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14 of 1948 - A resolution authorizing appropriations for the support of the City Government for the year 1949.
V REMARK'S Resolution No.": 4 By Commissioner Glade i� J Authorizing appropriations fo - the support of the City Cover — ment for the year 1949. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED DEC 281948 4 gr-.4:414V751,-•&Ef. ,: -tn.Y IISCOCtcsa i v.. .„ , A• Date Filed December 28, 1948 Address • Rec.102 200 iz,i-an ROLt.`CALL December 28, 194 8 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Affleck ! I move that the resolution be adopted. Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . • RESOL ION Result A RESOL T3C1`d,. TNS APPROPRIATIONS FOR Ti1 SUPI OF T E CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury, hot other- wise appropriated, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City, for the calendar year ending December 31st, 1949, said appropriations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved. • Salt Lake City, Utah TO T}I BOARD OF COLIICISSIONERS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time, until the work of completing the budget has been accomplished, and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and revenues necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31, 1949. We have carefully considered the requirements of each department of the City Government in detail as well as the estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of appropriations hereto attached. To make this appropriation effective, the City Recorder has given notice of hearing on the budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with the State Statutes, and is hereby directed to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department, and the purchasing Agent is hereby directed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the budget. ,> Adopted December <- 1948. rzr. � Respectfully, :ayo Board of Estimate & Apportionment Lt ✓/- • 88TIkAM BUDOIT BASED ON THE A:SBSSED VALUATION $177,948.890.00 AT 98%COLLSOTION THQaLB $174,370,312.00 10TAL HILL I.BTY $ 3,225,850.00 LIBRARY 1 $ 174,370.00 YSTIHATHD RhTSNVZ CIAN RAL TAUS: Prior Ysars 63,000.00 Current Year 3,225,860.00 Inatome License ' 520,000.00 Business Tax L30,000.00 Non-Busiasss Licenses 110,000.00 Fines end Forfeitures 210,000.00 Rents and Concessions 60,000.00 Departmental Fees and Charges 135,000.00 Berninas of General Departments 145,000.00 naming. of water Department 1,580,000.00 Class'"C" Road Fund 178,649.00 Airport No. 1 132,776.00 Parking Meters 200,000.00 Recess Revenue 294,668.62 Utah State Liquor Fund 272,464.00 wateraain Bztension service 260,000.00 Street Replacements 80.000.00 $7,327,297.62 BDDO2f1TTUSS Auditor 47,050.00 Public Affairs and Finance 384,800.70 Peblie Safety 1,731,788.00 Parka and Public Property 606,242.25 STRUTS AND PUBLIC IMPR0TI13TS YBginsers 561,p50.00 Streets 763,093.00 1,025,043.00 water Supply and waterworks 521.850,00 Total $4,515,775.95 STATUTORY AND O25NRAL Operations T82,720.00 Bond Retirement and Sinking Fund 221,706.14 Bond Interest 146,030.00 Class "C" Road Fund 178,649.00 Airport No. 1 132.776.00 Total $1.531,681.14 CAPITAL INPESTlo38TS Auditor 3,270.00 Finance 10,000.00 Public Safety 88,740.00 Parks 166,500.00 sTRXSTS Engineers 72,232.63 Streets 58,000.00 130,232.53 water 582,000.00 Statutory and General 12,000.00 $ 982,742.53 RBWORIDTRANST&R ACCOURTS watemasia sztenaions 250,000.00 Street Replaesaents 40.000.00 salt Labe Refining Company (water) 10,000.00 Mosquito Abatement 10.000.00 $ 580,000.00 Unappropriated Surplus $ 176.900.00 Total Rependitures ,527,297.61 AUDIT B'817f1PART3511T =OMT ilo. 1 . Assam*Ile. Base of Amara Almond 1-401 8uperviaiou $ 9,100.00 1-►-11 Salaries-Otfiee 33.100.00 $ 41,350.00 3.44 0tiiss 8appiisa $ 8,000.00 L441 litaiellnneeua 70.00 141-1 Rapairs 1quipaant 000.00 1404 Cleaning sad @narrating 000.00 1.74 Auto Allman. 1,440.00 141.04 Traveling Impose $00.00 1.7-00 1Gaberahipa and 8abassiptioae 80.00 ',tome 47.050.00 AIME Salaries 4 41.000.00 Operations IA100.00 $ 47,600.00 CPITAl.7D124 147-1 AAding*.,Mass $ $00.00 Ohair.filitg Cabinet e00.00 0eanter 2.500.00 ' $ 5,E70.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND PINANOE 1 9 4 9 *NQnet, Mayor-Cosmissioner'e Office Budget No. 2 Acct. Ito. Nam of Account Mount A- 1 Salary - Mayor-Commissioner $ 6,000.00 A- 2 salaries Offioe Employees 8,520.00 Ar 48 Salary - Sooty. Civil Service 2.100.00 $16,620.00 13- 1 Office Expense 175.00 B- 2 Printing 150.00 B- 3 Postage 125.00 B-12 (aa and Oil 1,000.00 B-13 Tires 125.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Expense 500.00 E- 1 Repairs to Purnitue & Fixtures 50.00 It- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 B- 6 Repairs to Automobiles 200.00 R-11 Repairs to Tires 25.00 7-24 Travel Expense 50.00 F-39 Subscriptions 100.00 3,000.00 Total $19,620.00 Bureau of Mechanical Inspection Budget No. 3 A.. 2 Salaries - Offic. Employees 4,350.00 A-ll Salaries - Inspectors )2.430.00 $36,780.00 B- 1 Office Expense 135.00 B- 2 Printing 500.00 E- 1 Repairs to Furl iture and Fixtures 100.00 _- 4 Cleaning And Renovating 225.00 1-4 Car Allowances 4,620.00 P-24 Travel Nxponse 300.00 F-39 Memberships 200.00 6,115.00 $42.895.00 Total • Page #2 Legal Department Budget NO. 5 Acct. No. age of Account Amount A-2 Salaries - Office 8mpioyees $7,350.00 A-i5 Salaries - Attorney and Assistants 17.880.00 425,230.00 B-1 Otfioe Expense 175.00 B-2 Printing 125.00 B-3 Postage 50.00 B-18 Law Books 900.00 B•-1 Repairs to FUrniture and Fixtures 50.00 E4 Cleaning and Renovating 300.00 F-9 Court Costs 100.00 F-24 Travel 2zp enae 500.00 F-39 Subscriptions and Memberships 200,00 2,400.00 Total $27,830.00 License Dcnartmsnt Budget No.1 A-i Salary - Assessor 3,410.00 A-8 Salary - Clean 2,250.00 A-11 Salaries - Inspectors 5.400.00 311,060.00 B-1 Office Expense 115.00 B-2 Printing 425.00 B-3 Postage 500.00 B-29 Plates and Tags 1,500.00 7-4 Auto Allowanoee 1,332.00 P-24 Mara Expense 50.00 3,922.00 Total $14,982.00 Business Franchise Budget No. 8-1 A-2 Salaries - Clerks 4,200.00 15-19 Niscellansous Expense 5.800.00 Total $10,000.00 Page #3 Purchasing Agent Budget No. 7 Acct. No. Name of A0oow4t ,mount A-1 Salary - Purchasing Agent $ 3r690.00 A-B Salaries - Offiou Employees 11;010.00 $14,700.00 B-1 Office Expense 125.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Expense 100.00 E-4 °leaning and Renovating 350,00 7-4 Automobile Allowance 420.00 7 24 Travel Expense 350.00 F-39 Membership and 3ubsoriptions 50.00 1,395.00 Total $16,095.00 Reoorder's Office Budget No. $ A-1 Salary - Recorder 3,420.00 A-E Salaries - Office Employees 10.170.00 $12,590.00 2.1 Office Expense 1,500.00 B-2 Printing 1,500.00 B-3 Postage 500.00 E-4 Cleaningand Renovating 350.00 F-24 Travel 350.00 7-39 Subscriptions and Membership 40.00 4,240.00 Total $17,830.00 Civil Court Budget No. 9 A-2 Salaries - Deputies $13,920.00 13,920.00 B-1 Office Expense *400.00 B-2 Printing 1,500.00 B-3 Postage 15.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 150.00 'E-4 Cleaning and Renovating 275.00 2,340.00 Total ili.260.00 U • • Criminal Court Bg,dzet No. 1,0 Loot. No. Naas of Account Amount Ar 2 Salaries - Deputies 49.660.00 49,660.00 B- 1 Office Expense 570.00 B- 2 Printing 800.00 B- 3 Postage 50.00 1.420.00 Total 411,080.00 Cemetery pudaet Na. 11 A- 1 Salary - Sexton #2,790.00 A- 2 Salaries - 0ftioe Employees 4.380.00 $7,170.00 Ar 3 Salaries - Maintenance Grounds 89,587.50 A-12 " Watchmen 2,370.00 A-16 " Truck Drivers 7,110.00 A-21 * Florist and Assistant 5.160.00 B- 1 Office Expense 250.00 B- 2 Printing 250.00 B- 3 Postage 175.00 B-4 Fuel 650.00 B-12 Gas and Oil 2,500.00 B-14 Tires and Tubes 1,000.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Expense 400.00 B-25 Greenhouse Expense 275.00 B-26 Trees, Plants and Seeds 3,000.00 D- 1 Repairs to Grounds 2,500.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 3,000.00 D- 5 Repairs to Streets 2,000.00 S- 2 Repairs to Machinery 3,000.00 E- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 100.00 N- 6 Repairs to Motor Equipment 1,800.00 5-11 Repairs to Tires 150.00 F-37 Linen 50.00 7-39 Subscriptions 40,00 21.1 i Total $132,! . Page #5 Treasurers Office Budget No. 12 No• Nash of Account Amount AM 1 Salary - Treasurer 44,410,00 A. 2 Salaries - Office NSaployees 16.260.00 $20.670.00 B. 1 Office Expense 700.00 B- 2 Printing 800.00 B- 3 Postage 200.00 E. 1 Repairs to Equipaent 135.00 x- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 300.00 Y-39 Subscriptions 50.00 2l 165.00 *22, 5 .00 Dog Tax - Nudget No. 13 7-22 Collections and Expense 414,500.00 Parking Biter Budget No. 14 A.il Salaries - Supervision and 0all•ctlons 414.310.00 Planning a>td zoning Badaet Nab.15 A- 1 Salary - Zoning Engineer $5,100.00 A. 2 Salaries - Office Enpioyees 5.640.00 410,740.00 B. 1 Offi©e Expense 1,220.00 B. 2 Printing 500.00 B. ; Postage 50.00 Jr- 1 Advertising 500.00 Y- 4 Car allowance 420.00 Y-50 Board of ..djustnent 1.000.00 3.690.00 Total #14,430.00 , . Page #6 Traffic Ticket Office Budget No. 16 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount la,.2 Salaries - Office Employee* $6.720.00 46.720.00 B- 1 Office Expense 50.00 B- 2 Printing 400.00 B- 3 Postage 300.00 750.00 fi7.470.00 Total operating Expense $382,494.50 Dash Register for Treasurer's Offiea 2.306.20 $384,800.70 Capital Investment 147-3 147-3-2 Legal Department $300.00 147-3-4 Purchasing " 250.00 147-3-5 Recorder's Office 345.00 k47-3-6 Criminal Court 150.00 147-3-7 Cemetery 4,568.00 147-3-8 Treasurer's Office 2,606.20 147-3-9 Dog Tax 800.00 147-3-10 Mayor's Office 1,750.00 147-3-11 Civil Court 628.00 147-3-12 Parking Meters 347.00 147-3-16 Traffic Ticket Office 175.00 147-3-17 Bureau of Mechanical Inspection )90.00 412,306.20 1949 • Salaries $309.597.50 Roots. 1-1 to 8-39 72.897.QO 1352.494.50 WARMEST OF PUBLIC SAFETY B0DOBT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TEAR 1949 COWNISSI0NNRIS arms Budget No. 20 Acct. . No. Naas of Account Alget_ LT" 6oaadssionar+s Salary $ 5,�:0' A-2 S..r.taryt Clsrko, St.nographsre 34,265.03 A45. lighting Supervisor 2,940.00 $ 42,205.00 1.1 Office St,plies 1 00 B-2 Printing400.00 3-3 Pastas* 1-1 Aspire to Puroiture and Fixtures 250.00 P-4 Auto Allowance 620.00 7--24 ?raveling Zxpea.e 600.00. P.39 Msaberships and Subscriptions 100.00 . 2,520.00 Total 44,725.00 PVSLIC SAFETY BUILDIAUB Budget No. 23 Acct. NO.' Ilene .S Aoocgnt LT' taiga Director 3,3� A-2 St nopraphers' 4 440•.00 . het,*Dldg ., Begin 's, and Janitors 26,55100 A-i7 Biehwdss '.. . - 28420.00 A.-36 Telephone 00erniors 9,659.50 Ar40 Sealer of'sight, sad Measures 2S910.00 A-hi 8.lost. alars.of Weights and Moasares 5,300.00 60,870.50 B-1 Offias Supplies 150.00 B.2 Printing 120.00 1-3 Footage 25.00 SA Fool 500.00. B-12 Gasoline and Oil 5,350.00 8 13 Tires`ard libge 150.00 B-15 Jarlto2s! Supplies. 850.00 1-1y Miso.11sasoos supplies 50.00 1-2k #tit Oohs* 100.00 D.2 Sopati,to Buildings 6,500.00 06$ Repairs to rinerhisE aaa Heating 000.00 14 &O+drt to Aerators.and 7txtnrss 75.00 E-2 8spairs to ?eo3A and Haohimrrlr $00.00 2-6 ispaira to y.ter Ve isles 200.00 T-4 Auto.AilosoOos:. 300.00 7-7 Rant, 'OULU 50.00 ?reiling knee y Garage 3�300.00 20,120.00 ?otul 100,990.59 • FIRS b1PA1TMBM! - Budget Jo. 25 Acct. Al Baas of l000unt Amount Supsrsisic. $ 4,$66765 1..6 Asst. Mists, Capte., Lts., its. 123.960.00 443 • Firearm 385r740.00 1.17 .11rshrrat, 21,420.00 A.31 Alare 0psr.toas and 83eotrioians 21420,00' • i559,620.00 S-1 Otlios Supplies • 775.00 1.2 Printing T50.00 1-3 Poets. 75.00 SA F 6s950.00 8•11 Motor Tobias l�eosasories 775.00 1.12 Gasoline'and Oil . 4,800.o© B-13 Titus end Tubes 2,600.00 1-15 Janitor's-Supplies 1,850.00 B-17 Medical Supplies 575.00 8.19 Miseallsmssus Suppliss 1,000.00 B-21 Bedding 750.00 8-24 Eight Globes 225.00 2.31 Mrs Prevention Supplies 750.00 1-32 0bndeals 450,00 B.34 Flashlight Globes 35.00 • 8•35 Flashlight Hattori.* 200.00 $.40 Mote Sappl es T150,00 S.43 Fir* Fighting Btwiprsnt, its, 2,750.00 0-1 Material and sspairs to Grounds 500.00 0-2 -. **pairs to Balldings 5,700.00 0-3 Repairs to.Flushing mad Heating 950.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 550.00. E-2 Repairs to Tools and Maeninery 750.00 H-3 Repairs to Instruments and Apparatus 8,500.00 2.6 Repairs to Motor'9ebialsa 4,850.00 1.15 Repair* to Moss - 250.00 • F-24 Traveling lspens. • 350.0o F!T laundry and Linen 3,400.00 F 39 Memberships and Subscriptions 150.00 - 50.610.00 Total 618,230.00 • POLICE DBPAR?MERT Sadist 110. 30 Aust. Is. lone of Account Asoaat %psrelates $ 14)10.00 A-t 8saretary sad Clerks 8,580.Oo A•b Capts., Ltar., 8gts., 00o. 34, .00 A-7 tatrolion 156,798.00 A-8 Mastless 1$4,440.00 A•11 Ls pastors 3,900.00 A-3l Radio Teebsdeisre.sad Operators 27,009.00 $396,438.00 5•1 Ottise Supplies 2,000.00 B-2 hinting 3,000.02 S-3 Postage 500.00 8-12 Ossolia. sad Oil 21,000.00 1.13 Tires sad Tubes 850.00 H-1$ isaitsr's Supplies 450,Co '6 9 0ts®ol3sasos a Supplies 1i00.00 a4hi 00B- Light m°lobo. 275.00 11.35 Flashlight Batteries 400.00 S-36 Cartridges 650.00 11.40 Photo Suppliea 1,000.00 1-1 Repairs to Pusaiturs sad ?Wars* 400.00 11-) Repairs to Instrarrate sad Apparatus 500.00 1,.6 Repairs to.Meter Tebielea 9,700.00 lt-8 Repairs to Ou,s, Clubs, ste. 900.00 1L.11 Repair. to Tire, and Tubel 1,400.00 248 Target Mange 100.00 1-19 Radio l itaipnrrt 4,000.00 P-4 Auto Allowance 900.00 P.7 Rest 909.50 P-8 Aa(balsrep Contract 75.00 7.44 Traveling Yspsaos 500.00 T-25 Obtaining Peidirae 850.00 1-37 Laundry and Liam 2,000.00 P--39 Memberships and Subscriptions 75.00 53.859.59 Total 45o,297.50 TRAFFIC maggot Ito. 33 `cat. No. Alamo of Account Amount Imo"' Z'4p44. Lis., agts., otc. $ 12,E A-7 Patrol:es 189,405.00 A-8 Dsteativsa 5.860.00 $207,465.00 2,2 Printing 3,000.00 Sd2 0as.line and Oil 12,000.00 9-13 Tiros and Tubes 850.00 8-29 Bicyol. Livonia Plats, 500.00 D-39 Tratfi, Paint 9,500.00 1-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 5,500.00 t-10 Signs and Signals 7,000.00 1-1 Repairs .toraFalos 1,600.00 350.00 T-24 Traveling Rxpaes. 300.00 7-55 Safety Co veil 1,500.00 42.100.00 Total 249►565.00 JAIL Budget No. 35 Mat. ..• A.samnt A.�o9 t. - 1*t 10 mdn ! 19,7au.O0 a 2,2502.000 Mateyo 0 25,050.00 B-9 Clothing for Prisoners 500.00 3-21 Sodding 300.00 1-k2 Jail axppliss 1,500.00 D-2 Repairs to Building. 500.00 M69 Ispairs to Plumbing and Mooting 300.00 P.31 Meals to Prisoners 23,000.00 26■100000 Total 51,150.00 MUM - POLICE fl1PAR1IENT Salaries 626,953.00 Operation 121.059.50 Total 754012.50 • HEALTH DEPART11EJft Budget 10. 40 Aoct. So.. Saar of Account Amount rm A-2 Clerks cis $ 7,16,157.00 A-10. Nurses 39,540.00 A-11 Impostor* 4,920.00 1-1 Miss Supplies 750.00 i 68,237.00 B"2 Printing 2,700.00 ! FPos� 500.00 B- S-12 Gasoline and Oil 2,500.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 850.00 8,15 Janitor's Juppll.. 560.00 8-17 1Wdisal Snppli.s 6,500.00 8-19 lissellsarow 8-24 Ltgbt Globes 1' 60.00 X-1 Repairs to Fur iturs and Fixtures 250.00 8-3 Sapairs to Instram.ate and Apparatus 250.00 1-6 &moire to Motor Vebiolos ,3 7-4 Automobile Allowance 6 0.00 F-24 Traveling tapes �450.00 F-37 Laundry and Lena 1,000.00 F-39 lwmb.rships and Subscriptions 250.00 F-45 ean.rsal Clinic 2,500.00 28,490.00 Total 96,727.00 LABORATORY Budget Jo. 45 Acct. No. yams of Account A!q�►t 3,330.00 A-30 Assistant� � 2.550.00 B-27 Laboratory supplies 820.00 5,880.00 800.00 Total 6,680.00 stem= E8PITAL Budget So. 46 Aost. jib_ Bab of Account Anoint Supervisian 3 A-10 3`,0.0 2,370.00 S-17 Medical Supplies 500.00 5,760,00 7-4 Automobile Ailewane* 420.00 920.00 Total 6,680.00 SANITATION Budget No. 47 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount I:1- Supervision $ 3,marza A-2 Clerks 2,190.00 A-1l Inspectors 54,736.00 $ 60,616.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total 62,616.00 MILE DIVISION Budget No. 48 Acct. No. Mar of Account Amount 11 Supervision 3,09 A-2 Clerks 6,030.00 L-11 Inspectors 20,400.00 29,520.00 B-1 Office Supplies 400.00 B-2 Printing 1,000.00 B-3 Postage 300.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 2,700.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 650.00 B-28 Dairy Testing Supplies 700.00 E-1 Repairs to Furniture and Fixtures 50.00 T-6 Repairs to Motor Vehicles 800.00 F-24 Traveling Expense 1,850.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 100.00 8.550.00 Total 38,070.00 COMFORT STATIONS Budget No. 49 Loot. No. Name of Account mount I=IT'" Janitors' Salaries 4,282.00 4,282.00 B-4 Fuel 275.00 B-15 janitor's Supplies 250.00 D-2 Repairs to Buildings 750.00 D-3 Repairs to Plumbing and Heating 500.00 1,775.00 Total 6,057.00 • • SUMMARY- SIAM DEPART'S T Solaris. • t 174,295.00 •0p.ratioa.` - 42.535.00 Total 216,830.00 SNEAKY ARY - PUBLIC SApR?Y DEPiRTR'!4!? 3alaria 1,485,943.50 0peratia a 245444.50 Total 0psratiag Padget 1,731,788.00 CAPITAL IWWLSTME T3 Badpt No. 147-4 Piro Department 12 Cao-Boar Dswnd Sype hush Air leaks $ 2,040.00 6 T.d-*IT Badio.,S.ts -3,000.00 1 Automobile Mplaeoweet and 1 Ow Tan Track for Shop .4.500.00 9,540.00 Polito Depertwtt Sew Anteaeldla. and Replace onto 330O0.00 tw Motorcycles and Replaoaeonts 7,000.00 5,500.00 Radiou pswat lbo.sry to *Ake • Progwn.y Chang • 7,500.00 • Target Range Cestraat • 1,500.00 Office lgaipeoet, lbw Senaphorss, eta, 5,000.00 Public Safety -Ga'ap Rgaipment 1.500.00 61,200.00 A.alth Deportment and Coamisaioaerh Office New Aatomobdles, Replacements, and Yisoellanaow. Items 14,000.00 Laboratory and-Offius Bgaipmant 2.000.00• 16,000.00 Sealer-Of Weights and Measures Department 1 lbw ?rack to Toot Hoary Doty Sea to 2,000.00 2.000.00 Total Capital Divestments- 88,740.00 Grand Total 1,820,528.00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE ' BUDGET NO. 60 Acct. No. Name of Account Mount A-1 Supervision 8,420.00 A-2 Office Salaries 7,920.00 Sub Total 16,340.OD B-1 Office Supplies 750.00 B-2 Printing 150.00 B-3 Postage 200.00 E-1 Repair Equipment 50.00 F-4 Auto Allowance 1,860.00 F-18 Advertising 100.00 F-24 ' Traveling 700.00 F-39 Subscriptions 75.00 Sub Total e TOTAL 20,225.00 SHADE TREE DEPARTM NT BUDGET NO. 61 A-1 Supervision 5,280.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 14(90.00 Sub Total 20,110.o5 B-1 Office Supplies 10.00 B-2 Printing 75.00 B 3 Postage 10.00 B-12 Gasoline and Oil 500.00 B-13 Tires and Tubes 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 250.00 B-26 Nursery stock 500.00 B-27 Chemicals 50.00 D-2 Repairs Building 75.00 E-2 Repair Tools 100.00 E-6 Repair Trucks 300.00 F-4 Car Allowances 420.00 F-39 Subscriptions 25.00 F-56 Contracts 25.00 Sub Total Lemma TOTAL 22,550.00 • 8502TION Ri5302T NO. 62 Acct. ^ro. Nasae of Account Amount -1 Supervision 6,870.00 -2 Office Salary 1,950.00 i-3 "rages, ,..1aintenance Grounds 5,280.00 3-24 "ages, Recreation Leaders 22,360.00 Sub Total 36,460.00 9-1 Office Supplies 300.00 9-2 Printing 350.00 R-3 Postage 50.00 B-17 Medical and Surgical supplies 150.00 2-19 '"iscellaneous Supplies 75.00 9-30 recreation Supplies 8,500.00 D-2 .7aterial Repair Buildings 150.00 -2 ?epair Tools and *achinery 150.00 • F-4 Sar ±l1owance 840.00 7-8 'Rental euipnent 200.00 7-24 Travel 250.00 7-26 Pa eants and Festivals 2,500.00 7-27 dult Amateur thletics 100.00 -28 Telegrams 10.00 -39 Subscriptions 100.00 Sub Total 13,725.00 TOT''.L 50,185.00 ." STOP SPRINGS SInGF,T *.,o. 63 A-1 Supervision 5,670.00 -2 Salary, ,cashiers 3,360.00 -4 Salary, yneineers snd Assts. 4,740.00 '-12 Salary, ';atchman 7,740.00 A-14 Salary, ^matrons 4,560.00 ".-20 Salary, Lifeguards 4,560.00 -22 Salary, Laborers 9,423.20 sub Total 40,053.20 P-1 Office Supplies 25.00 R-2 Printing 100.00 73-3 Postage 15.00 2-4 Fuel 5,000.00 R-1: yngi'u ;3oom Supplies 100.00 -15 Janitors' Supplies 1,050.00 2-19 uisceLlaneous Supplies 1,000.00 ,. 3-23 Path se Sup plies 2,000.00 '3-24 Light Globes 100.00 9-1 ,';aterial Repair °rounds 100.00 r:AS,V fl 3Pf1fl0S (Cont.) nLparT KO. 63 Acct. Eiss Ramp of Acaow t Aa22t D-2 Tlateria7.Repsis Buildings 1,000.00 D-3 Material Repair Plunhing 500.00 E-1 Repair Furniture and Fixtures 250.00 -2 Repair Tools and Equipment 300.00 F-1 Advertising 300.00 F-37 Lausriry and Linen 70500.03 P$9 Subscriptions . � .Sub Total 1 .� • TOTAL &gat CtrICOTAN BUDGET NO. 64 A-1 Supervision 300B5.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance ()rounds 3,156.00 A-12 Wages, Janitors 20,658.00 A-36 Magee, Telephone Operator 2 0 Sub Total B-4 Fuel 125.00 B-14 Engine, Room Supplies 125.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 1,000.00 H 1,9 !Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 71.4.4 Light Globes 500.00 8-37 Kew Wee 75.00 D-2 Tdaterial. Repair Buildings D-3 Material Repair P1usbing 100.00 E- Repair Tools and Machinery 125.00 E-3 Repair Instate. and Apparatus 300.00 F 33 wind,*hashing 300.00 p.-37 Laundry and Linen 900.00 F-33 Mauling waste Paper • 00 Sub Total •► .► TOTAL 33.786.50 AIRPORT 42 00na5T MC. 66 *4 ';a ges„'.Maintenance grounds 2,400.00 B-5 'lsetric current 900.00 8-12 Sssolins and Oil 200.00 B-13 Tires ami Tubcs , 75.00 1-24 -. Light 010bps ' . 250.00 • A13tP T OR (Cost.) 1 01*? RO. 66 Met. Mo. Mono of .•byes AE 6.1 Material ku10a1r Onuses 4500.06 0.6 Repair Motor 7.k Allor s T�nlolos MO 0o► total 1Ni•''i< TCT*L 1116111 LIMIT PART[ 1101*? MO. 67 A+,,l w A-3 lamb tonaaat. 0ramdo 1 .00 i,..7 Magee. Patrolsas 54453.500 A,.11. ewe. ar000houso :u, Rob total ht15: "A reed s 3.5 Janitor lsppuu 1A01.00 "�00 1 19 xisvolleno rr depplltr 600.00 11.0 vitas �00 50040 1146 Wow. !Rasta, Rats 150.00 10-17 low Boo. 300.00 0-1 Material R.pdr armada 4500.00 ii t nat.rial impair loildinp 2,000.00 NO Rood Cwao Strout* 1,�•00 410040 7M Lassel y end Linen Sub total _t.112..ti... IOTA!. 1A2 ! 111 ATRLMTtC PARU mot? 10. 60 A.,1 Supervision 1,160.00 Ate) mem, l utat n ua. 1lranndo Sib total `4.of eas 64661100 25.00 047 Mow Mom 7540 0.1 Materiel impair C uaads 00.00 0.0 Material Repair Maildlnr. . , dun total IP I, TOTAL ',AM" F A IR'"ONT P;.RK B ionoT NO. 69 Acct. No. Name of .account unount -1 Suoe.rvision 2,430.00 -3 "a ^, ;then,nce Grounds 4,248.00 Sub -total 6,678.00 B-4 Fuel 12.0.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-37 New Hose 75.00 7-1 Material Repair Grounds 400.00 D-2 Neterial Repair Buiidi'_gs 1,500.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 30.00 Sub Total 2,175.00 TOTAL 8,853.00 J08PAN P'-.?K 000015= NO. 70 A-1 Supervision 2,430.00 -3 -"ages, Maintenance Grounds 5,327.00 -21 "rages, Greenhouse 4,050.00 Sub Total 7S"$� , B-4 Fuel 300.00 • 8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 B-25 greenhouse Supplies 300.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 6,000.00 7)-2 Material Repair Building 1,500.00 7-37 Laundry and Linen 30.00 Sub Total 8,230.00 TOT^.L 20,037.00 M gip`' 0n0T77; P1RK BU"GsT NO. 71 .0-1 Supervision 2,490.00 A-3 'rages, "a.intenance Grounds 6,912.00 Sub Total 9,402.00 B-4 Fuel 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 B-24 Light Globes 25.00 9-37 New Nose 75.00 0-1 Material ;.cpair Grounds 250.00 D-2 Heterial Repair '3uildings 300.00 Sub Total • 775.00 TOTAL 10Z177.00 • PIONEZR PARE BtTDG3T NO. 72 Acct. Ye. Rams of Account Amount A-1 Supervision 2,020.00 A-3 "'ages, Maintenance grounds 1 682.00 Sub Total .00 B-19 tdiseellansous S upplies 50.00 B-37 New Hess 75.00 IItpl Material Repair grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 200.00 Sub Total TOTAL + e RIV RSIDE PARR BUDGET NO. 73 A-1 supervision 1,274.00 A-3 'rages, Maintenance grounds 6.00 Sub Total R-19 Miscellaneous supplies 25.00 t3-37 New Hose 75.00 �7-1 Material ''epair Grounds 500.00 13-2 Material Repair Buildings 11�5000'.00 Sub Total 2,olms • TOTAL 3. TRIBTEFATR EAST RESERVOIR PARE RMOE? NO. 74 A 1 Supervision 930.00 A-3 Wages, Haintenance grounds 185.00 Sub Total 1,115.00 sstrrrres D 1 vaterial Repair Grounds 50.00 5-2 Ma::er'al :°ep;it t3uil.dings 50.00 Su') Total awrre TOTAL 1.215.00 LINDSEY GARDENS BUDGET HO. 75 A-1 Supervision 1,480.00 -3 Tapia, Maintenance Grounds Lig Sub Total LINDSSY i"..RDE S (Cont.) BI Dr^T' NO. 75 1cct. 70. Name of ceount Amount 1-37 Moe; Hose 75.00 D-1 Material PepairGrounds 500.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 600.00 Sub Total 1,175.00 TOT°.L 3,235.00 '+MSATCT-T ,SPRTTMS FMIK 00000T M. 76 A-1 ^upervision 700.00 9-4 Fuel 90.00 8-37 Few Hose 55.00 D-1 Material Rere.ir Grounds 50.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 50.00 Sub Total 24 .00 TOTAL 945.00 SOR7790N BARK BPDI T NO 77 A-3 ' a?es, Maintenance Prounds 860.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D-2 Material Repair Building 300.00 Sub Total 400.00 TO' L 1,260.00 D-RYS F SFLD BRIDG'?T M. 78 A-1 Supervision 2,580.00 "rages, *bintenance Grounds 1,183.00 Sub Total 3,763.00 0-4 Fuel 300.00 R-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B-37 Nev- Dose 75.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 Sub Total 1,925.00 TOTAL 5,688.00 • EIGHTEENTH EAST AND LAIRD AVE. BUDGET NO. 79 Acct. No. Name of account Amount A-1 Supervision 1,295.00 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds Sub total 1,29,.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 300.00 Sub total 86t75.6 TOTAL 2,095.00 WHITE SOFTBALL PARK BUDGET NO. 80 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 480.00 B-24 Light Globes 50.00 B-37 New Hose 25.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 150.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 F-8 Rental 150.00 Sub total 475.60 TOTAL 955.00 NIBLEY GOLF COURSE BUDGET NO. 81 A-3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 14,676.00 A-23 Professionals 1,890.00 Sub total 16,566.00 B-2 Printing 200.00 B-4 Fuel 200.00 B-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 200.00 B-24 Light 'lobes 25.00 B-37 New Hose 150.00 D-1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D-2 Material Repair Buildings 700.00 D-5 Repair Streets 1,000.00 E-1 Repair Equipment 100.00 E-2 Repair Tools and Machinery 200.00 F-i Advertising 50.00 F-24 Travel 150.00 F-37 Laundry and Linen 50.00 Sub total 3,625.00 TOTAL 20,191.00 • • R(ir^RTILTR GOLF C01733 Bitn,TT NO. 82 ?cct. "o. Pane of ccount ,mount -3 aces, Raintenance Grounds 17,364.00 "-23 Professional 1,890.00 Su.'b Total 19,254.00 3-2 Printing 200.00 3-4 Cuel 250.00 3-15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 7-19 T'isoellaneous Supplies 250.00 3-24 Light Globes 25.00 7-37 flee hose 150.00 3-1 "aterial Repair mounds 500.00 11-2 bcterial Repair r uildines 500.00 '3-5 flaterial Repair;troets 200.00 3-1 repair Seep P.eister 50.00 7-2 ^epair Tools and flachinery 200.00 F-1 +dvertising 50.00 7-37 laundry and Linen 75.00 Sub Total 2,525.00 TOTAL 21,779.00 FOR:7T nILS GOLF C0lR 3E }"OR T IT. 83 "Ages, "aird,enance S-rounds 14,270.00 -23 Professional 1,890.00 Sub Total 16,160.00 ?3-2 Printing 150.00 3-4 P uel 350.00 3-15 Janitor Supplies 75.00 3-19 "iscellaneous Supplies 200.00 '3-24_ Light globes 25.00 7-37 flew "ose 100.00 7)-1 ''aterial repair Grounds 2,500.00 D-2 1"ater_ial P.epair ouildings 500.00 7)-5 ,,aterial Pepair Streets 600.00 13-1 repair Sash Resister 50.00 -2 Repair Tools and ?'achinery 50.00 F-1 Id-ertising 50.00 7-37 Laundry and Linen 75.00 Sur, Total TOTAL 20,885.00 • T'TTIOIP^L POST G,R')PN *ItnGTT 'TO. 84 cct. o. Tame of ^ccount Amount ".-1 supervision 2,340.00 y-3 "ages, iraintenance Grounds 572.00 Sub Total 2,912.00 D-1 ?"aterial Repair Grounds 200.00 TST'1 3,112.00 PARKINGS AND BOULEVARDS BUDGET NO. 85 Acct. No. Name of account Amount A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds _5,010.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 600.00 TOTAL 5,610.00 HOGLE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS BUDGET NO. 86 A 1 Supervision 2,670.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 5,464.80 Sub total 8,134.50 B 4 Fuel 300.00 B 10 Forage Supplies 3,500.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 500.00 B 37 New Hose 50.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 7,000.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 2,500.00 D 5 Material Repair Streets 800.00 F 33 Miscellaneous Expense 250.00 F 24 Travel 200.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 100.00 Sub total 15,200.00 TOTAL 23,334.80 TRACY AVIARY BUDGET NO. 87 A 1 Supervision 2,670.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 3,840.00 Sub total 6,510.00 B I Fuel 300.00 B 10 Forage and Supplies 3,000.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,600.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 1,000.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 50.00 Sub total 6,050.00 TOTAL 12,560.00 'MOM! FLAT*O0000 MST 10. Si Asst. No. taaA st •pseud At M3 saps, Malatsasass aroma 195.09 0.1 i atarial M«aia armada l00.00 D4 Material Na it 8rildlast POMO sib total iffit TOTAL a 11111000 PAU MOOT 10. 09 M3 Wages, Maiatssnss OresMa 936.00 0.1 Uatarial Impair Omsaada 100.00 D-1 Mstsrtal Impair laildia0a 116 total 4.11 . TOTAL 1p L11 111111 PLITTI00* mum? 10. 90 Aa 1hgas, isiutauas• 1Ussnia 06.00 0.1 Notarial, impair Orwado 10040 0-1 Ontario' Repair asii4itls Nab total TOTAL ,00 CiICAOC AMREET ruraooie 8U001? l0. 91 A•3 isw•a, Naiatsaaass Oraaa s L4a.00 Material Adrift Omega 50.09 H"? Notarial ls1 ttotal Rapids isilt!>sp TOTAL CITY SCALES BUDGET NO. 94 Acct. No. Name of account Amount A 1 Supervision 2,156.25 B 2 Printing 320.00 B 4 Fuel 75.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 100.00 E 2 Repair Equipment 100.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 15.00 Sub total 610.00 TOTAL 2,766.25 ELKS PARK BUDGET NO. 95 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 936.00 B 4 Fuel B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 50.00 B 24 Light Globes 15.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 100.00 D 2 Material xepair Buildings 100.00 Sub total 265.00 TOTAL 1,201.00 VICTORY PLAYGROUND BUDGET NO. 96 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 900.00 A 12 Wages, Janitors A 24 Wages, Recreation Leaders Sub total 900.00 B 4 Fuel 100.00 B 15 Janitor Supplies 50.00 B 24 Light Globes 15.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 150.00 F 8 Rental 75.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 15.00 Sub total TOTAL 1,805.00 dROP MOM M0. 97 Asst. Is at meant !e A.s ►-17 lieges, `lY- I*, and Rapers ., .1 $a total .015 0.is reel boo.0o •12 Os..line and oil h,200.00 0.13 Tires sad Tubes 1,700.00 1.15 Jolter Seppilai 00.00 R.19 1tlasefsaaw. flier 000.00 1.04 Lipt Glebe* 75.00 8.2 material *.pair ilall/itqrt i00.00 F.,t Repair Teals sad bottom 2,500.00 smpair Meter Valdes b,000.00 �7 Laundry and Liam 50.00 Steak Sub total aillial TOTAL 411.ee ORPARTM AnT many/ix/NCR DO ORT NO. 90 A.1 0sporrlai.a 5,670.0o A-7 asses, Daiat.u.... Sub total k hL.ri;• 0-1 Material *emir around. 500.00 b-I Material * air *antis* 1,000.00 1.41 Asia alleinalail �n Sub total :.":... TOTAL __ FAIRMo1T VotS, AIM OU L01 CUM WOOZY 10. 99 j8 AA.) 'Wes tl intensae. Omega SOwo. Aw11 Magee, Janitors 1,250.10 A.tL asp., esar.sti.a Loaders wt, lab total lift `,' FAIRMONT (continued) B 4 Fuel 200.00 B 15 Janitors Supplies 100.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 750.00 B 24 Light 'lobes 50.00 B 30 Recreation Supplies 1,000.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 1,000.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 75.00 Sub total 3,675.00 TOTAL 13 608.00 KIWANIS—FELT BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUB BUDGET NO. 100 A 1 Supervision 3,600.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Grounds 584.00 A 12 Wages, Janitors 2,100.00 A 24 Wages, Recreation Leaders 331 499.00 Sub total 9,783.00 B 4 Fuel 400.00 B 15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 B 19 Miscellaneous Supplies 850.00 B 24 Light Globes 50.00 B 30 Recreation Supplies 1,000.00 D 1 Material Repair Grounds 500.00 D 2 Material Repair Buildings 500.00 F 37 Laundry and Linen 7 00 Sub total TOTAL 13,258.00 JAYCEE BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUB BUDGET NO. 101 A 1 Supervision 3,600.00 A 3 Wages, Maintenance Ground 584.00 A 12 Wages, Janitors 2,225.00 A 24 Recreation Leaders 5,214.00 Sub total 11,623.N5 I • • . . • , .,Tj_vr, (continued) cct. O. Fame of ccount •Tmunt 0-4 Fuel 400.00 0-15 Janitor Sixplies 100.00 :1-Lecellanceus Supplies 500.00 Light 91ooes 50.00 7-30 ecreation Supplies 500.00 7-1 "aterial Repair (.-rou,',ds 250.00 0-2 "atonal Taenair 7uilcRina 250.00 Rental 200.00 L•minji and Lilian 75.00 Jut Total 2,325.00 13,948.00 MT' "SOT r^. 102 5mervisibn 1,555.00 —3 -"a .:'int.7•1-,ance srouTas 504.00 Janitors 2,100.00 '-24 Recrea-,ion Leaers 1,794.00 Sub Total 0 033.00 7-4 Fuel 400.00 7-15 Ja.Ator Ounulips 100.00 7-19 7"iscellansous Supplies 100.00 2-24 Liptt Fl.obes 50.00 0-30 r' cre-tion Supplies 100.00 7-1 e3erialRebair Grou,(ds 150.00 7)-2 Rateri,:•1 Repair juildln,s 150.00 7-37 L upon" and Linen 75.00 1 17757 Tem•L 9,153.00 770 .^r31 „T CLT'F? nr0^ 103 o. :fie of ',ncourt rioi,nt -1 ^upervision 3,600.00 3 "-a^es, nroi,.n:is 5J .00 —12 "ages, Janitors 2,225.00 —24 .ages, "ecreation L,-aders 3,o24.00 Sub Total 10,033.E 3-4 7ue1 400.00 -1 Jan'for 3unroll_ns 100.00 7-19 _.,cclle.ieous 9upps 500.00 1-24 Li?ht Glooes 50.00 7-30 P;ecreation Suppli,.s 500.00 n-1 ria1 ?emir Grounds 500.00 7-2 aterial P.e^sir T`,,uiding 1,000.00 0-3 7ep,;in Pl o 3iaa a.nd '_a'i_ee 50.00 7-37 Laundry ana Linen 75.00 Sub Total 3,175.00 TCT'T, 13,207.0i0 nn Ttri_.uy Scl rigs L.57,070.25 Oper1tio s 140,172.00 `.605,242.25 f."7I' T, T7-..17-77; Pools a 2,5,000.U0 a S'ner..00d ?ark 2,000.00 hop Tnuipment 9,500.00 7 Jordnn park 2,500.00 croenhous e 2,500.00 0ougty 7uilding 15,000.00 �156,500.uo D2PARTl>b1T OF STRRSTS & PUBLIC I1PR0V21BITS SNGINBRRIIG DSPARTUIT Budget No. 120 Root. lo. flame of Account Amount A 1 Administration $ 20,000.00 A 2 Office, Clerks, Stenographers 15,000.00 A 11 Inspectors 16,000.00 A 15 ingineers, Field, Otfies 150,000.00 A 32 Sever lain. & Flushing Ben 32,000.00 A 38 Pump Operators 14.035.00 Total Salaries 246,035.00 B 1 Office Supplies 2,000.00 B 2 Printing 1,400.00 B 3 Postage 40.00 B 4 Fool 300.00 B 12 Gasoline, Oil 25.00 8 13 Ante. Trask Tires, Tubes 500.00 B 19 Sewer Field Supplies 3,500.00 B 27 Testing Laboratory 1,200.00 2 1 Furniture, Fixture Repairs 250.00 2 2 lquipmant, Tool Repairs 600.00 2 3 Instruments, Apparatus Repairs 200.00 le4 Cleaning Renovating Offiss 900.00 2 6 Rotor, ♦ehiele Repairs 1,500.00 F 4 Ante Allemandes 3,000.00 F 24 Travel Ixpense 300.00 P 39 IIsmbership, Subseriptions 200.00 15.915.00 Total Budget 261,956.00 SUIXARY Salaries 266jO55.00. Operation,, 15,915.00 Total 261,950.00 CAPITAL IHYSSTBBATS 147-6 A 1 New ftuipment 4,000.00 A 2 Street Signs 5,000.00 A 3 Furniture, Fixtures 1,000.00 A 4 Improve Pump Plant 5,000.00 A 5 New Pump 5,732.00 A 6 Remodel Office 4,000.00 A 7 Storm Sewer S 1 40,000.00 A 8 Storm Sewer Rose Park 7.500.00 72,252.53 DEPARTMENT OF STREETS RND PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN1TS MAIN OFFICE Budget No. 121 Anat. No. Name of Account A-1 Commissioner and Supervisor 9,290.00 A-2 Clerks 7,060.00 16,340.00 B-1 Office Supplies 160.00 B-2 Printing 100.00 B-3 Postage 10.00 E-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 100.00 2-4 Cleaning and Renovating 200.00 12-24 Traveling Expense 400.00 F-39 Memberships and Subscriptions 50.00 1,010.00 17,350.00 SHOPS A-1 Supervision 12,480.00 A-2 Clerks 5,340.00 A-2-1 Stock Room 4,800.00 A-4 Asphalt Plant 10,050.00 A-12 Watchmen 4,600.00 A-17 Mechanics 38,400.00 A-17-1 Blacksmiths 16,020.00 A-17-2 Welders 6,570.00 A-22 Utility Men and Laborers 20,070.00 120,050.00 B-1 Office Supplies 150.00 8-2 Printing 300.00 8-4 Fuel 11,000.00 8-12 Gasoline and Oil 40,000.00 8-13 Tires and Tubes 7,000.00 B-14 Engine Room Supplies 1,000.00 8-15 Janitor Supplies 100.00 8-17 Medical Supplies 20.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 11,000.00 8-24 Electric Light Globes 50.00 2-1 Repairs Furniture and Fixtures 250.00 2-2 Repairs Tools 1,000.00 84 Repairs Instruments 50.00 2-8 Repairs Motor Vehicles 16,000.00 2-11 Repairs Tires and Tubes 2,500.00 F-37 Linen Service 200.00 59,620.00 209,650.00 • 2 - DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS STREETS AND BOULEVARDS Budget No. 123 A-1 Supervision 19,890.00 A-11 Inspectors Replacement A-18 Motor Vehicle Drivers 115,880.00 A-19 White Wings 46,060.00 A-22 Utility Men 80,300,00 A-22 Labor 20,840.00 281,970.00 D-2 Asphalt Plant 5,000.00 D-4 Flumes and Bridges 4,000,00 D-b Aaterial Maintenance 42,000.00 E-2 Repairs Tools 1,000.00 E-2-1 Warm Springs Plant 760.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420,00 F-437 Linen Service 7.00 63,177.00 336,147.00 SANITARY DIVISION Budget No. 124 A-1 Supervision 8,860,00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 120,057.00 A-17 Mechanical Labor Pro-rate 128,907.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 420,00 129,327.00 IRRIGATION Budget No. 125 A-22 Supervision and Watermasters 10,940.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 11,360.00 • • •• - DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS POWER AND HL.TING Budget No. 126 A-1 bupervision 4,200.00 A-2 Clerks 7,860.00 A-11 Inspectors 20,006.00 32,066.00 B-1 Office Supplies 300.00 B-2 Printing 400.00 B-S Postage 160.00 N-2 Tools, Repairs 200.00 F-4 Car Allowanoes 2,940.00 F-33 Examining Board 90,00 F-37 Linen Service 16.00 4,096.00 36,161,00 CITY DL'hP Budget No, 128 A-1 Supervision 2,860.00 A-3 Maintenance 16,268.00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 4,860.00 23,678.00 F-4 Car Allowance 420.00 420.00 24,098.00 783,093.00 CAPITAL. INVESTMENT Roller 3,600,00 li Tia Truck 2,000.00 Five 6 ton trucks 0 $4000.00 20,000.00 Grader Patrol 10,000,00 Cat Tractor 12,600,00 Power Sweeper 10,000.00 68,000.00 SUMMARY SALARIES $813,931.00 Operations 149,162.00 $763.093.00 • • BTATOTDB! /BID 0ali1ML GIMBAL OPlaarl0=8 Hurt So. 141 Mot SO. par Sr Amount 44144 Balary-liaasin6er 3 •00 141-4-69 Balaay-Zudjas 40,000.00 141,4.-46 8ayaty-W►undkeopeu t00.00 $ 11,870.00 OP1RATI0* 1414)4 Printing $ 7,000.00 1.4 lastago • 1400.00 B+4 teal (city and Oousty BKildino) 6,000.00 1-7 ■ataalaia Radof,Dtio*s . 1E0,000.00 0-I Wanda 16,000.00 2►1 Monolog Ooatraata 6,000.00 1-111 meter maiataaanoo E,000.00 2,1 9'Oatraet motor maiatsaaaos 16,000.00 l-1 1dlartisial (R000rder) 3,600.00 76s Amor rigs 600.00 7-s Witsuss Bass and Expoasf,. 600.00 7.E Iassranga-Auto-811111.640 • ` $2,000.00 761 Spssial Ispra►oaaat Taxes-0fty's shags *0,000,00 7-10 Claims aa4 Dsaagsa 31,600.00 7-16 Etroat Lighting 6kt.-01ty4 lhalo; 8.000,00 7.1E Ara Lights 100,000.00 7-16 Sara* Boats 4,000.00 • 7-17 Epsolal Osuasol 3,000.00 1-16 mmiisipal Affairs 16,000.00 7-19 Spools/Anglican' * 000.00 7-20 City Taxes (County 0ollosttoas) $1,000.00 7-24 Trwwslisg Mosses 600.00 7 2$ lelspbons ant Tolagrapl 11,000.00 1-19 Board at Canal Prosideats 4,000.00 • 7-E0 Woes. Osatisgeat land 2,000.00 76E1 61T11 Barrios Oaaaeissioa 2,000.00 7-E4 Sasses Ligattag burp and Anal, Pampa, ato. 00,000.00 7-36 Alestissa 40,000.00 7-40 latas 00aal aiosus 2,000.00 7641 Board at Health Oanalssioaar# 1100.00 7-44 1lualasb Iaspiotions 400.00 7649 spans, on Boars 1,600200 7-68 Water Aaassmnts (Water Stook) 7,000.00 0-1 Polies Astiranat Pension (City) 60,000.00 Wet Workmate Compensation 16,000.00 041 Civia Castor E,200.00 0-4 Asserts 600.00 0.6 11407sss Disability Passion 30,000.00 0-6 Sepioyss4 Pesion (Astiraasat) 60,000.00 64 Oity Yaplaysa's Iasusansa 10,000.00 Brl Interest (Tex Aatlslpetisa Setes) soo6.00 ! vilemo.00 Grand Total 1 782,720.00 lD BR Budget No. 148 Loeetfa No. Jens of Afraid Dead Staking Whod--1OSi $ 4dro.00 14.54 Road 4iakiag Wasto-195f 43►110.00 1-5-4 Soad 8iakiag Nal Praha 26,906.14 8r80 "r Waterworks 1964 15,000.00 1-33 "I" wat•riorks 1949 12,500.00 S-54 "r Walorworks 1954 iti 14,500.00 8+38 "E" Waterworks 1964 4 % 21,000.00 8-49 1931 511.eworb 1911 4$ 50,000.00 1-14 19i1 Stork Sowers 1951 40 95.000.00 $ 891,106.14 ::::erillati9. Aostount Xt., NOos at 4ssousi Move* NM 1934 A4£uads . 4 41i 0 25,44i.1i 1-90 It" Waterworks 4$ 44050.00 8-31 "It" Waterworks 4 i/4% 11,81t.60 l-ii "I" Waterworks i� 4,d84.00 H.34 "T" Waterworks 1,414.00 8.86 "I" Waterworks 14,140.00 8.30 1931 aatorworks 411 80,000.00 3F40 1934 Wat.rwerb 4 1/4% 14421.85 1 44 1931 8torsa Bower 43/4% 9,500.00 8-56 1931 Steno Moor 4$ 9,i69.i0 3E41' 1434 Sewer Asivaded 4'1/4% 4.010.00 1 146,030.00 Ci "8w OAD Hadat,54A. :4. $ 110,640.00 .4211131T 80. 1: Molt No. 146 $ 13$,1T6.00 1.142112212 ,A D 0 FBCY'&TT theige . t No. lit �a Moto*Ma. smier a(es a!Assuan' $ �00 is* Mies Solari a* E,810.00 Amp Wages. Maiatanmaa Grounds 10,600.00 A+1 Magri. Patrolawa 4,E60.00 A•il lagenoianitors li.tatt $ 41,2111•00 11.1 Otfiaa Supplies 100.00 f•E Printing 00.00 14 testags 10.00 11.4 Issi 4,400.00 lot il.atri4 Currant 114E61.00 11.1E Gasoline oat Nil 1,E00.00::. 11•13 Tiros end Talcs t20.00 11.16 /saitor Supplies 2.000.00 1M10 ltioeallenaasss asppliu 1.000.00 2.44 Light Globes 000.00 2.E6 Shrubs ant Trans 110.00 2•1 Material Repair °roosts 1.000.00 Dot Material lapel? aailtings 4,600.06 11.1 Repair Equipatsnt 2,100.00 tot Repair Toole and Maahis rl 600.00 0.E Repair Instiu.o ats end Apparatus 100.00 0-$ Motor Vehicle Mopair 1,000.00 7.1 amortising 100.00 7.4 Car♦lleluiaea 000.00 7-1 luauraata 10.000.00 V44 tra►ia, , 500.00 $12 *Upham sad Telegraph E00.00 Volt Leaadry eat Linea 2.000.00 2000 Eulcoriptia*g 1i10.01 r►��00 MC Grant Total' � _ 14e,176.00 AI Mo�E.. ANaunt No. it Aaaamat 204 Matarart $ SOS 2.6 slaotris Current 04000.00 2.1 liaintaienos, 0a usds 2.000.00 D•E Malatanaaae Repair Dldgs. 4.100.00 log Yaintaianis Willits* 1.000.00 # 28.600.00 Grand Total $ 1EE,9,6.00 • CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Budget No. 147 Account No• Yams of Account Amount Auditor $ 3.276.00 3 Public Affairs b 'triunes 10,000.00 4 Public safety 66,740.00 6 Parks and Public Property 166,500.00 6 Engineers 72,232.63 Streets A Pub. Improvements 66,000.00 130,232.63 7 Statutory and Oenersl 12,000.00 8 Water Supply and Waterworks 662,000.00 $ 982,742.6E EEIBNUE TRANSFER ACCOUNTS Budget No. 148 Account 1b. Name of Account Amount T Natersain Srt..&Now Services $260,060.00 2 Street Rsplaoements 60,000.00 3 Salt Lake Refining Co. (water) 10,000.00 Mosquito Abatement 10,000.00 320,000.00 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS $176,000.00 $ 176,900.00 Total Statutory and General $2,011,623.67 CAPITAL • Lind Purchase $ 6,000.00 Building 6,000.00 Judges 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 • )9&9 BuDns'Y DEFARTWiNT OF WATER SUPPLI AND WATERWORKS ADMINISTRATION Budget No. 150 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision #19,280.00 A. 2 Offico Ysplayees 61,040.00 A-il Meter Readers & inspection 18,960.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 500.00 i 99,780.00 8- 1 Office Supplies 2,000.00 8- 2 Printing• 3,000.00 H- 3 Postage 2,700.00 8-19 lilssellsneous Suppiise 200.00 D- 2 Repair & Ramsdell Office 750.00 X- 1 Rep. & Ron. Fur. & Fixtures 500.00 8- 4 Cleaning and Renovating 500.00 A-7 Nooks, Naps and Charts 350.00 F-24 S. R. Fare, Trans. & Tray. Exam. 400.00 7-39 Membership & Subscription 100.00 1-43 Water Filings 75.00 P-46 Street Car Passes 200.00 10,775.00 Total 110,555.00 REPAIRS MACHIRERT&,00LS. & MAIlNTIGIANC8 OF SHOPS Budget No. 151 Asst. do. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Sloop Supervision 6,690.00 A- 2 Clerks Stenos., and Office 13,660.00 A-17 Mechanical end helpers 24,675.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 2,000.00 47,025.00 g-4 Fuel 1,100.00 8-19 Misssllaneoue Supplies 1,800.00 D- 2 Rep. to Office 81dgs., Shops 1,500.00 8- 2 Res. and Rea. Tools and Mach. 2,500.00 F-37 Laupdvt& Linea Supply 360.00 7,260.00 Total $ 54,285.00 - 2 - • MMa BATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Budget No. 152 Asst. Bo. Same of Asoount Amount A•17 Neehanics and helpers _ - A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - E-14 Pipe& Fit. & Mies. 3uppli.s - - - Total - - - NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS Budget No. 153 Acct. No. ham of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and helpers 9,810.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor _ - - 9,810.00 E-14 Nat. for Now Services - - - Total RECONNECTIONS Budget No. 154 Unit. No. Mama of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 2,100.00 2,100.00 E-14 Mat. for dep. and Renewal 3,000.00 3,000.00 Total 5,100.00 FOREST FIRES Budget No. 155 Aoot. No. Name of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision 1,305.00 A-33 Forest Fire Labor 3 m M A-33 Patrolmen. • • - 3 - Budget No. 155 (Cont'd.) Acct. No. Naas of Aeoemmt Amount B-19 Miscellaneous flies $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Total $ 10,255.00 wATSR3HTsll SANITATION Bmdg.t No. 156 Acct. No. dame of Account Amount A- 1 Supervision 1,305.00 A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 2,340.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 1,200.00 A-38 Patrolmen 3,162.00 8,005.00 8-19 Kies.11an.ou. Supplies and Chemicals 600.00 600.00 Total 8,605.00 'ARL8113 SYSTEM--MT. Del. MR382153IR Budget No. 157 Aoet. Re. Haar of Account Amount A.,22 Ordinary Labor 1,000.00 A-38 Patrol k Station Mee 12,635.00 13,635.00 B- 4 fuel 750.00 8-19 Miscellaneous Supplies 950.00 8-33 Chemical. 1,200.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 300.00 3,200.00 Total $ 16,835.00 - 4 - ' CITY CUSS 374104 Budget No. 158 Mot. No. Rama of Recount Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor $ 600.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Men 5,420.00 $ 6,020.00 8- 4 Fuel 600.00 B-19 Misesllaeeous Supplies 600.00 D- 2 Repairs to Wilding* 250.00 1,450.00 Total $ 7,470.00 BIG& LITTLS COfTONW00D ST3TJM3 Budget No. 159 Met. No. Naas of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 500.00 A-38 Patrol & Station Mon 9,080.00 9,580.00 8- 4 rul 450.00 B-19 Misssllansous Supplies 650.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 700.00 1,$00.00 Total 11,380.00 WAIST. ALL YXCMANQS COL. PIPS LINES Budget No. 160 Aect. No. Naas of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 300.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Men 2,310.00 2,610.00 8-12 Mat, for Sep. and Ben. 100.00 100.00 Total $ 2,710.00 • • - 5 - . 3ND EAST MIRA PLANT Budget No. 161 loot. Me. Maus of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor 200.00 1-39 Pump tVporaters 3,220.00 3,420.00 N- 4 Fuel 275.00 B-19 Misecllaneous Supplies 100.00 D- 2 Repairs to Buildings 100.00 6- 2 Rsp. and Ron. Mach. and Equip. 500.00 975.00 Total 4,395.00 *ELLS INTNSTIQtTION. OPSRATION AND MAAiT*AN C Budget No. 162 loot. Mo. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labour. 2,500.00 A-37 Special Investigators 2,490.00 4 39 Pump Operators 2,955.00 7,945.00 B- 4 Pool 250.00 5-19 Niacollaewus 3upplisa 1,400.00 D. 2 Aswan to Bnildtnga 150.00 1- 2 Hap. and Nan. Mach. and Rquipsent 1,000.00 2,500.00 Total 10,745.00 CANAL MA1MTUANCS budget No. 163 Aoot. No. Mane of Account Amount 1-22 Ordinary Labor 5,002.00 A-35 Patrol and Station Moo 13,110.00 16,110.00 D-4 Mat. for Rep. and Mont. Bridges 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total $ 1$,110.00 • • - 6 - EAST JCA'iDAN CANAL Budget No. 164 Aeet. No. Name of A000unt Amount ? Naint. Canal by Canal Co. t 1,600.00 A-µ9 $ 1,600.00 Total 1,600.00 SATAN, STATION LANDSCAPING Budget No. 165 Amt. No. Name of Aoeount Amount A-22 LW/nary Labor 100.00 A-38 Patrol d Station Hen 4,620.00 4,720.00 B-19 Niue. Supplies 100.00 100.00 Total 4,820.00 SAINT. OP CHLORIN4 A AMMONIA PLANT Budget No. 166 Aoet. No. Name of A000unt Amount A-34 Water Samplar 2,160.00 A-45 Sanitary Engineer 3,720.00 5,8a0.00 8-33 Chmiaala, Chlorins and Anonia 16,500.00 A- 3 Mat. for Rep. and Ren. Mach. 750.00 17,250.00 Total 23,130.00 SAINT. 8 O?ZtATIOY OF DISTRIBUTION dAaMfolitS Aoot. Budget No. 167 No. _Yaw of Aaeount AmDunt 2,460.00 A-38 Patrol and Station Mon 10,505.00 $ 11,965.00 - 7 - 3udget No. 167 (i:ont'P..) Acct. No. Dane of Account A,nount N- 4 Fuel i 275.00 B-19 Miscellaneous Suyplise 1,200.00 2 i.epaire to i+uildings 100.00 1,575.00 Total 13,540.00 aATN:i C1STRAUTIA iud et '=o. 151 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-32 .:nergency .;erviee Crew 11,615.00 A-31 4ater .latribution Crew 1,260.00 19,175.00 Total 19,175.00 ud et na. 171 Acct. No. t+aue of Account :mount A- 1 Supervision 1,455.00 A-17 t.echanics and Helpers 9,140.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 4,000.00 15,2^5.00 b- 4 Fuel 50.00 i- 5 depaira to streets and alvd. 200.00 :i;-12 hat. for +repairs and :ten. 2,300.00 2 t'0.00 Total 17,145.00 HrPAIH k PAINT. VALVF.0 t Yr.:tA'TS 3udget No. 172 Acct. No. (name of account Amount A- 1 supervision 1,455.00 A-17 nechanics and helpers 14,420.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 4,000.00 3 20,275.00 Budget No. 172 (Cont'd.) Acct. No. Nene of Account Amount a-13 Mat. for Repaire and Ben. Z 4,300.00 $ 4,300.00 Total 24,575.00 WAIN & MINT. SNRV1 NS Budget No. 173 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Holpars 8,625.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 34,650.00 43,275.00 D- 5 Rep. $tracts and aoulevardc 5,200.00 B-14 Nat. for Naps. and Renewals 6,500.00 11,700.00 Total 54,975.00 RZPAIR & INSTAL4.IN0 NRTKRS Budget No. 174 Last. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Neshani.cs and Helpers 16,470.00 A-22 Ordinary Labor 6,930.00 23,400.00 N-14 Mat. far Rep. and ken. 20,000.00 20,000.00 Total 43,400.00 DRINKING FOUNTAINS bndgct No. 175 Acst. No. Name of Account Amount ke1 s 2 A-22 Ordinary Labor 400.00 400.00 $ 2,710.00 Budget No. 175 (Cont*d.) Root. No. Name of Account Amount B-19 Miscellaneous Supplies $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total 3,710.00. MISCELLANEOUS TRUC1INCc Budget No. 176 Acct. No. Name of Account Amount A-16 Truck Drivers and Helpers 2,340.00 L-22 Ordinary Labor 500.00 2,840.00 Total 2,840,00 B.V. A14'0805140 8 TAUCI3 $ndget No. 177 Root. No. Name of Account Amount A-17 Mechanics and Helpers 10,560.00 10,560.00 8-12 gasoline and Oil 12,000.00 B-1y runtimes Tires and Tubes 2,500.00 8- 6 Mat. for Rap. and Ron. Equip. 7,000.00 8-11 Repairs to Tires and Tubes 100.00 21,600.00 Total 32,160.00 INDIVIDUALS 6 COMPANISB andget No. 178 Root. No. Name of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor - - - B-19 Misasllaneous Supplies - - - Total - 10 - £1CHANGs&GEMENT amass Budget No. 179 Loot. No. Use of Account Amount A-22 Ordinary Labor - S-19 Kiessllansous supplies - - - Ob Total - - - WAIM& SAINT. PIPS LIKES - I$DUSTRIAL C*TU Acct. Budget No. 180 No. Mane of Account Amount 4-22 urdinary Labor 2,000.00 2,000.00 8-14 Mat. for Asp. & lien. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total 3,000.00 40TH SOUx1;AtRl"INt}PI ANT Budget Mo. 181 Loot. No. Name of Aceeuat Amount A-17 Moshanics and Helpers - - - 1--2aOrdinary labor 1-39 Pump Operators300.00 2,200.00 2,500.00 S- 2 Rep. and Sen. Mach. and Equip. 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total 3,700.00 Avromo&L ALLOWANG Budget No. 103 Lost. No. Name of Account Amount 1- 4 Auto Alloranar 2,425.00 2,425.00 Total $ 2,425.00 - 11 - Total Labor d 402,990.00 Total Nateriai i Supplies 118,860.00 TOtAL OP TING Bif)GNT $ 521,850.00 CAPITAL INVESTNiG.28 Acct. Budget No. 147-8 No. Name of Aesount Amount .1 Mew *assuring Devises 500.00 .2 **Automobiles 15,000.00 .3 Mow**binary and Tools 1,000000 .4 low Furniture and Fixture 500.00 .5 Mow Cbsmisal Toilets 500030 .6 Sow Meters 24,000.00 .7 Maw.8 Nato** fi*stem Ia is500.00ce aquipment 540,000.00 $ 582,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $1,103,850.00 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution become effective January 1, 1949. This resolution shall take effect on January 1st, 1949. z./% 7,7 Adopted by the Board of Commissioneralt Lake City, Utah, this Y day of December„A D.,.1948. a 197)7/0,6 City Recorder ( SEAL ) 1 • STATE OF UTAH, SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAYS', I, Irma F. Bitner, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of report in detail of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment estimating the anticipated revenue and pro- viding appropriations for the support of the Municipal Government of Salt Lake City Corporation, for the year ending December 31s , 1949, passed by the Board of Commiss- ioners December 1948, and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this , �' " day of December, A.D. 1948. City Recorder ( SEAL )