139 of 1912 - A resolution that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance against contaminating of water by livestock REMARKS: Resolution No. 14;9 By Commissioner Park That City Attorney prepare an ordinance against contaminati • of not er by live stoc.k.,, eta. ROLL CALL 1 3 Salt Lake City, Utah,... ..... i-.ko 19L;,.... VOTING Yoa No I move that resolution No'_ '....-. .' by Mr(30 .,. ---. b be adopted. Keyser '03 ' Koran Lawrence i.._.... ..___._ t Morn V 14‘4"414.1). . .. Mr.Chairman . . _.LisOl ......... • . • Rau= - - RESOLUTIO N. WHEREAS the water supply of Salt Lake City requires protection from every known source of contamination, and WHEREAS it would be ineffectual to act upon one of these dangers while permitting the others to remain, and WHEREAS it is better and more effective to proceed openly rather than by indirection, and WHEREAS it is not the purpose of the Commission to single out any particular industry for adverse legislation, be it therefore RESOLVED that it is the sense of this Commission that . every known cause of water pollution be removed from the streams which supply the city with water, and he it further RESOLVED that the City' Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare an ordinance to provide against such pollution by sheep, cattle or other live-stock, by campers, ranchers or herders, or by any other person, persons, company or industry, and be it further RESOLVED that an expression be requested of the legislative candidates in this campaign as to whether or not they favor an extension of municipal authority to oppe with these dangers which have heretofore been left more particularly to t:e larger jurisdiction and powers of the State Board of Health. • 111, fdi ,.411(/ by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Septemb 1912 Mayor City Recorder