14 of 1959 - A resolution authorizing the opening of the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the year 1959 to inc xti { _ S `' .e..X _ 3t t q -. Y.. k .Y ,-.r.- . JJ}! f J ,I.: • . :i-i,i.,..:-.,F,.,,..:„.c;.-,::::;_,::, .;--;.,:..:, ', -::::6- •-'' '.,.-z. ' ;0' r- ,,-: :::::: .: 1,-.--, :: ,..4.::,....it :trof .._---.::-.: .:. 1 ictY. :,, .., ,-._-2.- --- -.---s-0:1•\?-;1'...4 - ,==.1,'-' ;.;$;:t :/: ::. -..i • x'=t 'tw :,f - _ August 20, 1959 Honorable Adiel F. Stewart, Chairman Committee of the Whole acting for the Department of PUblic Affairs and Finance Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held August 20, 1959 your Resolution No. 14 authorizing the opening of the Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the year 1959, to include the sum of $750,000.00 for the operation and maintenance of City Depart- ments, was adopted. Copy to Vurs truly, Finance Auditor Treas. J r Law, City Recorder Files, ' • Cs' 102 25 7.30 QP . . ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, , 195 VOTING Aye 1 Nay I move that the Resolution be adopted. Burbidge . - . ...--4-----,— Christensen . • --- 1 ,Geurts . . . . ,-' Romney . . . fr71 • Mr. Chairman ... RESOLUTION . • Result . . . . -- - i-,7-1`,",,.. ',1:1.--,C-Cr'IT‘:-.. :„. ","! ,';'., , (1?' ,;.`.• ri ,Z ':',, ii,..• .', :',, ' ,--', -- ..I' - '- ( .' , kl! , ,.' t.,1,-,, l',-,', , ,•1 ,,,f . ; ,1 ,-,.. 1;,,-,, ::,,(•1, _ i•,,, ,- , ,---;,, ,.,- '-,7,-',.,,.,-•,-,.1c, -, .,r r- : :,,' f':• , _i_ 1 :-::10- i',1,- t,, ,,' -2.kl't-,-...m!, ,1 ,-. rl... .nr-H• , ..•••• ,. •<•• 1 r';'): (''' ..'e• i.; H,<• 1;,--,••.;. <-< '‘' • 010,.;-'0. . ; 1,-1 ,;.• ,. i7,,',1,-. . • ; . -i!.. < ;{ •,.•!.-,,, . i,; ••-• •-,f' . i I' ' :-. . I., '.- -1 11,-*;«,•i.-.d. .• •,,I.,1.111 .-.c. .:-••-", `..:'..`il...-'r -• i;•' i i f,:, .• ... i •1 ...•: 1 r-v,..,..-- -i.• .., • N;m•-•“1•7'!Ir.- .•1' 'I. • •• :-•,.”.•',. 7: 1), i i,,,.1. ;.i,i - ".. .1,1m : ,1, 7.-c,-,„. -IT.. -f, ,,... August 20th _ 1"-.0 "7> _,-- 5-1 . ''-'. --c",:r-1, :_f=-Z, -''X'• C___. , . 20th ,, ,, ,,, August 7,-.; :7 .• • ------- _ - . ___--,