120 of 1911 - A resolution directing the City Attorney to draw an amendment to the liquor ordinance to be presente I � •' _ 4�2 ''' j 1 NLY 3, 1911. JULY 3, 1911. 202 From the Committee on Waterworks. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. In the matter of petition No, 661 of Mrs. John Swanson, et el, asking for the extension of watermaine from Second West through Paxton Avenue to First West Street; we reoum- ,I mend that the petition be granted, work to be done at a poet of not to exceed$1183.26, BILL A0. 58, for an ordinance extending the City Limits, presented to the City Council June to be paid from the Water Bond Fend. submitted, Rvey, g.G.0' on29th, read first time and laid over until July 3rd, 1911, was taken up and at the H.S.Mulvey, B.G.0'Donnell, CH.Reed. 1911, ver for one week. Read and adopted. (Watermaln Extension No. 568.) request of Councilmen Hodgson and Lees, laid o I 203 From the Committee on Waterworks. BILL H0. 59, for an ordinance requiring tha payment of a license for persons, funs, asking forpermission to make a} Feeooiatf one or ecru orations engaged in the business of keeping, conducting, managing or In the matter of petition No. 669 of Charles Green, ae ng P 1 inch outer cofeett i we at the corner of 8th South and Navajo /lurk to ben a eiatanos operating automobile garages within Salt Lake City, Utah, introduced by Councilman Moreton, I- of about 200 feet; we recommend that the petition be granted,, work to be done at petitioner's expense and under the supervision of the Superintendent of waterworke. I Respectfully submitted, was taken up and read first time and upon motion of Councilman Moreton, laid over for one M.B.Malvey, B.G.O'Donnell, C.H.Reed. week. Read and adopted, Report No. 49 from the City Attorney submitting ordinance relative to Fire Depart- ,i , 204 From the Committee on Waterworks. ment,presented to the City Council June 26th, 1911, and laid over to come up with ordinance, I, Ia the matter of petition No. 664 of H. E. Booth et al permission to lay a two face the Council adjourning before they were reached, and taken up earlier in the session under I G.I.watermaine connecting with mains at 11th East and Cleveland Ave, west on said avenue to Canal Street and north 16 rods; we recommend that the petition be granted Unfinished business andlaid over to come up with ordinances, wee taken up and filed and II ti tions 2E2 of the Revised Ordinances I, work to be done at petitioner's expense and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Waterworks. BILL H0. 60, For an ordinance amending and re-enacng Seo Respectfully submitted, Ito II, 1J.E.Mnlvey, E.G.O'Donnell, C.H.Reed. of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating the organization of the Fire Department, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council March 20, 1911, and approved by the Mayor larch 21, I� Rend end adopted. iov•. lane .T.>,din: and ra-enaotina Section 238 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City iII I' 205 Prom the Committee on Waterworks. of 1903, relating to the salaries of officers and members of the Fire Department, as amended I.I In the matter of report No. 177 from the Committee on Waterworks reporting on petitionI'' I' ° Bo. b13 of Walter J. Lewis stating that he ban bean over eeesseed on avatar taz at by an ordinance passed by the City Council Maroh 20, 1911, and approved bythe or larch i we eco W.Noath Temple, as he does not use city water for hiegarden and alfalfa patch; Cityi Attorneysubmitting ordinance amending Sao, 1 we recommend that the papers be filed and an abatement of 60.8b ordered. 21, 1911, was taken up and read first time and laid over Por one week. d ' I Respectfully submitted, M.B.Mulvey, B.G.0'Doanell, C. H. Reed. Report No. 51, from the Read and adopted, 607 of the Revised Ordinanoee, presented to the City Council Jane E6th, 1911, and laid over to acme up orith ordinanoee, the Council adjourning before that ardor of bueineae was reached, 206 Prom the Committee on Waterworks. oat taken lap July 3, 1911, under Unfinished Business and laid over to come up I,,� and the report '' I I' 1 In the matter of petition No. 673 of Rome Inv. & Savings Co. asking for abatement of ( water tax at 1263 'Windeor Ave, etating that house has been vacant for morn than a rite ordinanoee, ►as taken up and ordered filed and 11 year and the water turned off; we recommend that the petition be granted and an abate- BILL H0.61, Doran orddnanos amending and re-enacting Section 607 of the Revised Ordinances of meat of$16.00 ordered. Respectfully submitted, I,h M.E.Mulvey, E.G.O'Nonnell, C. H. Reed. Salt Lake City of 1903, ae emended by an ordinance passed by the City Council July 22, 1907, �,; and approved by the Mayor 23, 1907, was taken up and read first time and referred to the Road and adopted. 11 1 �. Committee on Sanitary& Markets. , 1111 f 207 From the Committee on waterworks. BILL H0. 62. For an ordinanoe repealing cnapoer ar ua . t _ ., An. ale n♦ t.a4i4ln eillaanie. etatlni[ that she is erroneously , ,,.� n�dinnnnaa thnrntn. and amending the sane and enacting �� ■ II assessed for water rates at 1416 3.4th last and asking for abatement of same; we neon- moot ' Le1ce wiy ui io"J, .....all .ub..n.-_••- -_. p moot that the petition be denied and filed. _ nil a Ordinance vto be knovm as Chapter24, relating to the eels of Snt oxicat ing liquors, I� ' t:.Gulvey,V3.J.0'Donnoll,`C.ri.Hee d. lioenae to bo paid, and its control and regulation of the name, 1r.t rode r.nd Ly _o�.�ilslar. �' Read and adopted. Forantrim- rev taken op and read first time and referred to the Committee on Municipal Laws, 191 Prom the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage. Couao]lmaa Davis moved that the Committee on Streets be appointed as a hoard of h, i Rector en ding the pnymnet of item 2327. .� Read and adopted and the amount placed upon the Authorised List. Bquallaetfon and Review on Paving Faftension No. 64, First :Partial 3otimato, to moot et the �,. i, , office of the City Recorder, July loth, 1911, and continue in evasion each day betwem the ';oancl1rnm Davie moved that petitio Co. Ill of tla D.P.Coodrieh Rubber Co. asking house of 3:30 and 4:30 until Friday, July 14 t;,, 1911, and that tic City Aeenrd nr ho instruct- Iu i r r nermtnainn to extend a pipe from the basement of store nt 123 E.End South to curb and place tl y� a� to advert1 o 00eeeeve7 entice, which motion carried. I' 1f air box on the curb for the purpose of inflating automobile tires, be taken out of the hands '� 7~ '� of the Committee on Improvements, welch motion carried. Resolution Ho, 1E0, By Oounoi lmnn Mo%inney. rBR IT RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to draw an ,n,-c11¢nr. Davda moved that the petition be granted, subject to the usual restriotions, amendment to the liquor ordinance, for presentation to this Council ❑t Ito next regular III �(q meeting. Changing the time for the closing of saloons from 12 o'olook ,,Id�..,It to „loves 1 which motion carried. o'clock P.M. ItlW7 +.t,... nn ,1nnl Tows.