141 of 1912 - A resolution ordering work on Sewer Extension No. 310, City Engineer to prepare plans and specificat REMARKS: Resolution No. 141 By Commissioner Morris Ordering work on Sewer Extension No. 310: City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications and. City Recorder to advertise for bids , v , 1 1 I f , 1 -- - - - - ROLL CALL ity, Utah 191.....2 VOTING• Yes All I move that resolution No _ b -Mr Rory is P be adopted. Keyser . . . Morro ... OomaiSSion$V of Streets & Publio Improvements. Mr.Ch>ma' Rtsvai _ �...._.....,. - R E S 0 L u T 1 v 1V . RESOLVED, that the communication of the City Recorder in regard to advertising notice of intention for Sewer Extension No. 310 be received and filed; that the said im rovements be made; that the work therefor be done under the supervision of the Supervisor of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements; that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Board of Commissioners for its approval; and that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for making of such improvement, for a period of twenty days. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1st, 1912. y e00r er Temporary Chairman