12 of 1962 - A resolution adopting budgets for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1962 and ending June 20, 1963. rir- . , .4,,,1 II `i Resolution No. 12 By Hagar J. Bracken Lee +t,,,, COMMISSIONCR Adopting_.Budgets for the Fiscal year beginning-July 1, 1962 and ;. ending June 30, 1963. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JUN2 71962 CITY RECORDER L ,,e Isc.Ibz Ida 2.61 uaw • ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27 , 196 2 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Christensen . . Harrison . . . - ? Smart ✓ ' ly/�G1 Z i� ., Romney . . . Mr. Chairman r j RESOLUTION Result . . . . iI A RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1962 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1963. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of Utah 1961, Chapter 24, the budget officer for Salt Lake City has prepared tentative budgets in proper form for all funds for which a budget is required by said laws; and WHEREAS, said tentative budgets have been reviewed, considered and tent— atively adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City; and WRHEIr_EAS, the tentative budgets as tentatively adopted, together with all supporting schedules and data, have been available for public inspection for ten days in the office of the City Auditor as required by the Laws of Utah 1961, Chapter 24; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing to consider the final adoption of said budgets has been published as required by the Laws of Utah 1961, Chapter 24; and WHEREAS, public hearing to consider the adoption of said budgets has been held in accordance with said notice, at which hearing all interested persons were heard for and against the estimates of revenue and expenditures as set forth in said tentative budgets; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the final adoption of said budgets have been accomplished; N011, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: Section 1. That the budgets attached hereto and made a part of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, adopted for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1962 and ending June 30, 190, in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of Utah 19E1, Chapter 24. Section 2. That the budget officer be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of each of the said budgets with the State Auditor as required by the Laws of Utah 1961, Chapter 24. - 2 - Section 3. That the budget officer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of each of the said budgets in the office of the City Recorder which shall be available for public inspection at all times as required by the Laws of Utah 1961, Chapter 24. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of June, 1962. 2 7 / 2 / .../ Mayor i C. , Recor e • SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION GENERAL FUND TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1963 ACTUAL BASIC INTER- BOARD OF TENTATIVE YEAR BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL COMMISSIO S' BUDGET 1961 1962-63 WATER BILLINGS AlOrM25 1962-63 ESTIMATED REVENUES; Property taxes « current year $4,420,916 $4,750,633 tio,, $ 4,750,633 Property taxes - prior years 200,148 40,000 40,000 Sales taxes 879,798 1,640,000 1,640,000 Franchise taxes 607,765 610,000 610,000 Business licenses 537,335 537,000 537,000 Non-business licenses and permits 153,691 153,000 153,000 Fines and forfeitures 693,876 695,000 695,000 Interest on investments 78,296 90,000 41 90,000 Rents and concessions 3,040 3,600 3,600 State Liquor Fund allotment 212,718 212,718 212,718 Class "C" Road Fund revenue 251,372 350,000 350,000 Street replacements and cuts 56,942 55,000 55,000 Charges for current service 436,398 433,000 433,000 Parking meter revenue 254,512 250,000 250,000 Sundry revenue - 6,339 6,339 Contribution from Water Utility Fund - 150,000 $145,000 295,000 Sale of fixed assets 10,654 - Appropriation from surplus 259,354 - Transfer from Special Improvement Guaranty Fund 133,796 - Total Estimated Revenues $9,190,611 $2,976,290 $145,000 $10,121,290 APPROPRIATIONS: Public Affairs and Finance $ 384,277 $ 416,000 $ 416,000 Public Safety 3,725,030 3,890,000 $ 185,000 4,075,000 Streets and Public Improvements 2,408,484 2,535,000 2,535,000 Parks and Public Property 1,156,884 1,217,000 1,217,000 City Auditor's Office 83,947 94,640 94,640 General Government 1,532,867* 1,723,650 $145,000 (85,000) 1,783,650 Departmental Capital - 100,000 (100,000) Total Appropriations $9,291,489* $9,976,290 $145,000 - $10,121,290 * Based in part on prior accounting system; figures not fully comparable. 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I I:`I (3..I 0-I I , ( I • SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION BOND REDEMPTION AND INTEREST FUND TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1963 ESTIMATED REVENUES: General property taxes $ 375,000.00 Irterest on investments 400,000.00 Transfer from Capital Improvements Fund (from sales taxes) 170,000.00 Total Estimated Revenues $ 945,000.00 APPROPRIATIONS: Interest on bonds: $7.5 million, series of 1-1-62 $ 275,483.00 11.5 million, series of 4-1-62 315,000.00 $ 590,483.00 Paying agency fees 1,000.00 Sinking fund provision 353,517.00 Total Appropriations $ 945,000.00 SUPPORTING EXPLANATION 1. Estimated general property tax revenue is based on a levy of 12 mills to be initiated in August, 1962 and continued through 1979; this levy would be supplemented in fiscal year 1965 by the 4 mills presently levied for water purification and sewage treatment purposes. The total levy of 5; mills would then remain constant through 1979, being scaled down to complete payment of the full $19,000,000.00 bond issue by June 30, 1982. 2. Interest on investments represents estimated earnings from investment of unexpended bond proceeds during the construction period, as based on calculations furnished by the City Treasurer. 3. Revenue to be transfered from the Capital Improvements Fund represents the portion of sales taxes needed to cover the deficiency of revenues in the first year required to meet current and future installments of bond interest and principal in this fund. In fiscal year 1964, it is estimated there will also be needed approximately $150,000.00, after which maturing instalments of principal and interest will be met entirely from the proceeds of the annual 52 mills property tax levy. 4. The sinking fund provision of an estimated $353,517.00 is required to assist in meeting the first large principal instalment of $835,000.00 on January 1, 1965. Thereafter, annual expenditures of this fund should be anproximately equal to annual revenues, as based on a constant property tax levy of 5i mills. 5. All of the estimates of revenues and expenditures in the current budget year and of future budget years, as referred to in items 1 to 4 above, are correlated to the two bond amortization schedules officially adopted by the Board of City Commissioners. • SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION (4 MILL LEVY) FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1963 ESTIMATED REVENUES: 10701 General property taxes - current year $1,024,000 10702 General property taxes - prior years 30,000 Total Estimated Revenues $1,054.000 APPROPRIATIONS: 10-R-5 Water Purification: Engineering and design for proposed water treatment plant near Mountain Dell Dam in Parley's Canyon 100,000 Appropriation to Surplus: For future appropriation to sewage treatment plant and for specific water purification projects 954,000 Total Appropriations $1.054,000 MEMORANDUM For information purposes, an analysis of monies presently accumulated and to be received into this fund to and including the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964, during which year the fiscal annual property tax levy of 4 mills can be made under the present statute, is as follows: Surplus at December 31, 1961 $2,174,557 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures for Years: Ended June 30, 1962 $ 22,500 Ending June 30, 1963 954,000 Ending June 30, 1964 (property tax revenues before any appropriation) 1,054,000 2,030,500 Cumulative Surplus Available for Future Appropriation $4,205,057