14 of 1941 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the ye Are 102.A REMARKS A Resolution No 14 By Commissioner McConkie i Authorizing additional appropriations for the support 1 of the City Govt. for the year i 1941, in the amount of $6432.0T. hooted to tie Bord of Cioa mI uk ne« AND PASSED J JUL-:91941 p i1 , Dated Filed Tu1Y--•ath+1941.•• Address _._._.._.---•--•----- ' • Gi4,6"dW' Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, Commissioners of the varipis departments herein- after specified have made written requests for additional appropria- tions setting forth the emergencies n$eessitating the requests; and WHEREAS, it is necessary;1to make such additional appropria- tions for the support of the ci, $r government for the year 1941. NOW, THEEFORE, BEAT RESOLVED that an emergency exists and it is necessary to make a itional appropriations for the following accounts and departmenttp JJfor the year 1941, and that the following sums of money, or as uch thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby approprihted for the support of the various departments indicated for the calendar year ending December 31, 1941. Said appro- priations are further itemized in the requests on file for such appro- priations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and pass- ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on December 31, 1940, April 3, 1941, May 7, 1941, June 18, 1941, and July 2, 1941, to-wit: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE. Account No. Department. Amount. 8-F-1 Recorder's Department *432.GO PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY. 93-D-1 Lee Charles Miller Park 600.00 STATUTORY & GENERAL. 141-F-30 Mayor's Contingent Fund 400.00 141-I-1 Capital Investment (Airport ) 5000.00 64'32.00 It is necessary to the opinion of the Board of Commission- ers for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect u7 ijs,adootion. II Passed by the B and of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, IjUtah, this 2.6tday of , 1941. i II �� '� Mayor, CHlf1F DEPUTY' CityVi,,,e-4.1-, rder. I, I I I II I I I 1 I II i N