132 of 1911 - A resolution that the Board of Public Works proceed to advertise for bids for material and work rega 132
REMARKS: . Resolution No.
.23y Co/mei/man Mulvey.
That the Board of Public ,
Workg proceed to advertise
for bids for material and
work in re extending Gravity
•t Sewer, per plans of City
Engineer, except digging the
canal directed to be done by
,4 Street Zmpervisor.
. ,
Presented to the CIty Council,
Received end Ordered filed,
AUG 3-1911
OUT RE0011011.
38SOI.YEA, That the Board of Public Works proceed to m ►--adver-
tise for bide for furnishing material and doing all work in regard
to extending the Gravity Sewer, shown upon the plans and specifics
tions of the City Engineer, except the digging of the canal direct . ,
to be done by the Supervisor of Streets by resolution of July 17 .