139 of 1911 - A resolution that the Board of Public Works be instructed to advertise notice to contractors for con "ww---7.- • , ,x--,4„e. : • . _ :,,t. • REMARKS: : 1..; • Resolution No. 1:i9 .„, • • , ;-, By Coun Mulvey. cilman .;, + That Board of Public Works be . ;k: instrunted_to_ advertise notice --,;* to contractors for constructio* • f-,- -:'.0f. a4ont 4 miles of ditch work : 4;, • r.,' '' dmHaonneatiOn with Gravity ,'. . :,.,.,.. Outlet $ewer, including gradink. '.;: - • and road. bridges. A, , . --, r- . • ,,., , r /. ,. ,.. . ,_ , , • ,..,„.= • • i:: '• , - / /. ,,,,. ti- /,';'; ,. • ' . •''". . . .. . .,...'' . . . . .5.`• , ' . . . . . , - .. , •., . . , i - f,_-_, - : . . • ., • -`----!--,„,' ,' , )17.-'7411' .0=077272E=..f, •:: . , , , P —' , -- ' '- . 4,----!--:r ' e . • =.:-4 . i- 1:= ,!- -'.-4, .,, - . 'r- 41' •.' 1,, . ,.= -,i', - -• • A e 1 st id ei t_ Bo oVu r t o p se i n ity 0 et wer s je the it Cou il, n WHEREAS, the Court has sustained the injunction brought against the Mayor, City Council and others for ordering this work to be done by the Street Department, so: BE IT NOW AND HEREIN RESOLVED that the Board of Public Works be and are herewith instructed to advertise Notice to Contractors for the construction of about four miles of ditch work in connection with the proposed Gravity outlet' Sewer, including all grading and road bridges, in accordance with plans and specifications furnished by the City- Engineer. July 27, 1911. •