129 of 1912 - A resolution prohibiting prize fights. REMARKS: Resolution No.......129 By Commissioner Park. Prohibiting prize ft.ghts. -• - • READ AND ADOPTED. SEP -1912 71"14;au,•46.., CM/A WVfi ROLL CALL :-'.--- \,, .Sala Lake City, Utah, = > ,...1' ' 191.r4,.. VOTING Yes No I move that resolution No . by MrC-9"0,Ns, be adopted. Keyser ,c.. Ze,c - - Korns ' Lawrence , ie Morris . , ( Mr. Chairman . . . . -, RESULT - - WHEREAS the statutes prohibit prize fighting and provide penalties for promoting, permitting or witnessing such contests, and WHEREAS it is contrary to public policy and to the expressed wishes of the City Commission to promote prize fights, and WHEREAS in a communication dated January 4th, 1912, the Chief of Police favored the supervision of boxing contests by some well known authority or committee represent— ing the city, and WHEREAS on the 4th day of January, 1912 at a regular meeting the City Commissionlby a unanimous vote, it was decided that permission for boxing contests be referred to the Mayor, Chief of Police and attorney associated1and WHEREAS, on the 10th of January 1912, at a regular meeting of the City Commission, it was decided by a unanimous vote that no prise fights be allowed in this city, now there— fore be it RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City Utah, that the Chief of Police be and he is hereby instructed to obtain from the -)romoter or promoters of such contests a written guarantee that the proposed contest is not to be a prize fight in any sense, and RESOLVED that the Chief of Police be and he is hereby authorized to immediately put a stop to such exhibitions when, in his judgment, they exceed the bounds of decency as a contest of skill. ' _,-). 1/76f)'-- ---1, Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit _.-3T5 Utah, aepte ber 4th, 1912. Mayor City ,ecolder