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137 of 1911 - A resolution relating to the death of Sargent J. Henry Johnston expressing condolence and appropriat
C . t o, �T - _ _ --�------ DULY 25, 1911. )i 111 I 1 I. 1 �Gg 499 JLlY 25, 1011. RESOLUTION N0, 137. By Councilman Davis. ', 1 title, third time in full_ and passed on roll call vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen BP IT 229010.1`, that or, account of the untimely demise of Soret. J ry Johnston, wo deem it as citizens and councilmen of Salt Lake City, that the be ed Davin and Perry, P:o r.'r 'ataent, title, approved and referred to the layer for his approval. - family be taken care of, and partially regarded for hie eerticen to the community, end ! (i'_v ir.a - . elan "o. ]3. First iartiul Estimate.) as thesoon to this has bean dDlicalled by n' ny basin - .on deep it only fit .of ra crff that the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars 11.500) b appropriated for the :r o of re- II I•' lieving the family home of the mortgage, and this io on'y slight .n r.e. .lion of -.that Report No. 62 from the City Auditor, submitting lst Partial Estimate, Paving Ext, we as citizens and councilmen are able to do. III f' '1 Laid over Yor one week at lase requc.st of Councilmen ..,elvcy and 3r e.3n11. ,�I Ho. CA, •"a,^,3,195.31, in favor of P. J. Loran, ;.hi which was presented earlier in the session under II aiflu shed /uainesa and laid over to Como up after confirming ordinance had passed, was taken The list of Authorized Expenditures pas then taken ur and passed on roll call I'II I ' up ,nd ord-er-1 filed and the nmciuit of the estimate placed uponthe Authorized List. (Item 2795) vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen Davis and Ferry, the 'germ y cent. LIST OF SU111151 tD,il..rfiruRIIS. 1 ..._L I'0. 27. For an ordinance :unending Ci:aptor 27 of the Revised Ordinances of 1903, relating Crane Co. 145.55 [1�+ P 2555 F.J.A.Jaques, Co. Recorder, 7.95 2G..6 Cre. I I,, 1 to licenses for rocming houses, mhich was presented to the City Council February 20, 1911, and 5.00 2627 Bon Ton Shooing 2.00 I I, '1 ? 2566 A. L. Thomas, P. Y 13.03 6. ,"07.01 -.528 Henry Droer ll I it'! r.. •ad to CM Committees or. "..n'eicipal Laws and License, taller. up earlier in the session with 2567 P• J. uaoran o 2629 or Beach unicp. 'Bard 50.00 2,060,13 II 2569 P. J. Ploran 1,327.06 2G30 B. F. Cummins 09.00 -attee ?snort _e. ell Prom Committee on lunicin.l Laws and laid over to come up meats ordinances, 2569 P. J. Moran 2,647 15 2231 Century Printing Co, 9.75 'Ioru'i ,70 ;, n" 25G0 P. 559.59 2639 Grocer Co.J I . 2561 City Street Imp. Co. 75 2633 Grocer hinting Co. 14,25 Peas ben up and laid over for one creek, 2562 J. W. Walker 2 ce Curtis :i14.25 i' i I 2563 D. B. Richards 3.00 634 H. 5.10 'I P 4.00 2635 Salt lake Tide. Co, } NIaa NO. I 2564 A. Johnson 2536 S. L. Street De.ut. .4.05 I ::G, For m: ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 374 of the Revised Ordinances 8565 J. H. Harsh 1.50 .85 •i2.63' McCoy's Stables hotels, I 2666 E• H. Airis 27.05 2630 Triton^-'.?^ otter 1 9 .76 1903 relating to licenses for which was presented to the City Council February 20, 2.40 p »0.76 I' 2567 F, Nibley •10 2639 Fetid Punk o Republic 2668 E. Hampton 2640 Goodwin'z e ly 13.50 III �' 1911, road first time and referred to the Committees on Municipal Laws and License, taken np 2569 Herman Bauer 2•90 2.00 II { �' 2241 Salt isle .ln ram. 1 2670 ^rlbune-Reportar Co. 27.50 2G42 Salt lake Cc 1.004.50 ' earlier Crthe session with Cormeittee Reports and laid over to come up with ordinances, was taken: 1.70III q -- 2571 fin T. Flttoa _ 1.70 2643 iiiigr. :10:. Co. me n and laid over for ono 'Nock. a `y Crecnl 3.20 lb•14 . �. .J5 ''.II2573 L, W g 3.202CA5 ::_yk''; 2674 A. Dobinson 5.70,u 1,70 2G46 it " !I 267.5Oliver Yearsen 7G.JOE!ti, ' BILL I'.0. 59. For an ordinance reouirina the payment of u license for persona, firms, assoela- .,546iq, g, Dei�ht on3.2026.47 r * v`- Co' 17.50 III o.;i ! 11.5E _4;.^. - - 2, 0 . { 2677 Herman Bauer 2G49 embroke nt. (.o. 9. 0 I %i .ohs or corporations engaged in the basineae of keeping, renal acting, managing or operating 2578 Studebaker Sens. Co. 3.00 n n• r q 391.00 ::650 .,angtoncCo meet °•��'_') * ^eh to 'm' s oiithin Salt Lake City, Utah, presented to toe City Council July 3, 1911, 2579R. ffi• Ball 'Pal. Co. 5.20 2651 Salt Ln're Ccuty 7 9 GG �. - - 25Y0 A. H. Crow R: Oo. 2652 Tribi.ne-Rportar 1.35 )I) 2681 Z.0.1^..I. 6.80 i,g6 '• �. . tad fire time and laid over for one week, presented July 10, 1711, and referred to the Committee 6.36 2653 7. Ii. Glore 5 2682 Fairbanks florae & Co. 99.©1 2654 Tribune-R porter ". 0 1'I and _. ____ _.. the aczsic: .dli C _. 'Reports. ':_s taken up and laid 2683 People's Ford. Co. ^.95 2655 �slt erne Stamp:<Co. _.� ^�';t� 2584 D. ... Callahan 15.00 ::606 5-lt Iulte •� I.. 2585 Utah Litho. Co. 2657 Sc*ramp-John mPDrugs .75 • `'a ._ ._cL, 2586 Standard Furniture Co. 15.50 0658 Unite. ;;racer o. :21(::'L.'' ,.L0 !. 2587 N. Kass 4.00 "659 R : Bell Co. � �0 ��� � 2588 9. L. Avt o. Livery Co. * 1 d. i 1 o. • 00 !1:' '� ?1i15CLL Z1 C1 TIC. 133. By Councilman Moreton. 2689 Smith Drug Co. 1.50 2GG1 S• L. •le Electric Su!%ply .,� 111 '_ I: 0 lSD, that the Board of Public llnrY.a be, and it is herebyauthorized and 2590 Coombe Smel Co. 2063 -ll I, 2691 .Sinn w Smoltcr Supply Co. 1,25 2G63 Ut .i�;'t = Ry. L-. r150 directed to advertise for bids for the paving of Fifth last 9troot from Third South to Ninth 2gg2 Salt Inks Ion Co. 2664 J '! en;cina�. Sena I i II seat Ctroot. P Grocer Printing Co. 58.66 0 Liar,ratann G 00 • 2b94 Utah Photointeriels Co. 17.,On 2a66 1 1 :es 0 ' I ne:em i to ten board oC-aisin to _oebiomm:n.. 2595 Salt Lac ids. Co. C,6G7 nl y"-- .i �. 2596 King-Bwovming_raw. 3.s5 79,96II ���j,p$' ;o:,. 10:1 ti0. 1.',., Dy Counci].man 'food, O'Donnell and Reed. 260D Alir^d Hav+lms5'l�Cw 7ET:il''')ME: ::..:T.- '1i;flC{� 2F09 Utuk:r'J rrJ St::blJo „ I II :t f,71 Ll +� ,,„,„ flan, a ou.dILLoo el alx wiz Lie o,, ciaaauu ::came.. .,u ae AooloLu , L. 4,yr•,•,••,1 2600 Century rrrnl,iatq uu 6.25 2G72 „a �• 19.1� � ���� to fird mays and means to take care of the 9th South Canal problem. 2G01 Breeden Office Supply ^f43 a ��/ i i4;:,, • T 4 1 et•On hitu oil ➢rag Co. J�•1nl �,;I _fi��lRl )).. _._ n . 2606 Jarr "lynnG.00 G77 1027aa that h. !hief of Fire Deportment be authorized to enforce the Ordinance ^G07 !:6, 1'13 . Sprague 6.�0 av0 iL ri ldr. Jt r i ,.d by the City eerne June 79th, 1911, nxeept those where 2608 ld's Band 5.2b ,.tel r 1.: ln• o• relating o '•'^1 ^�M pogo- 11 uG09 Byho' r „nl ^l .._ �.I 1erio: by permit. :].'/U617, 2G10 . Jonl.in❑ f Snns 3,007.611 eri one Linen Supply r03 '1 Toni -.cP. --. ) laid over for ono :Peek .t the rn,:ueat of Counellmoa Fernstrom and Holloy. 2G12 Vtah Ind, Tattorworkf nl. Co. ]'9.p9 •g,�i Pt._r. -.i t i.l l�.�r. • 0. 13G. Try L'our,o.Laws iiollcy. 2G16 Gcombs Draw Co, 14.56 GnG ,L, t II 1G.00 1 p. ^r i) _,SEAS, plans and opcclflcutiera are no, ready for advertising notion of intention • lg Bon Ton Shoo '''OOrrt9 nttinJ- ,: 1" I' li I_ .art b h' L. ProauoOriak ]44.36 :..r f .a n - Lit•rlithl:. vi:•; cad.12, o.'-i ^ atlone provide for eight lnelies; and langiton ".imp meno. 1 . , { •7P 2I1I1, six in,.lone In the standard thickness used the country over •.+here bltulithio C 1, 21 .... . ! II r...:i,.� in used: therefore. "nil .nit Lai Ildcr. Fo 9l t i.. r a:. i 1. a I.' i:•:tll'r. vi t.ou 1. _.:_tl,: to d6a2 awarer .t 'lu 7l �� I: read ...d :al in al,no of int incline for paving Garth Main 9t. 8fl2g Bennett Class I, faint ,r,pr _r t'�n (`1'f:: 261'.d Cnlirher acl:. Co. 102.G2 1.15 .•fan , ,no llle 'rta'� t' �,, -,id cast for one teen.: at the rm,'we t o: Councilmen Rood and '�.uh.p. ^r'6 leett Ili t.o,. ■ ii I . � �