14 of 1980 - Resolution regarding critical shortage of low-income housing in Salt Lake City and that the City Cou •
/ VOTING I Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, March 11 , 19 80 _
f Whitehead I t/
Resolution No. 14 of 1980
Councilmember Mabey moved and
Fonnesbeck (/
Councilmember_ DePaulis seconded that the resolution
be passed with one correction to be made in the first line of
Shearer \/
Davis paragraph 4 to read "consider using its funds".
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WHEREAS: There is a critical shortage of low-income housing in Salt Lake City,
WHEREAS: The State should be promoting preservation of existing low-income
housing units rather than demolition, and;
WHEREAS: The tenants of Whitmore Court Apartments have requested that they be
allowed to stay there until alternative housing is available, mainly
the Multi-Ethnic Center which is scheduled for completion in
January, 1981.
THEREFORE: The City Council hereby resolves:
(1) The State Retirement Board and the Governor should maintain
the Whitmore Court Apartments as housing for the low income
until such time as the Multi-Ethnic Center units are available,
or until the Whitmore property is absolutely needed for
Salt Palace expansion.
(2) The Salt Lake City Council is in support of maintaining
existing low-income housing until it is actually required for
other purposes, and requests that the Governor should adopt
a similar policy.
(3) The City will examine the possibility of purchasing or leasing
the Whitmore Court properties from the Retirement Board in
order to preserve the existing 38 units for low-income housing
which is in critically short supply.
(4) We believe that the entire Board should consider using funds
to preserve existing low-income housing units, and provide
for the building of new low-income housing units rather than
demolish existing units.
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r Te L. Wilson
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Councilme J r Ronald J. Whitehead, Councilmember Alice Shearer
Chairman ��j
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Councilmemb r nt Mabey ouncilmember Ione M. Davis,
Vice Chairman
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Coun lmembe Sydney Reed Fonnesbeck Councilmember Edward W. Parker
Councilmember Palmer DePaulis
I •
WHEREAS: There is a critical shortage of low-income housing in Salt Lake City, and;
WHEREAS: The State should be promoting preservation of existing low-income housing
units rather than demolition, and;
WHEREAS: The tenants of Whitmore Court Apartments have requested that they be
allowed to stay there until alternative housing is available, mainly the
Multi-Ethnic Center which is scheduled for completion in January, 1981.
THEREFORE: The City Council hereby resolves:
(1) The State Retirement Board and the Governor should maintain the
Whitmore Court Apartments as housing for the low income until such
time as the Multi-Ethnic Center units are available, or until the
Whitmore property is absolutely needed for Salt Palace expansion.
(2) The Salt Lake City Council is in support of maintaining existing low-
income housing until it is actually required for other purposes, and
requests that the Governor should adopt a similar policy.
(3) The City will examine the possibility of purchasing or leasing the
Whitmore Court properties from the Retirement Board in order to
preserve the existing 38 units for low-income housing which is in
critically short supply. Can/.si.1t�,
(4) We believe that the entire Board shoutdA usoljits funds to preserve
existing low-income housing units, and drovide for the building of
new low-income housing units rather than demolish existing units.
Ted L. Wilson, Mayor
Ronald J. hitehead, Chairman Ione M. Davis, Vice Chairman
Salt Lake City Council Salt Lake City Council
Sydney R. Fonnesbeck, Councilman Grant Mabey, Councilman
Dr. Edward Parker, Councilman Palmer DePaulis, Councilman
Alice Shearer, Councilman
Resolution No. 1 ,
By City Council
Proposal for promoting existing low-
income housing units rather than
demolition and currently the Whitmore
Court apartments.
LIAR 1 11980