13 of 1958 - A resolution authorizing Salt Lake City Corporation to join the Board of Education in an application Resolution No By L. C. Romney COMMISSIONER Authorizing Salt Lake City Corporation to join the Board of Education in an application to the U.i. Government for obtaining 82 acres of the Fort Douglas Reservation, situated on the extreme Northwest corner of said Reservation and to receive title thereto each to own an undivided one-half inter- est with the right of joint owners to divide said tract between them, etc. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED S F P 2 1958 t .040.11Pb144414 CSTY RECORDER • September 2, 195? Honorable L. C. Romney, Commissioner of Parks and Public Property Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held September 2, 1958, a Resolution authorizing Salt Lake City Corporation to join with the Board of Education in an application to the United States Government for obtaining 82 acres of the Fort Douglas Reservation, situated on the extreme Northwest corner of said Reservation and to receive title thereto, each to own an undivided one-half interest with the right of joint ognwrs to dive said tract between them, was taken up and filed and Resolution No. 13 was adopted. Copy to Yours truly, Mayor Law, Auditor Treas. ti\1\4144 City Recor Files, Rec.102 50 1.58 Q.P. Q 2- 1^58 ROLL CALL / Salt Lake City,Utah, C:. t� , 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Burbidge . . . Christensen . . a- � Geurts . . . Romney . . . h RESOLUTION Mr.Chairman . Result . . . BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Salt Lake City and SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION join in an application to the United States Government for obtaining 02 acres of the Fort Douglas Reservation, generally described as the Pan Handle, situated on the extreme Northwest corner of said Reservation and more particularly described as follows: Commencing 942' east from the west quarter corner of Section 33 TiN, R1E, SLB&M, running thence east about 2995' to the north-south center line of the east nalf of Section 33 TIN, R1E, SLB&M, thence north 1043.49', thence west 3765', thence south 469.741, thence south 75°09'12u east 763.11', thence south 0°00'40" west 353.75' to beginning. Together with a 100' right-of-way for highway purposes leading from this property to the campus of the University of Utah. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Education of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City Corporation receive title to the above described pro- perty, each to own an undivided one half interest with the right of the joint owners to divide said tract of land between the parties as will prove most satisfactory to the parties and most beneficial to the use of said land and that said joint owners shall have the right to convey by deed, one to the other as they may agree upon, when full plans are developed for the use and occupancy of the tract of land in question. September Dated this Znd day of,Atn®aab:, 1958. PIA. 10* • September 18, 1958 Commanding Officer Headquarters Fort Douglas, Utah Dear Sir: In accordance with your request, we are enclosing herewith the following: (1) Copy of official action of Salt Lake City Corporation, (2) a "Digest of Reasons" for Board of education and Salt Lake City Corporation's application, and (3) a map showing projected major highway system. These items are to be joined with the documents accompanying the application dated September 2, 1958, for title to 82 acres of land, presently a part of the Fort Douglas Military Reservation, and were submitted jointly by the Salt Lake City Corporation and the Salt Lake City Board of Education to your office September 10, 1958. The accompanying items are part of the information requested by your staff as necessary to properly process this application. Yours very truly, LC`�tt� i Walter A. Jen; �ee -1 L Supt. of Builcings WAJ/d cc: Dr. M. Lynn Bennion Mr. L. D. Schroder • • DIGEST OF REASONS FOR THE BMIlD ;if EDUCATION AND SALT LAKE ClTw CORPORATION`! APPLICA- TION TO U. S. GOVERNMENT FOR OtiTeINI.NG 32 ACRES OF THE FT. DOUGLAS RESERVATION AS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED RESOL ION: j-IIGHWAY NEEDS; The Master Plan for roads within and through Salt Lake City calls for the extension of Wasatch Dry trough thi.-a p;ropert•, ro connect with the new hospital being constructed on the University Campus add to Wamar_cl, Drive which now runs through toe University. This road would e;irr,i.rta.e the present bottleneck running through Bonneville-On-Tire-MilI property and also imd cue the trdiEic flow to the Uni- versity Campus and greatly fa:.i. irate the movemetr of trafir thro,igh the entire area. A copy of the portion of the Ma.stee- Street Plan of eeti".g ibis area. is attached here- with. SCHOOL NEEDS- Ti this section of the City it. t, necessary to construct an additional grade school, junior high shoo high school The grade school will be located in the new subdivision to the •aet-n of the Fort property in question, It is also possible to locate the high school to the west of this property in an area which is partially owned by Salt Lake City The. west portion of the Fort property is desired for the ioclo.tion of the junior hi cocci. The junior f.rgta is urgently needed at the present time to relieve the present enro,.lme.c.t at the Bryant Junior High School. The acquisition of this property is acute inasmuch as the school population is growing rapidly and it is estimated that approximately 18 months will be required to permit completion of architectural ar,d design construction. The Board of Education also needs a new administration building .and it is proposed that a portion of this property be used for this purpose. PARKS AND PLAYFIELDS- The comma-icy ip which this property lies has a total popula- tion at the present time of L9,IO0- The projected population by 1975 is 23,700, To serve this population the City nerds a minimum additional 23 acres of useable re- creational .space, The only property ]n. ',he area which cold be utilized for this purpose other than the Fort property is r.he property which will be needed for the high school. Therefore, the property which is not required for the extension of Wasatch Drive, for the conetructton of the junior high school and for the construc- tion of an educational administrarion building is urgently needed for playfield and park areas. LOGICAL PART OF SURROUNDING RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY. The property being applied for is an approximate 3,765 projection of the Ft, Douglas reservation, The complete south boundary abuts Bonneville-On-The--Hill., an area of one of the finer residential sections of Salt Lake City. The north boundary abuts private property which is now in the process of being subdivided into an exclusive residential area. If this pro- perty is not used for some. cc--i.,nicy :service, it wi' remain. a harrier in the center of this residential community spd be a sourr;e of copstent conflict. The Board of Education and Salt Lake City are aware of the oil pipeline easement now traversing this area and if i understood and re.c.ognized by both that provision for this easement and any other rights-of-way whi.en might be established across this property will be provided for in the preparation of plans to utilize this property. It is our opinion that this portion of !and, due to its size and shape and location, is logically and properly a part of the residential community in which it lies, that the needs of the citizens li-vinp ir this area make it imperative that additional school facilities, highway facilities and park. facilities he provided and this pro- perty forms the most logical, and lea some instances the only possible, site for such installations. For these reasons the legislative body of Salt Lake City and the governing body of the Board of Education, have adopted the attached resolution requesting this property. Re, 102 SO 58 Q P 1958 ROLL CALL ti,ilt L.:Lc tii — . — VOTING Aye ,N2). FillAT that the 1-2eviluilon 1 AdiTtid. Burbidge . . Ch.ristensen . . ( Geurts . . . Romney /A! RESOLUTION Mr.Chairman Result- BE IT RESOLVED as DI: Bo SALT LAKE CITY CC,i-i.PORATION : IL a:. E,..1-4) U .:•ct Stale, Gosernment Cu ssIILIu ::: acres at lone Fort D,J,e,:,_aP Reser atiJn, generally decbrIbed as to Pan Handle, oLtaaieJ ca tne exjrcoce N rtrwLat corner 01 said heseroattao. a: a mdre part:cocarly list as 2 j _wo: C,mmencinjj, -_,1421 east from as. cJarter corner di SectiJn j): T1N, R1E, SLI.a.M, 'rahhthg tnence easy t.,. tne center Inc,: of tae east at af Seco:lc:a JO', TIN, BCE, SLB&M, thence n,rth Joek,.,4* tne:-oe west :,16,5t, thence pJatn Lla, . 41 , Jaerce 6_ :L 9t12" east. toj.111 , tnende soitn J-Jj'it46" we37 ro2-151 tt heginnin . Together witn fhr :1J-jnway parposes keadjr , from tells p.tpert,-tb. %a-a ea:micas' eof the b;hi :ercity 92 'jtan. RESOLVED FUhidER tnat tat reIrd c Niahatjoe of .Sait Io 7Ity and Salt Lake City Corporation receive title t tne aboJe des pr perty, each to own an uhdlidea one nalf j.nterept with tne d za ,f tne joint owners to divide Paid tract of land petween te parties as will pro;e mhst satisfactory ti tne parties and mdst teheficial tb the ace of said land aad that said joint cwnerc snail rla:e tne right to conve- by deed, one tc the ottierc they may abree uudn, wnen fail plan.3 are developed for the ase and accapant, cc ',Le tract 9f la.aa ih questian. PeD1—.0--r Dated this 2ndday o Atotwat, cj-o. h , - ',4**Aftc:49 jk,icjAk, 0 I ./ [ 1 COUNTY • __ - - . • COUNTY .- - __. .. .4...sow Anil JIMMIlt Ammi.. ,": :---------- s ,...... ,,,,, , ......., , , , ,, ., , , . . • ......,, . . . ,, „ . . , • ,,,,, , 1%likt • r 1. jier "I'. wiriniirrair !illicit*. 0 , - i-, ' t"-.3.fg El 110 0 ri C1 1 Q3 0 OD - •• L ' ,it' • ' 4' , ilri Lin ET. 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