13 of 1932 - A resolution setting out regulations for exclusive franchise for commercial flying at Municipal Airp t, I *'' fi 6 ftEMAR }fir -`' ' *; 4' dH .i" $ iution F' yr yy , ., i' {/'. K•k+'i+(4 t ^ 4 _.ram? P / 7 1{ t 1 ttfi1g,out reggistis, a i � x-- S '' L.,i 71 q�. ° for xc1usi-e.franchise '`or eial fly�•n Sun ip � ° • A#rp n't - ^f ,t `1, 1 rh �" ;.M:1l b 4 ' BAR A 61932 ��f, I 1 4 , .,-.:.1. •, . , '-.,.-Ii,:,', --,'s....1-' ,-,,,,,..,,,,...„ •,....,..••.,.„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...„:,,,, ... ..,., ,.,#,,,,,t„,.,„,..!,,,,,,.„.,,,, , . . : ..,,,, ,„„ :- ......,. , , ...,. .., ,,,..,..,..,,./:,,,,,,ii,.......,t41::: , ..,,..,,..,.,,,. .„..,-i....,„,- ..17.4.:..,.„.„..,...:,, ,,,,,.,, ....,.. ,.-. ......•,...,,,,rilloit..ii,„.„.,,,..,: :- :. • : ,. ,... . „,„..,..4.,,....•••.,,,..,.,,,,......,•,...„.,,, „:-.,, ,,..,,•_,, ;,„,,:•,,.,•,,,,,,..,,,„: „,..,,,,,,v.„.,-,..„:,,,,:.„.„,:..4:-;-.,.,,,,,•41.71-•„it,:,,,,5;1,,,,...,.....,,,,... •,, ,,-.„..,....,,,,„4,,„.-:,,,t,......,i,„„.„...ii:,,i,,, . ..:., „ ,..• , . . ., ,,,;.5...1i,i-134.1e;:•-.„,..;-::,,i,:::::,,-.,•„.., .;,.,.,.-,,,...„. r.,';'..:,':,-,:::.',;:-'7,',7,:: :,,, ,,..•- .••'•:,.'4',',!:-::.:•-:';':••',;.0.''..:,::::-,•'•,:•.:,-;.',','.,.Z"'":'-$._-:•.,- i'•:" h 4 • � t t }..' Z bMr ,• pt ma � � 1ia uI 8 , ,� ' .:: ,,,'••':`,;-i.'.i.'•;:,,kkl:',i':,,,,,'1 ' .- :,- - ' .- '•'.' -,':,. - .: - -- .' ',- .-:•',.•:.'',•,;:•,..:!..•'.;:i';'..•',7'?:-::-;.•.1,:.'.i.,:',"', � -'J .N';' ROLL CALL salt Lake City,Utah, 1 "1".'' ili7/4 193. . VOTING AYE N Finch — / I move that resolution No 13 by Mr /.4/1114/Ki Keyser be adopted. Knight / Lake V Z37 Mr.Chairman - - - Result 3 5-1 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an application has been ads for an exclusive franchise to operate and conduct all commercial flying at the Salt Lake Municipal Airport; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are opposed to granting such an exclusive franchise but are desirous of having maintained and operated at said airport adequate and proper facilities for commercial flying; and WHEREAS, it has bean made to appear that unless proper and equitable regulations and conditions are imposed upon persona en- gaged in commercial flying activities at said airport the character, quality, quantity and degree of the service rendered will be im- paired and the lives and property of the public jeopardized and endangered. NOW, THEREFORE„ BE IT RESOLVED, that no person, firm, part- nership or corporation shall engage or be permitted to engage in or conduct on or from said airport the business of commercial flying without first complying with all of the following regulations, qualifications and conditions, viz: 1. Maintain adequate hangar space for the storing and servicing of airplanes. 2. Furnish and have ready to serve efficient and properly licensed aircraft pilots and mechanics. 3. Own or control an invested capital at said airport in hangars, shop equipment, tools, oil and gasoline tanks and pumps, and other necessary ground equipment, exclusive of airships, of a value of not less than $10,000.00 it being understood that the activities of United States Government are exempted from the terms of this resolution. 4. Furnish and have available for commercial service licens- ed aircraft. L -2- BE IT FUR'rimR RESOLVED that for the purpose of this resolu- tion commercial flying shall be deemed to include: 1. Transporting passengers by aircraft; training student pilots or mechanics; making air flights for reconnaissance, photo- graphic, advertising, exhibition or other commercial purposes; renting hangar space for the storage of aircraft; renting of air- craft; operating repair shop; furnishing mechanics or pilots service and servicing aircraft and aircraft engines all for hire or other remuneration. 2. Selling gasoline, oil and parts for aircraft and aircraft engines. Commercial flying for the purpose of this resolution shall be deemed not to include: 1. Aircraft common carriers, operating over established routes on regular schedules with regular stops at Salt Lake City. 2. Demonstrating only for the purpose of the sale of completely assembled airplanes. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. (Signed) Ear y L. Finch Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, thisl6th day of Mardh, A.D., 1932. (Signed) Louis Marcus Mayor (Signed) Ethel Macdonald City Recorder ( SEAL ) RESOLUTiON. WAMMAS, as application has been sued* for as ammialive franchise to operate and condusi all conmereial MIAS at the fit Lake Ilvaieipai Airports and !SWAB, the Board of Commissioners of Balt Lake City tiro opposed to granting such an seclusive franchise bat are desirous or hawing maintained aid operated at said airport *twat* *Ad proper facilities for oommereiai flying; and BBIBIAS, it has beeps aide to appear that unless prepar and squitabls regulations and conditions are imposed upon pommel engaged 'innegnagnulAyInn activities at said airport the ehaxtoter, 41114j. tr, quantity end degree of the *omit* rendered Will be impaired and the lives sad preppy of the public jeopardised sad eadangored. BOW, i• BB I? MOUND, that e0 parsers, first, Part— nership or oerpsration shall engage or be permitted to engage iie oer oonduat en or from said airport the 'business of commercial flying without first complying with all of the following regulations, evali— fioatiams and conditions, vist 2. Iaimtain adequate hangar apt* for the storing and ser— witiimg of airplanes. it. Furnish and have ready to serve efficient and psOpowly14 liveetsed aireraftigLitativemd ass. - s 130. Ova an eeettiel net invested capital at said *Or ! *snort* shot equipweet, tools, oil and gasoline tanks Ond pups,, and other tt s g wtd f :oded snafu re of airshi , f a xeef :4,10- a. irrti Ono have mailable for eea�teroi42 rvie ti .46000 ar*raft. ill V nproplumft that itdr Ob. was of t is tics aossaraisl flying shall be dammed to laciadas 1.fl*sporting Passmngessby airulft; training stsdasrt pilots or mechanics; making air fit! # for Y((LC,4}1Y1415 S r'r r C p - advertising, graphieLlexhibdticm or ether mmaascisi pesrpsses; renting haagsr space for the storage of aircraft; ranting of sireraft; operating repair shop; furnishing pechanics or pilots marries sad sarriaing aircraft and aircraft engines all for hire or;Mbar rueniteratinit. 2. Selling gasoline, oil and partitiR0)11rnraqkan4 Aircraft anginas. Commercial flying for the purpose st t is saselatien shall be deemed ** to ineshtdes 1. Aircraft common sarris's, operating over ottablianeg routes as regular schedules with regular steps at Salt Like City. M. Demonstrating only for the psrpest et the sale of completely asaaasblsd airplanes. This •esolutias shall take atfact'npla its adoption. )44-7 : Passed by the Board of Commissioners esf;Salt Lake'City, Utah, this /A day of ilinrt' , A D. le $. Mayor. City Recorder.