00 Total $228,593.00 Ispenditurss $228,593.00 • • AUDITOR,S NOWJEffiler BODGZT No. A 1 8sporrisioa 9,200.00 4 8 Salaries-Offioo Employees 30.880..00 40,030.00 D- 1 Otfloe Supplies 3,500.00 3-10 l[iaesllaneous 73.00 1- 1 Rapatrs+Egxipssai 000.00 1- 4 Axis Allowance 1.440.00 11-764 Rraroliai xxpenso 300.00 1-19 Memberships sad Subsoriptioas 03.00 400.00 ca, NRk a Total �,430.00 149-D CAPITAL Yf3TDI os s 1 Jurrouiha A000nabia`Iaohine os ardor 2,014.04 /loosiai $80.40 3,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS and FINANCE 1 9 4 8 BUDGET Mayor-Commissioner's Office Budget No. 2 Acct. Name of Account Amount No. - A - 1 Salary -- Mayor-Commissioner $6 000.00 A - 2 Salaries - Office Employees 8440.00 A -48 Salary -- Sooty. Civil Service 2.09 .00 $ 16,299.00 B - 1 Office Expense 175.00 B - 2 Printing 150.00 B - 3 Postage 125.00 B -12 ©as and,Oil 500.00 B -13 Tires- 125.00 B -19 Miscellaneous Expense 900.00 E - 1 Repairs to Turn. & Fixtures 50.00 E - 4 Cleaning and Renovating 350.00 E - 6 Repairs to Anto eibilss 200.00 E -11 Repairs ' to Tires 25.00 F - 4 Auto Allowance 420.00 F -24 Travel Expense 25.00 p -39 Subscriptions 100.00 3,145.00 44%400.O0 Bureau of Mechanical Inspection Budget No. 3 A- 2 Salaries - Office Employees 4,110.00 A-ll Salaries -- Inspectors 31.110.00 $35,220.00 B- 1 Office Expense 125.00 B- 2 Printing 450.00 B- 3 Postage 30.00 E- 1 Repairs to Furn. and Fixtures 100.00 E- 4 Meaning and Renovating 175.00 7- 4 ar Allowances 4,620.00 F-24 Travel Expense 300.00 F-39 Subscriptions and Membership 200.00 6,000.00 141,220.©0 Page #2 • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS & FINANCE cont'd 1 9 4 S Budget Legal Department Budget No. 5 Asst. No, Name of Aeoons% Amount A 2 Salaries - Offise Employees $6,765.00 A-15 Salaries - Atty. & Assistants 17.520.00 424,285.00 B- 1 Office Expense 150.00 B- 2 Printing 125.00 B- 3 Postage 50.00 B-ld Law Books E50.00 E-4 Cleaning and Renovating 300.00 F- 9 Court Costs 100,00 7-24 Travel Expense 500.00 7-39 Subscriptions A Membership 150.00 2,223.00 126,510.00 License Department Budget No. 6 A 1 Salary -- Assessor 3,300.00 Ar 2 Salary -- Clerk 2,130.00 A-u Salaries -- Inspeetors 5,160.00 #10,590.00 B- 1 Offise Expense 100.00 B- 2 Printing 400.00 B- 3 Postage 500.00 B-29 Tags and Plates 1,300.00 1- 4 Car Allowanees 1,332.00 7-24 Travel Expense 50.00 3,687200.; 0 BUSINESS FRANCHISE iT. Budget 6-1 Ar- 2 Salaries -- Clerks B-19 Miscellaneous Expense $10,000.00 • Page #3 • Department of Public Affairs and Finance oont'd 1 9 4 8 Budget PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Budget No. 7 Acot. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Salary - Purchasing Agent $ 3,570.00 A,- 2 Salaries - Office Employees 10,530.00 $14,100.00 8- 1 Offiee Expense 150.00 B- 2 iftimeliona0o0 Expense 100.00 E- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 350.00 F- 4 Auto Allowanoe 420.00 F-24 Travel Expense 350.00 7-39 Subscriptions 4 Membership 35.00 1.405.00 113,503.00 RECORDNR'S OFFICE Budget No. 8 Acot. No. Name of Account Amount A 1 Salary -- Recorder 3,300.00 A- 2 Salaries - Office Employees 9.690.00 $12,990.00 B- 1 Office Expense 1,000.00 B- 2 Printing 1,000.00 B- 3 Postage 300.00 1- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 300.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 2 62 .00 415,615.00 615.00 • ' 'Page #4 Public Affairs and Finance oont'd 1 9 4 8 Budget Civil Court Budget No. 9 Aeot. No. Name of Aeceunt Amount A- 2 Salaries -- Deputies $13,200.00 $13,200.00 B- 1 Office Expense 350.00 B- 2 Printing 1,000.00 B- 3 Postage 15.00 E- 1 Repairs to Furs. and Fixtures 15Q.00 E- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 275.00 1,790.00 $ 14,990.00 Criminal Court Budget No. 10 A- 2 Salaries - Deputies $9,330.00 $9,330.00 B- 1 Office Expense 570.00 B- 2 Printing 700.00 B- 3 Postage 25.00 1,295.00 $10,625.00 Page No. 5 Public Affairs and Finance oont'd 1 9 4 8 Budget Cemetery Budget No. 11 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Salary - Sexton $2,670.00 Ar 2 Salaries - Office Employees 4,560.00 Ar- 3 Salaries - Maintenance of Grounds 76,027.00 Ar12 Salaries - watchmen 4,500.00 A-16 Salaries - Truck Drivers 9,000.00 A-21 Salaries - Florists 7.170.00 $103,927.00 B- 1 Office Expense 200.00 B- 2 Printing 250.00 B- 3 Postage 175.00 B- 4 Fuel '600.00 B-12 Gas and Oil 2,000.00 B-13 Tires 750.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Expense 400.00 B-25 Greenhouse Expense 250.00 B-26 Trees,Plants, Shrubs,Seeds 2,900.00 D- 1 Repairs to Grounds 2,500.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 2,500.00 D- 5 Repairs to Streets & Blvda. 2,000.00 E- 2 Repairs to Equipment 3,000.00 N- 6 Repairs to Motor Equipment 1,000.00 E-ll Repairs to Tires 150.00 F-$7 Ulm Service 25.00 7-39 Subscriptions 45.00 18,745.00 $122,672.00 • Page No. 6 Public Affairs and Finance coated Budget 1948 Treasurer's Office Budget No.12 Asst. No. Mane of A000ant Amount A- 1 Salary -- Treasurer $4,290.00 A- 2 Salaries - Office Employees 15.450.00 $19,740.00 B- 1 Office Expense 400.00 B- 2 Printing 800.00 B- 3 Postage 200.00 E- 1, Repairs to 1glpnent 100.00 1r 4 Cleaning and Renovating 200.00 7-39 Subscriptions 50.00 1.750.00 121,490.00 Dog Tax Department Budget No. 13 7-22 Collections and Expense '14.000.00 $14,000.00 Parking deters BOdast No. 14 A+11 Salaries - Supervision and Collectiens 115,690.00 $15,690.00 Planning and Zoning Engineer Budget Mo. 15 A- 1 Salary -- Zoning Engineer $4,800.00 Ar 2 Salaries - Office Employees 8,430.00 13,230.00 B-15 Office Expense 1,220.00 7-50 Board of Adjustment 550.00 1.770.00 115,000.00 • • Page No. 7 • D•partmeat Public Affairs and Finance 1 9 4 8 Budget oont'd Totals $35'5,GZ9.00 Capital Investment 147-3 147-3-2 $ 310.00 147,3-3 525.0o 147-3-4 310.00 147-3-5 1,005.00 147-3-6 475.0o 147-3-7 8,674.8o 147-3-8 2,556.20 147-3-9 500.00 147-3-10 1,725.00 147-3-11 75.00 147-3-12 1,000.00 147-3-13 • 150.00 17,306.00 TOTAL 4374.295.0o • I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1948 CCWISSIONER'S OFFICE Budget No. 20 Acct. No. Name of account Amounts A-1 Commissioner's Salary $ 5,000.00 A-2 Sealy., Clerks, Stenographers 37,755.00 A-55 Lighting Supervisor _2_820.00,__ Total Salaries $ 45,575.00 B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing 400.00 B-3 Postage 400.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 150.00 E-4 Cleaning and Renovating ---- F-4 Auto Allowance 1,020.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 100.00 Sub. Total $ 2,520.00 Total S 48,095.00 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDINGS Budget No. 23 Acct. No. Name of account Amounts A-1 Budget Director $ 3,270.00 A-2 Stenographers 4,200.00 A-11 Inspectors A-12 Engineers & Janitors 21,183.00 A-17 Mechanics 26,730.00 A-36 Telephone Operators 9,183.00 A-40 Sealer of Wts. &Measures. 2,910.00 A-41 Asst. Sealer of WPts. &Measures. . ___4,860.00 Total Salaries $ 72,336.00 B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Pointing 120.00 8-3 Postage . . 25.00 B-4 Fuel 5000.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil . . . . . . . . . 350.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes . . . 150.00 B 15 Janitors Supplies 700.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-24 Light Globes. . 100.00 D-2 Repairs to Buildings 5000.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing &Heating. . . • 700.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture & Fixtures, 75.00 E-2 Repairs to Tools &Machines 900.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 200.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 300.00 F-7 Public Safety Garage 3,750.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300,00 Sub. Total $ 17,870.00 Total $ 90,206.00 • FIRE DEPARTMENT Budget No. 25 Acct. No. Name of account Amount A 1 Supervision $ 4,980.00 A-2 Secretary 3,060.00 A-6 Asst. Chiefs, Capts,,Lts.,Etc. . . . 116,220.00 A-13 Firemen 366,320.00 A-1? Mechanics 20,580.00 A-31 Alarm Operator & Electricians 22,560.00 Total Salaries $ 533,720.00 B-1 Office Supplies 700.00 B-2 Printing 750.00 B-3 Postage 75.00 B-4 Fuel . . . . . . 6,900.00 B-11 Motor Vehicle Accessories 650.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 3,840.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 2,450.00 B-15 Janitorts Supplies 1,600.00 B-17 Medical Supplies . . . 575.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 000.00 B-21 Bedding 750.00 B-24 Light Globes 225.00 B-31 Fire Prevention Supplies 750.00 B-32 Chemicals 450.00 B-34 Flashlight Globes 35.00 B-35 Flashlight Batteries 200.00 B-37 New Hose 7,200.00 B-40 Photo Supplies 150.00 B-43 Fire Fighting Equipment, act 2,750.00 D-1 Material & Repairs to Grounds 500.00 D-2 Repairs to Buildings 4,750.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing 950.00 E-i Repairs to Furniture & Fixtures . . . 450.00 E-2 Repairs to Tools &Machinery 650.00 E-3 Repairs to Instruments & Apparatus. . 8,500.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 4,650.00 E-15 Repairs to Hose 250.00 F-7 Rent 5,400.00 F-24 Traveling 350.00 F-37 Laundry& Linen 2,900.00 F-39 Memberships & Subscriptions 150.00 Sub. Total $ 60,550.00 Total: $ 594,270.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget No. 30 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision . . $ 11,070.00 A-2 Secretary and Clerks . . 10,800.00 A-6 Capts., Lts., Sgts., Etc . . . . 36,150.00 A-7 Patrolmen . . 1$ ,9?7.50 A-8 Detectives . . 142,440.00 A-11 Inspectors . . 3,780.00 A-31 Radio Technician and Operator . . 25,920.00 $ 419,137.50 Total B-1 Office Supplies . • 1,600.00 B-2 Printing . . 2,700.00 B-3 Postage . . 800.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil . . 13,125.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes . . 800.00 8-15 Janitors Supplies . . 400.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies . . . . • 400.00 B..24 Light Globes 250.00 B-34 Flashlight Globes . . 50.00 B-35 Flashlight Batteries . • 300.00 B-36 Cartridges . . 450.00 B..40 Photo Supplies . . 1,800.00 E-1 Repaires to Furniture and Fixtures. 350.00 E.3 Repairs to Instate. & Apparatus • . 500.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles. . • . . 8,000.00 E-,8 Repairs to Guns, Clubs, Etc. . • • 900.00 E-11 Repairs to Tires and Tubes . . • • 1,000.00 E-18 Target Range . • 200.00 E-19 Radio Equipment . . 4,000.00 F-4 Auto Allowance . • 900.00 F-7 Rant. . .. . t . . . 609.50 F-8 Ambulance Contract . • 75.00 F-24 Traveling Expense . . 500.00 F-25 Obtaining Evidence . . 750.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen . . 1,500.00 F_39 Memberships and Subscriptions . . 75.00 Sub Total $ 42,034.50 Total 4 461,172.00 • • TRAFFIC • Budget No. 33 Acct. No • Name of Account Amount A-6 Capts., Lts., Sgts., Etc $ 8,640.00 A-7 Patrolmen 115,575.00 A-8 Detectives 5,640.00 Total $ 129,855.00 11.2 Printing 2,500.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 7,500.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 700.00 B-29 Bicycle License Plates 500.00 B-39 Traffic Paint. r • 8,000.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 E-10 Signs and Signals , 7 000.00 -16 Repairs to Motorcycles 1,500.00 E-17 Signal Phones 350.00 F-55 Safety Council 1,500.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 300.00 Sub Total 8 $ 33,850.00 Total $ 163,705.00 JAIL Budget No. 35 ACets No Name of Account Amount A-7 Patrolmen 18,900.00 A-8 Detectives 2,940.00 A-14 Matron 2,130.00 Total $ 23,970.00 B-9 Clothing for Prisoners 500.00 B-21 Bedding 300.00 B-42 Jail Supplies 1,200.00 D-2 Repair to Buildings 300.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing 300.00 F-11 Meals to Prisoners 20,000.00 Sub Total $ 22 600.00 Total $ _46,570.0o Total Police Budget Salaries $ 572,962.50 Other Than Salaries 98,484.50 Total Police Budget $ 671,417.00 • HEALTH DEPARTMENT Budget No.40-45-46 Acct. No. Name of account Amounts A-1 Supervision $ 7,500.00 A-2 Clerks 19,260.00 A-10 Nurses , 37,740.00 A-ll Inspectors, 4,680.00 Total S aries $ 69,180.00 B-1 office Sup es 750.00 B-2 Printing . . . 2,700.00 B-3 Postage . . , 500.00 B-4 Fuel . . . 100.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 1,800.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes . . . . 800.00 B-15 Janitors Supplies. 500.00 B-17 Medical Supplies . 5,500.00 B-19 Meacellaneous Supplies . 300.00 B-24 Light Globes 60.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 250.00 E-3 Repairs to Instmts, and Apparatus 250.00 3-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 1,200.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 6,300.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 450.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 1,000.00 F-39 Memberships and Sub. 250.00 F-45 Venereal Clinic . . 2,500.00 Sub. Total $ 25,210.00 Total $ 94,390.00 Acct.No. LABORATORY BUDGET No. 45 --� Name of account Amounts A-1 Supervision $ 3,210.00 A-30 Assistant 2,4.30,00 Total Salaries $ 5,640.00 B-27 Laboratory Supplies 700.00 Sub. Total 700.00 Total $ 6,340.00 Acct.No. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL BUDGET NO.46 Amounts A 1 Supervision A-10 Nurse $ 2$ z.130.00 _ .l3o oo_ _ Total Salaries $ 5,400.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 500.00 F-4 Automobile Allowance 420.00 Sub. Total 920.00 Total $ 6,320.00 , SANITATION BUDGET NO. 47 Acct. No. Name of account Amount. A-1 Supervision $ 3,5 0.00 A-2 Clerks 2,070.00 A-11 Inspectors 10,0010.00._ Total Salaries $ 55,650.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 700.00 Sub. Total 700.00 Total $ 56,350.00 MILK DIVISION BUDGET NO.48 Acct. NO • Name of account Amounts A-1 Supervision $ 2,970.00 A-2 Clerks 5,670.00 A-11 Inspectors . 19,444LOQ__- Total Salaries $ 28,080.00 B-1 Office Supplies • 400.00 8-2 Printing . . . 1,000.00 B-3 Footage 300.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 1,920.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 500.00 B-28 Dairy Testing Supplies 700.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures, . , 50.00 E-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 700.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 1,400.00 F-39 Memberships and Sub 100.00 Sub. Total $ 7,070.00 Acct. Total 35,150.00 CONFORT STATION BUDGET NO.49 Do. Name of account Amounts A-12 Janitors Salaries Total Salaries 4 4,152.00 B-4 Fuel $ 4,152.00 B-15 Janitor's Supplies . 250.00 D-2 Repairs to Buildings . . 200.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing. . 88.88 Sub.Total 1.650.00 Total $ 5,802.00 TOTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 168,102.00 Other Than Salaries 36.250,00 Total Health Department $ 204,352.00 Total Public Safety Budget. (Operating) - $ 1,608,370.00 I CAPITAL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT 'Budget No. 147-4 { Fire Department 1 Triple Combination Fire Engine $13,900.00 12 one-hour demand-type fresh air masks 1,920.00 6 Two-way radio seta 3,000.00 3 New cars for Asst. Chiefs . 5,280.00 Partial Payment on Real Estate Purchased . 2,000.00 $26,100.00 Police Department New Automobiles & Replacements of $ automobiles and motorcycles 26,000.00 10 New Fit Radios and Generators 5,300.00 Radio Equipment necessary in making new frequency change 5,000.00 Office equipment, new semaphores, etc. . 3,500.00 Police Garage Equipment 1,500.00 $41,300.00 Health Department & Commissioner's Office L New automobiles & 4 automobile replacements $ 9,000.00 Office & Photographic equipment 2,500.00 $11,500.00 Total Capital Investment 78,900.00 Total Public Safety Budget $1,687,270. 00 DEPARTMENT OF PARES & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 60 Commissioner's 9ffice Asst. No Name of Account Imonnt A-1 Supervision S,,60p.00 A-2 Office Salaries 7,320.00 Sub Total 13,920,00 B-1 Office Supplies 640.00 8-2 Printing 150 00 B-3 Postage 100.00 B1 Repair Equipment 25.00 F•4 Car Expense 1,870.00 F-18 Advertising 100.00 1-24 Travel 700.00 F-39 Subscriptions 75.00 Sub Total 3,660.00 Total $191580�00 61 Shade arse Department A 1 Supervision 5,170.00 A-3 !gages, Laborers 11,8)0.00 Sub Total 17,020.00 B-1 Office Supplies 10.00 B-2 Printing 75,00 B-3 Postage 10.00 B-12 Gasoline & oil 200.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 100.00 B-19 R sc. Supplies 250.00 B-26 Nursery Stock 500.00 B-27 Chemicals 50.00 D-2 Repair Buildings 75.00 E-2 Repair Tools 100.00 E-6 Repair Motor Vehicles 30Q.00 F-4 Car Expense 420.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 F-56 Contracts 25.00 Sub Total 2,140.00 TOTAL $19,160.00 . DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 62 Recreation Department Acct. No. Name of ;account Amount A-1 Supervision 6,420.00 A-2 Office Salary 1,950.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 3,582.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 22,360.00 Sub Total 34,312.00 B-1 Office Supplies 300.00 B-2 Printing 350.00 9-3 Postage 50.00 B-17 Medical and surgical Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 75.00 B-30 Recreation Supplies 8,500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 E-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 150.00 F-4 Car LXpense 840.00 F-8 Rental Equipment 200.00 F-24 Travel 250.00 F-26 Pageants and Festivals 2,500.00 F-27 Adult Amateur Athletics 100.00 F-28 Telegrams 10.00 F-39 Subscriptions 100.00 Sub Total 13,625.00 TOTAL `-i47,937.00/ DEPART'ENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 63 Wasatch Springs Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision 5,117.00 A-2 Salary, Cashiers 1,885.00 A-4 Salary, Engineers & Assts. 4,360.00 A-12 Salary, Watchnan 1,800.00 A-14 Salary, Matrons 4,300100 A-20 Salary, Lifeguards 3,670.00 A-22 Salary, Laborers 18,500.00 Sub Total 39,632.00/ B-1 Office Supplies 25.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 15.00 B-4 Fuel 3,420.00 B-14 engine Room Supplies 100.00 B-15 Janitors Supplies 1,050.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 600.00 B-23 Bathhouse.aupplies 1,500.00 B-24 Light Globes 100.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 1,000.00 B-3 Material Repair Plumbing & Heating 500.00 5-1 Repair Furniture & Fixtures 250.00 E-2 Repair Tools and Equipment 300.00 F-1 Advertising 300.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 5,500.00 F-39 Subscriptions 7.00 Sub Total, 14,867.00 r 41 TOTAL 154.499.00J DEPART'MNT OF PARES & Pi?RLI_C PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 64 Custodian Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision 3,705.00 =3 ?'gages, Maintenance 3,130.00 A-12 'Wages, Janitors 18,395.00 A-36 Wages,T 1epharte0perater 2,000.00 Sub Total 27,230.00 B-4 Fuel 75.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 125.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 700.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light Globes 500.00 B-37 New Hose 60.00 D-3 Material Repair Plumbing 75.00 E-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 150.00 E-3 Repair Instmts. and Apparatuss 300.00 F-33 Window i'dashing 300.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen 800.00 F-38 Hauling Waste Paper 120.00 Sub Total 3,405.00/ TOTAL 330,635.00 d 66 Airport A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 2,400.00 L,�;. B-5 Electric Current 900.00 B-12 Gasoline & Oil 200.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 75.00 B-24 Light Globes 250.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 2,500.00 E-1 Repair Equipment 350.00 E-6 Repair Motor Vehicle 175.00 F-4 Car Allowance 300.00 Capital Investment Truck Shed '.rater Supply Sub Total 4,750.00 / TOTAL 17,150.00 / DEPART= OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROP'_RTY 1948 BUDGET 67 Liberty Park Acct. Nol Name of Account ;amount -1 Supervision 3,270.00 A-3 .'ages, Maintenance Grounds 15,749.00 A-7 +azes, Patroln.en 5,754.00 A-21 Wages, Greenhouse 13,500.00 Sub Total 313,273.00., B-4 Fuel 950.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 B-J.9 Miscellaneous Supplies 550.00 B-24 . Light Globes 150.00 8-25 Greenhouse Supplies 1,400.00 B-26 Tree; Plants Seeds 250.00 B-37 NEW Hose 200.00 D-1 Material iiepair Grounds 2,500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 3,000.00 D-5 Material Repair Streets 1,500.00 2-15 Band Concerts 2,100.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen 75.00 Sub Total ;12,750.00 TOTAL :51,023.00 r • 68 Athletic Park A-a. Supervision 1,001.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 724.00 Sub Total 1,725.00 / B B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 B-37 Hew Hose 50.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,376.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 800.00 Sub Total 2,251.00 v TOTAL ",,3,„976.00 DEPARTN8NT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1946 BUDGET 69 Fairmont Park Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-1 Supervision 2,310.00 A-3 'rages, Maintenance Grounds 4 382.00 Sub Total 6,692.00. B-4 Fuel 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-37 New Hose 50.00 D-1 Material Repair Gttounds 300.00 D-2 Material 8epair Buildings 800.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen 30.00 Sub Total 1,330.00v Total 18,022.00/ 70 Jordan Park A-1 Supervision 2,310.00 A-3 Wades, Maintenance Grounds 4,123.00 A-21 'Wages, Greenhouse 2,310.00 Sub Total 8,743.00 B-4 Fuel 275.00 B-19 Misc. Supplies 100.00 B-25 Greenhouse Supplies 200.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 6,040.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 2,100.00 F-37 Laundry & Linen 30.00 Sub Total 8,745.00 TOTAL 17,488.00 71 Memory Grove Park A-1 Supervision 2,370.00 A-3 ':?ages, Maintenance Grounds 6,372.00 Sub Total 8,742.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 B-24 Light Glebes 25.00 8-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 250.00 -2 Material Repair Buildings 200.00 Sub Total 675.00 i TOTAL t9,4417.00 i DEP.LTI"BIT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 72 Pioneer Park Acct. No. Name of account Amount A-1 6upervision 1,400.00 A-3 ';;ages, Maintenance Grounds 1,230.00 Sub Total 2,630.00✓ B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 200.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 400.00 Sub Total 725.00. TOTAL ";3,355.00 i 73 Riverside park A-1 Supervision 1,456.00 -3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 936.00 Sub Total 2,392.00/ B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,400.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 2,000.00 Sub Total 3,500.00/ TOTAL 892.00 / 74 Thirteenth East Reservoir Park A-1 Supervision 1,456.00 A-3 Baes, Maintenance Grounds 160.00 Sub Total ,1,616.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 200.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 50.00 Sub Total 250.001 TOTAL .1,866.00 • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 11 Lindsay Gardens Acct. No. dme o ccount Amount A 1 Supervision 1,456.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds , 150.00 Sub Total 1,606.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings, 550.00 Sub Total 1,625.00 Total $3�231.00 • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC 2R0PEi2TY 1948 BUDGET 76 Wasatch Springs Park Account Number Name of Account Amount A- 1 S'u'ervision tl,248.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds Sub-total l,:?48.0U B- 4 Fuel 75.00 R-37 New Rose 75.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 Sub-total 400.00 Total p1.648.00 77 Sorenson Park A- 3 wages, Maintenance Grounds t936.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 300.00 Sub-total 400.00 Total 81.336.00 78 Darks Field A- 1 Supervision :?2,440.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 845.00 Sub-total 3,305.00 B- 4 Fuel 300.00 R-19 Miscellaneous ,Supplies .00 R-37 New Hose 75.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 2,000.00 D- P Material Repair Buildings 500.00 pub-total 2,875.00 Total t6.180.00 • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPLRTY 1948 BUDGET 79 Eighteenth East Park A- 1 Supervision $1,092.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds .00 Sub-total $1,092.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds $1,800.00 D- Material Repair Buildings 200.00 Sub-total $7,000.00 Total $3,092.00 80 White uoftball Park A- 3 'gages, Maintenance Grounds $624.00 B-24 Light Globes .00 B-37 New Hose .00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds $150.00 D- 2 Material Renstr Buildings $:00.00 F- 9 Rentals $150.00 Sub-total $600.00 Total $1,224.00 • • • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 81 Nibley Golf Course Account Number Name of Account Amount A- 3 Wages, Maintemance Grounds $9,994.00 A-23 Professionals 1.770.00 Sub-total ft1,754.00 B- 2 Printing 200.00 B- 4 Fuel 200.00 P-15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light Globes 15.00 8-37 New Hose 150.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 2,500.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 200.00 D- 5 Materiel Repair Streets 400.00 E- 1 Repair Ecuipment 100.00 E- 2 Repair Tools and Machinery 100.00 F- 1 Advertising 50.00 F-24 Travel 150.00 F-37 Laundry end Linen 50.00 Sub-totel $4,390.00 Total $16.154.00 'F'r, T+1 NT 3F 194p fjt_G?T 8? yonneville Golf Course "'C count Number of ccount :mount P- .,eintenonee '..roun'. A- `z ?rofe ional 1_,7on,0o `,,ub-totel )l .00 Printin" 507,.00 n- 4 Fuel P50.00 n-15 Jrnifor ;oodles 50.00 A-19 '/iscelleneous 5lnntiee 'n^ 00 T;-'4 Linbt ^.•lobes 15.00 -57 Me5.1 Hose 150.10 r- 1 ,tt',.in)- "an=i- 5,700.01 r_ • eterifl n^i* Tuileinaa `10.00 5 M,teriel ';fmnrir T;oees 'Th00 F- 1 Punch ;ieai=ter 50.00 F'- - Feo nir Tool' ane °daebi.r.^ry 100.00 F- 1 f.iverti.eina 50.10 Leun'ry {n' Linen 75.00 Oub-totel ,-40.00 Total 11g.7'•11.:10 • • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS ANL PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 83 Forest Dale Golf Course Account Number Name of Account Amount I'.- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 59,4'2.00 t-^3 Pro..^assionel 1,770.00 Sub-total 11,19?.00 13- P Printinw 150.00 3- 4 Fuel 350.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 P-19 Miscellaneous "unrlies P00.00 13-24 Light Globes 15.00 37 New Hose 100.00 r- 1 Material Repair OrounPs ',500.00 n- 2 Materiel Repair Buileines 300.00 I- 5 Material °ereir ^treete .00 1 Repair Cash Register 50.00 F- 7 Repair Tools en' Machinery 50.00 F- 1 Advertising 50.00 37 Laundry end Linen 75.00 Sub-total 3,915.00 Total t15,107.00 • • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGIT 84 Municipal Rose Garden Account Number Na-- la Account Amount A- 1 Supervision $1,665.00 A- 3 Wages, 'Maintenance Grounds 780.00 Sub-total $2,445.00 C- 1 Material aeosir Grounds 100.00 Sub-total 100.00 Total $2,545.00 85 Parkines mad Boulevards A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $4,804.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 400.00 Total $5,204.00 86 Eoele Zoological Gardens A- 1 Supervision t2 550.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 7,096.00 Sub-total 9,646.00 B- 4 r uel 300.00 B-10 Forage Supplies 3,200.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B-37 New Hose 50.00 D- 1 Material baneir Grounds 7,000.00 P- 2 Material Tepai.r Puildings 1,500.00 F-23 Miscellaneous Fxpense 250.00 - F-37 Laundry and Linen 100.00 Sub-total $12,900.00 Total $22,546.00 • DEPA:'4 ENT OF PkidiS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1cA BUDGET 87 Tracy '.view Account umber i-`ama of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision r' 551.00 rages, sintenance Grounds 719'.00 Sub-total T?- 4 Fuel :301.00 B-10 Forage 8noolies 5^0.00 8-19 Miscellaneous 3uenites 100.00 r,- 1 Materiel Repair Grounds 500.00 D- 2 ^Material Fepeir 9utldinas 1,F00.00 r-37 Laundry and Linen w0.00 Sub-total t5,0*0,00 Total t179 .00 58 Tom'^orerp Playgrounds A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds t5^4,00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 900.00 D- 2 Materiel Repair Fuildinc?s 300.00 Sub-total 500.00 Total 4,1,12.4.00 • • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BULGET 89 Sherwood Perk Account Number Name of Account Amount A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $520.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,800.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 800.00 Sub-total ^,600.00 Total $3.1RO.00 90 Lake Breeze Playground A- 3 Tares, Maintenance Groun,,s $'520.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 D- 2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 Sub-total 250.00 Total $770.00 91 Central Playground A- 1 Supervision $780.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 195.00 Sub-total 975.00 D- 1 Material ".acair Grounds 150.00 D- P Material Repair Building 250.00 Sub-total 400.00 Total $1.375.00 92 Chicago Street Playground A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds $256.00 D- 1 Material Repair Grounds 50.00 D- 2 Material Repair Building 50.00 Sub-total 100.00 Total $356.00 DEPARTMENT OF PANG AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 94 City Scales Account Number Name of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision 1,890.00 R- 2 Printing 160.00 B- 4 Fuel 75.00 n- 2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 F- 2 Renetr Equipment 25.00 F-37 Laundry Pnd Linen 15.00 Sub-total 375.00 Total _^,265.00 95 Elks Park A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds t900.00 B- 4 Fuel .00 R-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 R-24 Light Globes 15.00 r- 1 Material Repair Grounds 600.00 D- 2 'Materiel Revair Buildings 300.00 Sub-total 965.00 Total f1.865.00 DLpARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BULGED 96 Victory Playground Account Number Name of Account Amount A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds *900.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors .00 A-?4 Wages, Recreation Leaders .00 Sub-total 900.00 P- 4 Fuel 100.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 50.00 B-24 Light Globes 15.00 0- 1 Material Repair Grounds 650.00 2 2 Material Repair Building 150.00 F- 8 Rentals 75.00 F-37 Laundry end Linen 15.00 Sub-total 1,055.00 Total tl,955.00 97 to A- 1 Sucervision $2,850.00 A-17 Wages, Mechanics and Felpers 20,418.00 .Sub-total 23,268.00 A- 4 Fuel 400.00 B-12 Gasoline and 011 4,000.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 1,500.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 80.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 600.00 A-?4 Light Globes 50.00 D- 2 Materiel Repair Building 500.00 ? Repair Tools enj Machin-ry 2,000.00 F- 6 Repair Motor Vehicles 8,500.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 35.00 Stock .00 Sub-total 17,655.00 Total $40.933.00 • • IZ,ARTMINT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 98 Deorrtment Maintenance Account Number Neme of Account t'ount A- 1 Supervision $5,280.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 71.060.00 Sub-total 76,360.00 D- P Material Repair Pui1.inrs 1,500.00 F- 4 Car Ftnrnae a40.00 Sub-total ',340.00 Total p78,700.00 99 Fairmont Rovs'- and Girls' Club 1 Supervision t3,450.00 A- 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds .00 A-12 Wages, Janitors P,PP0.00 A-P..4 wages, Recreation Leaders _,P60.00 Sub-total ,47,930.00 P- 4 Fuel 150.00 P-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 P-19 Miscellaneous Surnlies 100.00 11-P4 Light Globes 15.00 r- 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,100.00 P- P Materiel Pe'air buildings P50.00 F-37 Laundry end Linen 50,00 Sub-total t1,765.00 Total t9,695.00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 100 Kiwanis-Felt Boys► & Girls,' Club Acct. No. Met of Azaat _mount A-1 Supervision 3,450.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds E-12 Wages, Janitors 1,855.00 • A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 2.260.00 Sub Total 7,565.00 B-4 Fuel 400,00 B-15 Janitors Supplies 100,00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 150.00 B-24 Light Globes 35:00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 1,100.00 F-8 Rentals F-37 Laundry & Linen 50.00 Sub Total $1,835.00 TOTAL 89,400.00 101 Jaycee isms k G iss i 01u6 A-1 Supervision 3,450.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds A-12 Wages, Janitors 1,855.00 A-24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 2.320.00 Sub Total 7,625.00 B-4 Fuel 300.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 150.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 B-24 Light G1 a 35.00 D-1 Material "epair grounds 400.00 D-2 Material Repair puildims 900.00 F-8 Rental 200.00 F-37 Laundry& Linen 50.00 eV Sub Total TOTAL $9 DEPARTMENT OF PARRS &PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET 102 Rotary Bayst Club Acct. Aat- ItEALLA292101. Amount A-1 Supervision 1,555.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds A-12 Wages, Janitors 1 80000. Sub Total 3,355.00 B-4 Fuel 200.00 B-15 Janitors Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 550.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 650.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 90.00 Sub Total 1,675.00 TOTAL $5,03640 103 Elks E2z1, & Girls' Al A-1 Supervision 3,000.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds A-12 Wages, Janitors 1,640.00 A-24 Recreation Leaders 2,500.00 Sub Total 7,140.00 B-4 Fuel 400.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 50.00 B 19 id.scellaneous Supplies 100.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 1,275.00 D-3 Material Repair Plumbing 50.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 50.00 Sub Total 1,950.00 TOTAL SLIMS G'-R iv P %7,9I-- .c G/.adl00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTT 1948 BUDGET CAPITAL INVESTMENT 147-7 Wasatch Spring 25,000.00 Golf Courses - 5,000.00 Shop Equipment 10,000.00 Swimming Pools 115,000.00 TOTAL $155.000.00 • • DMPARTMLJT OF STREETS & PU$LIC IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Budget No. 120 Acct. No. A. 1 Administration $ 15,900.00 A- 2 Office, Clerks, Stenos 12,000.00 A-11 Inspectors 14,775.00 A-15 Engineers, Field, Office 150,000.00 A-32 Sewer Maintenance & Flushing Men 30,000.00 A-39 Pump Operators 10,500.00 $ 233,175.00 B- 1 Office Supplies, Expense 1, .00 B- 2 Printing 1,100.00 B- 3 Postage 30.00 B- 4 Fuel 300.00 B-12 Gasoline, Oil 25.00 B-13 Auto, Truck Tires, Tubes 500.00 8-19 Sewer, Field Supplies 2,700.00 B-27 Testing Laboratory 1,800.00 E- 1 Furniture, Fixture Repairs 75.00 2- 2 Equipment, Tool Repairs 200.00 2- 3 Instruments, Apparatus Repairs 200.00 E- 4 Cleaning, Renovating Office 950.00 E- a Motor, Vehicle Repairs 900.00 F- 4 Auto Allowances 3,000.00 F-24 Travel Expense 300.00 F-39 Memberships, Subscriptions 150.00 $ 13,630.00 Total $ 246,805.00 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 147-6 A- 1 New Equipment 6,000.00 A- 2 Street Signs 10,000.00 A- 3 Furniture, Fixtures 2,000.00 A- 4 New Pump 8,000.00 A- 5 Covering Pump Plant 4,000.00 30,000.00 Budget Total * 276,805.00 DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS MAIN OFFICE Budget No. 121 A..1 Commissioner and Supervisor 9,170.00 A-2 Clerks 4,320.00 13,490.00 ,, B-1 Office Supplies 200.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 10.00 E-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 100.00 E-4 Cleaning and Renovating 200.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 400.00 F-39 memberships and Subscriptions 50.00 1,080.00 14,660.00 v SHOPS Budget No. 122 A-1 Supervision 12,000.00 1-2 Clerks 6,100.00 A-2-1 Stook Room 4,880.00 A-4 Asphalt Plant 9,240.00 A-12 Watchmen 4,280.00 A-17 Mechanics 34,060.00 A-17-1 Blacksmiths 15.725.00 A-17-2 Welders 8,676.00 A..22 Ordinary Labor 14,180.00 105,770.00 i B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 B-2 Printing 500,00 B-4 Fuel 8,000.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 30,000.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 8,000.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 1,000.00 B..15 Janitor Supplies 60.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 20.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 9,000.00 11.24 Electric Light Globes 60.00 E-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 260.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 1,000,00 E..3 Refill Fire Extinguishers 50.00 E-8 Repairs Motor Vehicles 12,000.00 E-11 Repairs Tires and Tubes 1,500.00 F-37 Linen Service 150.00 87,520.00 . 171.290.00 • DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS STREETS AND BOULEVARDS Budget No. 123 A-1 Supervision 18,390.00 Ali Inspectors Replacement A-16 Motor Vehicle Drivers 102,330.00 A.19 'White Wings 41,304.00 A.22 Utility Men and Laborers 106,458.00 268,482.00✓ D-2 Asphalt 'Plant 4,600.00 D•4 Flumes and Bridges 5,000.00 D•6 Material Maintenance 45,000.00 ' Rut Repairs Tools 1,000.00 54-1 Warm Springs Plant 760.00 7-4 Car Allowance 420.00 F-8 Contract Sidewalk Snow Plows 1,000.00 F-37 Linen Service 7.00 67,677.00 326,169.00 SANITARY DIVISION Budget No. 124 A..1 Supervision 4,186.00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 114,067.00 A-17 Meohanioal Labor Pro-rats 122.17 118,262.00✓ B-12 Gasoline and Oil 1,000.00 B.13 Tires and Tubes 3,600,00 B..6 Repairs Motor Vehicles 6,000.00 R-11 Repairs Tires and Tubes 1,000.00 10,600.00✓ 128.762.00 ` IRRIGATION Budget No. 126 A.22 Supervision and Watermasters 6,266.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 160.00 F-4 Car Allowance 106.00 6,520.00 DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POWER AND HEATING Budget No. 126 A-1 Supervision 3,760.00 A.2 Clerks 7,230.00 A.11 Inspeotors 16,930.00 27,910.00 v B-1 Office Supplies 376.00 B-2 Printing 360.00 8-3 Postage 100.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 126.00 F..4 Car Allowances 2,940.00 F-33 Examining Board 90.00 F•37 Linen Service 20.00 4,000.00 31,910.00 CITY DUMP Budget No. 128 A-1 Supervision 2,730,00 A-3 Maintenance 16,426,00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 4,320.00 23,475.00 B-1 Office Supplies 6.00 B-4 Fuel 76.00 11-12 Gasoline and Oil 1,000.00 D-2 Repairs Buildings 50.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 26.00 E.6 Repairs Motor Vehicles 500.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 2,076.00 25.560.00 G Y P n rr L 7 ut____ _ 704,731,00 .- CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 10,000.00 3 Garwood. 36,000.00 10 Truoks 5,000.00 Miseellaneous 60,000.00 sRATOTD1T AND ®M8al, General operations Budget No. 141 Accent ]1�,-0. Deana of Amount Amount A+- 2 Salary-Messinger 1,950.00 a-26 Salary-Fudges 20,000.00 A,-44 Salary-Poundhrepst I 00 Totals $ 22,250.00 a-A Printing 7,000.00 B- 3 Postage 1,100.00 B- 4 Fuel (City and County Building) 5,000.00 8- 7 2atormain Redemptions 110,000.00 0- 3 Refunds 9,000.00 B- 1 Sorvies Contra** 1,600.00 Z- 4 xaintsaanos, Puking linters 17,000.00 Ah 1 Advertising (Bssorder) 2,400.00 7- 2 Juror Fees 600.00 7- 3 Witness Foss r lzpeass 000.00 7- 5 Iasnrenco-into-Bldg., Ste. 62,000.00 7- 6 Special Xnprovenent Razes 20,000.00 7-10 Claims and Damages 10,000.00 7-12 Special 8trset Lighting 8,000.00 76-13 Are Lighting 100,000.00 7 16 Surety Bonds 4,000.00 7-17 Spesial Counsel 4,000.00 7-18 Mnnicipnl Affairs &Publicity 15,000.00 1-19 8pesial Auditors 2,500.00 2-20 City Taxes (County Collections) 32,000.00 7-24 Travel Aspens 600.00 7;-s8 Telephone I Telegrams 14,000.00 7-29 Board of Canal Presidents 7,000.00 F-30 ]layers Contingent land 2,000.00 1-61 Civil Berries Commission 2,500.00 7--32 Detention Remo 9,000.00 7-34 Assess Lighting *orgy 4 Fuel 60,000.00 7-66 Sleeting 500.00 7-40 Water Commissioner 1,600.00, 1-4] Wealth Commissioners 500.00 7-44 Taxi Cab Iaspsstioas 350.00 7-40 imposes en Bonds 1,000.00 P-66 Water assessments (Stoat) 7,000.00 0- 1 Polies Pensions 55,000.00 0- 2 Compensations 15,000.00 A- 3 Civic Center 3,300.00 0- 4 Aswards 600.00 0- 6 City Employees Disability Pension 30,000.00 0- 6 Employee's Hetiramant Pensions 80,000.06 0- 8 Employee's Insureaoe 20,000.00 S- 4 Interest Tax Antiolpatioa Notes 13,730.0Q 668,.��qQpp 00 Total 06,8di.b6 7 80KB '' . ',,r.11 0l • .�"'<. . eeaaant _.... wee A000ult S- I- 1 8114--1948 , .00 g- 5 - ! lMaa Slacking l+u&-1451 45,040.00 *- 5 - 3 ' 3s14 * lvaa 19$4 83,750.00 A- 8 -- 4 8aal load Presto ss,687.00 H-30 "1' Waterworks 15,000.00 H-SS *I* Waterworks 10,100.00 S -34 "7* Waterworks 12,500.00 H-35 "lC" waterworks 21,000.00 H-39 1931 Waterworks 50,000.00 H-54 *I* Severs 12,500.00 $-55 1951 Storm Severs-4 5/4 85.000.00 Totals $ 374,437.00 lam= ..,'Tile. 143 4ecevat Jo. Wm' Of laaavat motet I - 1934 Astuad.d O. 5 i4,556.*5 H-50 *Y" Watorwdu 4,054,00 H-11 *Jr Waterworks 17,015.50 H•-53 *I" Wat rworka 4,037.50 H 734 *7" Watsrwerka 8,187.30 I-55 *[" Waterworks 15,120.00 g-55 *L" Waterworks 10,000.00 S-s9 1951 Waterwork a 88,000,00 1- 40 1134 Watarwerka 14,550.75 H 454 "7* Sager 750.00 3-55 • 1931 Stara Saver 4,564.50 1-54 1931 Stara Sewer 10,145.00 8 -57 1934 Savers Asfaaaaa 4.455.00 Totals $ 178,895.00 414:*0* MAAS 7f'8e. 144 Total $ 1,5040.00 4 45T 08 il Total $ 88,000.00 ' DEPARTMENT OF P/RKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY 1948 BUDGET ak Aires 6 11 Acct. N,o4- Naas of)lceount Amount A-1 Supervision 4,800.00 A-2 Office Salary 1,920.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 19,886.00 A-7 Wages, Patrolmen 6,300.00 A-21 Wages, Janitors 24,000.00 Sub Total 56,906.00 B-1 Office Supplies 100.00 B2 Printing 50.00 B-4 Fuel 4,400.00 B-5 Electric Current 14,250.00 B-12 Gasoline &Dil 2,500.00 B-13 Tires & Tubes 793.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 2,650.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,000.00 B24 Light Globes 950.00 B-26 Shrubs and Trees 150.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 7,500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 4,500.00 Fel Repair Equipment 1,750.00 E-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 250:00 E-3 Repair Inst. and Apparatus. 500100 E-6 Repair Motes Vehicles 1,203.00 F 1 Advertising 100.00 F-4 Car Expense 900.00 F-24 Travel 35D.00 F-28 Telephone and Telegraphs 200.00 F-37 Laundry &Linen 2400.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 15,00 Sub Total 46,065.00 TOTAL 102,971.00 Airbase Maintenance Grounds 3,000.00 Painting Buildings &Roof Repairs 6,100.00 Maintenance of Utilities 1,500.00 Natural Gas 5,100.00 Rl.ectric Current 9 __0��,00 Sub Total 24,'lw.00 Ca ital vestment gia—capiniA.C7i-ioints North & South runways & ramps 27,000.0D Furniture (Lobby) 3,000.00 Venetian Blinds for Post Office Sub Total , • Federal Aid Airport No. 1 100,825.00 Airport No. 2 11,038.00 Sub Total 111,863.00 log, !Con_ GRAND TOTAL $871,034.00 OGPI' , DUBS HODMIT Ito. 1 18 Aeeoaa Maw of Aeoouat Amount _ & - Auditor ,000.90 8 Public Affairs 11,504.00 4 Public Safety '8,900.00 i Parks and Public Property 154,000.00 4 Streets and Public Iapreres etas (iagisser' 30,000.00) 40,000.00 (Streets 50,000.00) 7 Statutory sad Osneral 35,000.00 4 Water Supply and iatersarks 475,000.00 0 Airport Jo. 1 143.364.00 Total $ 747,470.00 Account Nemo of monoAnwaat �� 1Gatsrfaaia lxtwioas Jew amylase Annual 3 Street Aaplacasents 40,000.00 Unappropriated Surplus 160.000.00 Total $)410.000.00 Atatptory as* General—'Dotal Bad st ifyf41p7Ts.00 i'1'Y�"'Y hI n ,ar•• �F�sra•ovar w�+• WI/ MI 0, p. ii14r'q 1ihI!II 48;1 1 114 fb! VII itli 1 fi !'‘' I 'Oil! 1 ri if I ' .. L 1 - I 1 - pp c # MMrr IIIV a 4.IIIIIiiilt Hilt 's ts stilts tsttbtbtaeg's 's'sss # •. r • •s 8 g 's 8 8 • -2 - . NNM Imam =MONS lu4gst No. 152 AMot. Moo of Aaoou*t Amok A 17 Nssbaniau and Wpsrs $ - - - M22 Ordinary Labor - - - l-14 Pips k Fit. & NM.. Supplies - - - Total Niif S1>NN= CONINOTiONS Nadgat No. 153 Mot. No. Mama of Mot Amount A-17 Nosbeniss and NSlpsrs $ 7,14 .00 A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - $ 7,345.00 N-14 Nat. for Nast Ssrvisss - - - Total $ 7,145.00 INOONNNCTION3 Nmdgot Na. 154 Asat. No, No..of Asoouot Amount 4.22 Ordinary Labor I 1,500.00 $ 1.500.00 a-14 Not. for Rap. and Nonsiaal i 1,100.00 $ 1,000.00 'fatal $ 3,300.00 ION NOT PIUS NndgOt No. 155 Asst. No. Naar of Aosemt Amount A-1 Supervision $ .1,245.00 A-55 Forest Piro Labor 2,500.00 Mat Patrolman 5,010.00 i 0,755.00 - -- ' • • Badyst No. 155 (Cont'd) Asst. Nano of Aissaat Amount B-119 Niasollanosue Sapp/Loa $ 10040 $ 100.00 Total # 8,655.00 WATIMMO SANITATION Badjst Is. 156 Lost. 1o. Nano of Loosest Anoint $ i,?*5. A-14- and Holporo 2,250.Q0 A-38 Patrolmen 4,70.00 $ 9,137.00 8-19 xis &Applies and Cheniaals $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 TOW I 10,137.00 PARL8V 8 arm-*T. 001•1.110000,0331 Budget 1k. 157 host. Nana of Aaoo� Amount Qedinar!Labor t $ 1,200.00 A-38 Patrol A Station Ilan 1,070.00 $ 9,270.00 455.00 B-9 $ NLa.,Usnsena Sapp31sa 900.00 320040 D- 2 Easy» to kilaInp �400.00 $ 2,055.00 Total $ 12,225.00 0ITT OTC SITU Bridget So. 150 Mot. _ No. Ordinary_Nano of Am Ant $ .Ot 500 AA-2230 Patrol ant Station Non 5,510.00 # 6,0110.00 • • • _ - Budget Uo. 15d (Cont'd.) Asot. 1.. ly,ra of Amount Amount B- 4 Tuel $ 400.00 D-19 Mias.Ua wrao Sup11n 750000 D-2 Ispairs is DalIdiap 250.00 $ 1,400.00 Total 1 7,410.00 6,10& LI?!LB C0'TTOBII0X SZUms Budget 1o. 159 Aeot. 8-22 Ordinary Jo. Nam of Amount Amnion AA-32 PatrolLabor Station Mao $ d:3 0.00 $ 9,360.00 B- 4 Pool $ 300.00 D.19 lasoollamoom Somalia* 300.00 D-2 "main to Doildtatp 300.00 $ 1.100,00 Total S 10,460.00 MINT. ALL BxOSANGS CUL. PIPS LIMBS Budget No. 160 Apt. Is. Kam of Amount Amount A-22 Oedinatrt Labor $ 300.00 Mad Patrol and Station Dee 2,190.00 $ 2,490.00 142 Mat. for Isp. and Mort. $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Total $ 2,590.00 320 NAST PWIPX O FLAW Budget No. 161 Mot. Jo. llama of Amount Amount A0-22 Ordinary Labor $ 500.00 A-39 Pn1p C rotor, 2,500.00 $ 3,000.00 . 5 - BadO%No. 161 (21ent'd.) Loot. AmountSe. Nano of Amount a.6 Fatal 6 200,00 19 Kiaoallannouo s 200000 D-2 &pa#so to Doildints 200.00 1- 2 flap. and Ban. Slob. and 2gaip. 300.00 900.00 Total $ 3,900.00 NZU$ INf33rzOATION, OPIBATIOR, AND MI1RNNAMOs Sadist No. 162 Loot. Amount of Aoaount A-22 granary Labor $ 1,500.00 A 37 epesial Immatiintore 2,370.00 A-39 Pup Operators 2,190.00 $ 6,060.00 200.00 S-9 Siaeollanaoss Supplies 1,000.00 0- 2 Repairs to ____at* 150.00 2- 2 Bop. and Don. Mob, and 2gaipnent ' 1,200.00 • 2,550.00 ,off $ $,610.00 CANAL liklaTISUICI Bit No. 163 Anat. Ansaat Na.. of Aosommt A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 3,900.00 A-32 Patrol sad Station ilea 10,925.00 $ 14,2i85.00 0- 4 Mt. Ayr Bop. and Mint. &••iAlsa $ 2,500.00 8 2,500.00 Total $ 16,725.00 SUIT 30RDAN CABAL Radfot No. 164 Asst. ArmletNo. Nine of Aesount F-142 Saint. Canal by Canal Oo. $ 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total $ 1,500.00 • .• - 6- NATO STATION LANDSCAPING Budget No. 165 lest. No. Naas of Amount Anent 4-22 Ordinary Labor $ 300.00 Mat Patrol end Station*** 4,300.00 $ 4,65040 5-19 Nlas. Supplies $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Total $ 4,700.00 MINT. CS'01dA*1U 4 ANNONL PLANT Budget No. 166 loot. No. Na.. of Account ANsant A-34 Water Sampler $ 2,040,00 A-45 Sanitary Snaineer 3,600.00 5,640.00 5-33 Cbonloals, Chlorins and Aoaoia $ 13,500.00 IF 3 Not. for Bap, and Ban. $aoh. 1,000.00 $ 14,500.00 Total $ 20,140.00 MINT. 4 0P$RATION Ol' DINNINUTION 5535EV0313 Sudaot No. 167 Arne!. No. Nana of Assonnt Amount_ $ 4000.00 d Pa Station Non A 3 5,1,0.00 9,190.00 N-4 Fuel $ 225.00 11-19 Niosellanoena Supplies 750.00 D- 2 Bopaire to Buildings 200.00 $ 1,175,00 Total $ 10,365.00 • • 7_ - YATSH DISTMIWTI08 Budget Mo. 168 let. Ye. !fans of Amount Ammunt A-32 Energise;Surrise Orev 3 10,730.00 A-38 Water Distribution Crow 6,930.00 $ 17,660.00 Total # 17,660.00 MIBTEILSOZ OF P1ZASAIf! 'CUS W FL OM Budget So. 170 lest. Name at Amount Amount A-22 QMiaary labor $ 50.00 $ 50.00 B-19 Siaellsamous Supplies $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Tote]. $ 100.00 IMPAIR B SAINT. MINS t 002DUIT3 Budget No. 171 Amet. So. ants of Aeoount Amount 4. 1 Supawialon $ 1,395.00 6-17 Mestamies and Helpers 9,690.00 A-22 ordinary. Labor 1,000.00 15,085.00 B- ♦ Pu.si $ 50.00 D- 5 Bspals0 to Striate and Rods. 300.00 g-ia *At. for Repairs and Ron. 2,300.00 $ 2,650.00 Total $ 17,735.00 WAIB& WIT. YALYMS& HZDBAMTS Budget Bo. 172 Lest. So. Name of Account Amount 1 Supervision $ 1,395.00 11-17 Xsobaaiss and Helpers 16,195.00 A-as Ordinary Luber 4,000.00 $ 23,590.00 • e • ergot 16o. 172 (Cont'd.) Asst. No.' Soso of Amount Amount 1-15 Nat. far Repairs and Ron. $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 total € 27,590.00 WAIN A NAM. SWUM Oudget No. 175 Amt. A-17 MeeMaains and Hiiers *wont of Account € 7,445.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 27,000.00 34.045.00 D- 5 210. Streets and Boulevards $ 5,000.00 1-14 Mat. for Sops, and Ronswb 5,100.00 1. 5,100.00 Total € 42,945.00 11SPAIA L IN3?AL.LII0 NUM ludg t No. 174 Rest. No. Nam of Aseount Amount A-17 Neobanies and Wows €15,570.00 4-22 Ordinary Labor 6,570.00 $ 22,140.00 21-14 Nat. for Sep. and Ron. € 10,000.00 $1O.000.00 Total $ 52,140.00 DRINRINO FOUNTAINS Budget No. 175 Asst. No. Naas of Account Amount A-17 Noshanies and Helpers $ 2,190.00 A42 Ordinary Labor 100.00 € 2,290.00 N-19 lliseollaaoous Supplies $ 100.00 € 100.00 Total € 2,590.00 40 • - MIS0iLL,AlfaOUS TZUOfIIG Budsot No. 176 Asst. No. Nano of Aaoosat Amount A-16 ?reek Driest,* and Helpers $ 2,250.00 A-22 OrdbAary labor 1,000.00 $ 3,250.00 Total $ 3,250.00 REP. AUTOiMIl iS a INDUS bidet No. 177 Aoot. No. Nan* of Account Anoest A-17 Kshanios Had Helpers $10,080.00 10,080.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil $10,000.00 11-13 ?webs.. Tiros and fib.. 2,500.00 1- 6 art. for asp. and San. Equip. 5,500.00 E-11 Repairs to Tire. and Tabss 200.00 $ 18,200.00 Total $ 28,280.00 IER ID11AIs& COWMEN' Nudist No. 178 Met. No. lire of Moonlit amount A-22 Qndssazy labor 1-19 ltseellas.eus Supplies - - - Intel 5 - - - - =AIM ACIUMI1BJR SWIM Midget lb. 179 Asst. No. Nano of Aseoent Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ - -- 8-19 Miaesllaa.00s S.pplise - - - Total 601N MTN POW= PLANT Budget NO. 181 Acst. No. Name ocount /0 f Ac Amount A-17 *Meanies and Helpers 6 1,095.00 A-22 Ordinary.Inbar 400.00 A-39 Peep Operators 2,200.00 $ 3,695.0➢ E-2 Repair and Ben. Nash. sad Equip. $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Total $ 4,445.00 AU'T I ORILE ALLOWANCE Budget No. 183 Acct. No. Nano of Automat Amount 7- 4 Auto Alloranoe $ 0,250.00 $ 2,250.00 Total $ 2,290.00 Total Operating Budget $464,957.00 CArnU.IDTESt wns Budget No. 147-41 fleet. No. Name at Acoonat Amount .1 Nan►Iasuring Davison 9 1,000.00 .2 low Antorobiles 12,000440 .3 New Naehinerr and Tools 1,000.00 .4 Dear lwrniturrr and Fixtures 1,200.00 .5 Iker Marisal Toilets 300.00 .4 Nem*Warn 16,000.00 .7 Neer Mien Wipeout 3,500.00 .8 Water %vtts Improvements 240,000.00 Total Capital Investment $275,000.00 Grand Total $739,957.00 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution become effective January lst, 1948. This resolution shall take effect on J r , 1948. Adopted by ti-e Board of Commissioners of t Lake City, Utah �3 1 this day of December, A.D. 7 ayo )F/ City Recorder ( SEAL ) STATE OF UTAH, ) SS COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, I, Irma F. Bitner, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment estimating the anticipated revenue and providing appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December 31st, 1948, passed by the Board of Comm- issioners December Wag 1947, and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this /, day of December, A.D. 1947. jI City Recorder ( S E A L )