128 of 1911 - A resolution appropriating $300 to the Street Department and instructing the Supervisor of Streets t I
'n' q - - - qq
472 JULY 13, 1911. MY 13, 1911, Y 1 4 I..�
IlI i
accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street fronting upon and to a
" depth of twenty-five (25) feet bank therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon 2354 Herman Baser 18.10 2444 Alonzo Wallace 3.76
said parcels of land is thirty-four thousand five hundred twenty-nine and 72/100 (434.529.72) 2365 Ioaders Appleman 2.20 2445 Robt, B.T.Tayl r 15.61
dollars, or ten and 437459/1 000 000 410,437459) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting 2356 H. Klenke 1.70 2446 Joe. F. Smith 5,17 I..
1 property for grading and paving the street above mentioned in Paving District No. 27 there 2367 Fred Beesley 1.70 2447 Hannah Q. Lawson 5.17
being 3308.25 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of the lots, blocks an& street 2358 Chas. E. White 4.70 2448 Edna L. Smith 7.75 , i
above mentioned in said district, which ie the total cost and cost pet front foot of said pavements, 2359 A. Swenson 1.70 2449 Sarah 3.R.Smith 7.75
according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improve- 2360 Parker Lumber Co. 123.90 2450 Donnetti Smith 3.88
I�. ment, with P. J. Moran, dated the 22nd day of May, 1911, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized 2361 Parker Lumber Co. 306.16 2451 Jos. F. Smith Jr. 3.88 Is
and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose 2362 Heide Band 150.00 2452 Julian L. Smith 3.88 I ,
herein mentioned: 2363 Utah Imp.Vehicle Co. .90 2453 Lydia S. McCort 3.10
' i The south 8,25 feet of the east side of Lot 7, the east side of Lots 1 and 8 Block 73; 2364 Street& Irrigation Dept.2.25 2454 Edwin A. Davie 6.00
the east side of Lots 1 and 8, Block 72; the east side of Lots 1,6,7 and 8, Block 55, Plat "A"• the 2365 Fairbanks Morse Co. 31.00 2455 Ezra Thompson 18.87
west side of Lot 4, Block 63; the west side of Lots 2,3,4 and 5, Block 50; the west side of Lots 2366 Aburndale Goldfish Co. 25.00 245G Edw. J. Hall- 3.10
4 and 5 Block 49, Plat "B" Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the official 2367 A. Gareide 24.00 E457 Wm. Haystick- 5.43 !
.1,, plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said street, and to oolleot said 2368 Cow. Mill & Bldg.Co. 12.25 2468 Mary L. Lavigaino 15.61
I'' tax. 2369 Grocer Printing Co. 49.50 2459 Mary L. Lavagnino 9.30
021710N 2 Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten equal yearly installments, • 2370 Century Printing Co. 5.50 2460 Susan M.R.Lyon 9.30
with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time 2371 McCoy's Stable., 36.00 2461 Enoch M. Reeee,Jr. 3.10
,'I each installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year after the approval of the ordinance 237E The Mine& Smelter Sup.Co.,65 2462 Lizzie Clayton 4.26 1
confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such improvement; one-tenth thereof in two 2376 Remington Typewriter Co.35.00 2463 Frank Gilvry 4.26
years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in three years after such approval; one-tenth 2374 Salt Lake stamp Co. 2.86 2464 Fannie F. Lee 3.49
thereof in four years after such approval- one-tenth thereof in five years after such approval; 2376 Century Printing Co, b.00 2466 Oliver Oetler,Jr, 3,49 Ir
one-tenth thereof in six years after each approval; one-tenth thereof in seven years after auoh 2376 Kelly& Company 5.15 2466 J. S.Bowdidge 15.51
+ approval; mna-totb tboreof in eight years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in nine years 2377 Grocer Printing Co. 61.75 2467 Mary Ann Spencer 4.66 �Itl 1,4
after such approval; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after such approval. One or more of 2378 D. A. Callahan 2.26 2468 John Cook 6.20 ,.
said installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid 2379 Pembroke Sta.Co. 1.75 2469 Salt Lake State J.C.L.D.S. 15.51
j at any time within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the 2380 Kelly& Company 17.50 2470 Edw. W. Palmer 3.87
tax, without interest. In the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid,not being paid 2381 American Bureau of I.& T88.13 2471 Theresa Palmer 3,87
on the date the sane becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said 2382 J. D. Hanley 324.05 2472 Anna Mowery 3.87
installment and interest are due, shall become due and payable and shall draw interest at the r 2383 Church. of J.C.L.D.S. 1.48 2473 James 4. Palmer 3.87
rate of eight per cent per annum, until the sale of the property assessed; provided one or more 2384 Wm. Thom 8.37 2474 Samuel Holmes 5.43
{ installment, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on 2386 Alexander Bower 2.79 247b Mary E.Biehop& Thos.Bishop 6.20 '� i
I { on the day any installment becones due, by paging the amount thereof and interest to said date. 2386 Geo. Dash 3.42 2473 Frank T. Bishop 3.88
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 2387 Anna Hefty 1.86 2477 Wm. H. Fowler• 6.17 ill,
title approved and referred to the Mayer for his approval. (Paving Extension Be, 63, First 2388 Robert V. Philbert 1.08 2478 Eliza D. Rebeker 3.78 Ytl
rar:,L ar �s,.+„n,n.i 9weo Phoebe R. Layton 2.33 2479 Geo, R. Nichols, MO
2390 W. E. Warren 2.bz 24H0 Geo, u. nepperLy i�y
I Councilman Fernstrom moved that the ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 24,
E391 Chas. Oottrell,Jr, 2.79 2481 Ezra Thompson 8.15
' 2392 John DeGray Dixon 1.86 2482 Ches, W. Butterworth,etal, 10.08
+ -:1 , e-o.-c._ en, scl^ of inro.in�ring lignnr, wrnsnnted to the City Council July 3, 1911, read 2393 Joseph Gorring 1.86 2483 Jennie Pinney 12,78
';:I E394 Bred& Ana L1nueell 1.86 2404 Ezra TOomp zsa 31,02
1, first time and referred to the Committee on Municipal Laws, be taken out of the hands of the E396 Anna M. Mitchell 1.86 2486 Clarissa P. Barlow 6.89
E896 Martin H. Rollins .97 2486 Emily Thompson 6.89
+ t Committee for action by the Council, which motion carried. 2397 Annie H. Rollins .89 2487 Julia Raleigh or J.D.Bell 6.89
�, I�,l2398 Elsie D. Thurber 1.86 2488 John D. Bell 4,30
..l''I BILL N0, 62, for an ordinanoe repealing Chapter 24 of the Revised Ordinances of 2399 Ella Bonneberger 6.88 2489 L.Beaeley
,�{, 2400 Roe Sbolea 2.79 2490 Adeline P.Beasley or L.Beasley 4.70
) Salt Lake City of 1903, and all subsequent ordinances thereto and amending the same and 2401 M. Nathan 1.78 2491 Chas. W. Johnson 10.85 4
Ill.' 240E Alma Fay Renan 1.23 249E Frank Newton 4,66
enacting the ordinances to be known us Chapter 24, relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors, 2403 L. J. Bowers 1.39 2493 Frank L. Welfare 4.65
it 2404 Lawrence Bennett 1.39 2494 Oliver L.C.H.Vinoont 2.33
y 1.40 2497 J. J. Roberts 7.76
lie.^oo to he paid .^-rd it^ ^ortrol. and rn mil n.tlnna of the same, iatrodvaed by Councilman 2406 Isar Ann Jenkins- 1.86 496 Johanna W.
Roberts 1.5T
E r, 2405 Wilford F. Smith 1.40 2495 Elizabeth Neal
;;;1)}; Fernstrom, presented to the City Council July 3, 1911, read first time and referred to the 2407 11. F. Kirke
d6i 2408 M. H. Walker 1. 2490 p {
( Committee
on l,lmieipal laws was taken up and read and laid over for one week at the request 2409 Gideon Snyder 75.40 2499 John A. Johnson 5.17
2410 Gideon Snyder, Treaeurer86.80 2500 Jane George 5.17
)N! of Councilmen Mulvey and Fernstrom, 2411 Gideon Snyder, 259.47 2501 Annie E. Solo 3.88
J� 2312 Gideon Snyder 529.95 250 David Margetts 9.31
�9f 2413 Gideon Snyder 2,949.60 2503 Henrietta R. "erg ctts 4.b6 '
9A1a Frannie Walker 48.63 2504 Henrietta R. Ostler 4.65
■ r nnauiuuluu uu. .4 u. Uw,�uw,.0 ...,. . a. ,,.� ...�.. ...-
,11 i+ �' _ i�'� 22415
416 W. A. Wiseman sv.ou zouo ISfI��
pi.I{ c711"REA9. during the conetruotion of the pavement along Second West the waterway241_6 A. H. Manley 01.08 2506 Coo. R. Heil 9,31 I,,111F1
_ lnn.lz �Fnv J. C. McDonald 7.75
■ f th l across said street on north side of North Temple Street was cloaca; and - T"~` " ,, - 01.08 2b00 Amanda W. Anderson
'l'1120CAS, there is a amber of citizens livingWeet of said 2nd West who have maintained , 2410 R.E.Wineman r.„ ,I
01.08 2509 ^mil 'lack 2.71
• „��.. ...iy r. n.r nl nrf pnruh Ili of Worth Temple 2419 E. Kromer p y3
., : ::: to '_:.iLn`_i_n n`.�. � �.. ..�„�.__ - W.. od nn dnete nn,.i,ie .w..+ 210 _. ... ...
St ro�t, and _ m - 21L,.2 :511 �„l:r iatu 1 �t^��noa -•• ',I
(i l IVIBR?A9, +horn is nnm nn any to convey said irrigation water across 2nd West; therefore. 2421 Aaron Keyser it L,kn Cat Corporation ..1.02 ' �I�'��
ft it Rh'90L`!!:D, by this Council that �j300,00, or ae much thereof as neoose¢ry is hereby appropriated
g422 Iianiu>, L. Anderson 321.38 251C 9 Y rl' a+wl
it 6e+,M!', to toe Street impartment and lice -u rv;aur el. EL eslr lapin naiad to rricood at onto to -"crTtraet PAPS Gideon Sorter 4,06 2512 9. J. Shenrnod -M F.Sn I, ( i ;
! lop" 'IE.1u 2b14 0000ale „
waterways across End West Street et on North Temple. E424 J. B. Billings Drue.Co Oo 00 I i
/ . '
IE426 P.J.Mornn 886.67 2616 Studebaker G6 �b
', 11 't. 2426 Aadereon.R.E.Inv.Ca, 12,69 2616 Barker Lumber Co,
a! Referred to the Committee on Streets. y
I 2427 Salt Lake OSt Core. 2.0E 2b:7 Neptune ..,tor to. ` ]5n In ,� +.
R,7b 2b10 9t revels Putters m+ IIQwo.Ci. 36.90 r 2428 Aaron Keyser �+�'
,ti` 2429 Thomas Weir 7.76 2519 Salt Lake lIdwe,Oo, 26,03
Resolution Co. 129. By Councilman Reedall. 2430 Rexia T. Fenton 10,06 520 Continental Oil Co.
9N�R a BE IT NOW At1D AHlic IN RESOLVED, that the CityReo order be laetruot e4 to advertise patine 2431 Roxanne 3. Ori�,p 9.31 2LC1 Kelly': ro, 63.76
16.61 2b22 Mrs. Catherine lfhltw+ .43 I {
of intention for the raevrfnoing of Second South Street from State Street to West Temple Street. I 2432 Alfred MOCune 6,17 26E3 Joseph P. Flatow 10,00 �''��'
t F.4'A3 Ann Barrett „oC. `•�'-' •Councilman Reedall moved that the resolution be adopted. 2434 Emil E.& E.F.Sares 4,6E Lb04 u'Byrae
2435 Franklin S.Tingey 6.20 2526 A. D. Burt ^5.00
C ounol L+wa Lees moved as an amendment that the resolution bo filed, which motion was E436 Sarah 9.D¢vis, 3.1D 2526 HeAt, Wleseer ?.10 �r
2.'13 2b27 Agnes Meisel �'•T'n
Almah H. Davis, oi.n7 �,, ��
u l+,sl. on the following roll call vote: E438 C.W.Platt et al 1.40 2820 C. T. Ashton - II
2439 Rich A. !ha-gotta 3.10 2629 American Bridge Co.C.Y, '5.00
L, Ayes: Fernstrom Holley, Lees, Mulvey, 4. E440 Emma Jensen 6.10 2530 Halliday lack a. 7.3)
' JIr
Rees: Davie, Hall, O'Donnell, Reedall, Read, 5. 2441 Eliza S:Davie 4.06 2531 King Browning Hdwe.Co. 7'� I,,1' i
Absent, Lynn, I,1cKinnny, Moreton, Wood, erry, Hodgson, 6, 2442 din E. Garrett 4.06 _53.. An le wean Brea. 62.25
,.+♦ . 1n n,C7 Windsor W Co. 20.25
i 1. i
At the request of Councilmen Mulvey and Hall the resolution was laid over for one week, 2544 Cragor dare In a J,,ri<a Co, c;."• 'Ii ,I, W