142 of 1911 - A resolution instructing City Engineer to lay a 24-inch vitrified pipe from State Street to the Jord • ...... . . , . • ,7(-) JULY 31, 1911. r '.. r t'; ' � JULY 31, 1911. 506 pl II ' ' 1 Councilman Hodgson's amendment that one mill be added to the Sewers& Drains Fund d City Council met in regular session. III in Resolution No. 141, was then put before the Council and lost on the following roll call k! ` The nesting was called to order by the City Recorder. �II vote: 'Ik In the absence of the President, Councilman :loreton was elected president pro tem. Ayes, Hodgson, McKinney, Moreton, Mulvey, O'Donnell, Reed and Wood, 7. On roll call all members were present except Councilmen Davis, Hodgson, McKinney, Mulvey, Noes, Fernstrom, Hall, Holley, Lees, Lyne, Reedall, 6. Absent, Davis. Ferry, 2. 6� Reed and Ferry. II Councilman Ferneirom's motion, thwa Resolution No. 141, relative to tax levy, nl Councilmen ::ulvey, Reed, Hodgson and McKinney entered during the proceedings. ' p.; be adopted, was then carried on the following roll cull vote: 1I1:' �''1 The minutes of the regular session belt July 25, 1911, and the special session held July 27, 1911, I' ( Ayes, Fernstrom, Hall, Holley, Hodgson. Lees, Lyne, :.xi:Annoy, Dereton, O'Donnell, "t'j ::ere read and approved. Reedall, Reed, food, 12. Noes, Mulvey, 1. 1 r If, Absent, Davis, Ferry, 2. iS Councilman hull moved that Resolution Do. 141 levying taxes on real and personal !!;! +iI` proxorty be taken up at once and made a special order of business, which motion carried. PETITIONS AND CO?,DJ[INICATIONS. 1 - 1 : Resolution No. 141. By Councilmen Lyme, et al. • 848 H. C. Bleasiale. Asking an abatement of water tax for firs. 'Woodward at 968 'I ( 4th South. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Referred to the Committee on Cfater:orks. 2',; That for the purpose of defraying the necessary and proper expenses of Salt Lake City, and maintaining the government thereof, there be, and there is hereby levied upon all the real and personal property within said City, made taxable by law, for the fiscal year ending December 849 Wm. Cochran. Asking permission to make a 5/8" connection with the watermain at 31, 1911, a tax of Thirteen (13) mills per each dollar assessed valuation of said property. 12th South and 8th East. , Said tax is hereby levied and is to be raised for the following purposes, and is and Referred to the Committee on Waterworks. I'I I . : shall be apportioned to such purposes in the following manner: • 'l� CONTINGENT EXPENSE. a To defray contingent expenses Three and one-half (3}) mills on each dollar assessed 860 Mrs. Sarah Conlon. Asking 31 000.00 damages for being thrown fron buggy on I;I. ,.1 valuation of said property. account of an excavation on ll{.h East Street at the intersection with Harvard Ave. -'�' STREETI AND SIDEWALKS. '', Referred to the Committee on Claims. {p4" 1........... ....a „eir eidemnika and streets 4-2/3 mills on each dollar assessed )-� vz.l action of said•property. ITTCR4ST OD BONDS ADD SINKING FUND. 861 Horace H. Cummings. Asking for refund of 05.25 on water tax at 437 E. 2nd South, tt I li ii • Fax the payment of interest on bonds series 5,6,7,5 and 9, and sewer lends, Two (2) as water was turned off for more than six months; also stating overcharge for 1,.. 'a 1: mills on each dollar assessed valuation of said property. water at 44, 46 and 48 East South Temple. • +r �� ;;� 't SUrYLY. F.ofarr,,to the Committee on Waterworks. Coi. purchase 'water sources, streams, and the lands upon •which such streams are appro- I rI, nriated, and canals: to construct water works, and to supply water for irrigation mid other , I• N' nnr-osee, One (1) mill on each dollar assessed valuation of said property. j 862 Davidson& Harris Co. Asking a refund on an unused sewer permit for 46:7. 3rd I -id3 " SEWERS AND DRAINS. South. �. . ICI ). To construct and repair senors and drains, One (1) mill on each dollar assessed Referred to the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage. valuation of aid.property. ( r,Tn,7ARY. To maintain Public Library and Free Reading Room, One-third (1/3) mill on each dollar 863 Clark 0. Dunehee, et al. Protesting, ug.ana: the City eat eeing ip''^ eentrart �i. , asset ni v 1.- '.ion of said '�ro;,erty, for putting in Curb & 0utter in Extension No. 18. 1 '• ,,I I PUDLIC PARKS. Referred to the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage. .' To maintain Public Parks, and for parking purposes, One-half (1/2) mill on each dollar' t assessed valuation of said property, e.�... Tale resolution shall take effect upon its passage. 064 Mrs. Elie 11. Eardley. Asking for refund of j43.00 on Sidewalk tax for 643 South 2nd East, having paid the tax twice. �', Referred to the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage. II Councilman loKinney asked permission to take up petition No. 847 of Brewster& , 866 Ellen Rketrom. Asking for abatement of sooner tax on Sewer Ext. Do.228, as �. to baneon, act an ee nui�a�.on was r+'ww-ad �• petitioner in unable to pay for Boma. .. «n . ant ♦e.,n.. nfi CO swain St. ten feet from nremert7 Referred to the Committee on Engineering& Sewerage. 1 d line, to remain up four or five days. ' N ■ � I I� On mot:en of Councilman relinney, the petition was granted under the usual restriotions. as�_ Rrneat M. Fowler. Asking an abatement of water tax at 410 -nd 114 S. lob .ut Ii,TJi _ F and 32 Center Streets. I ,i. ■ ffl�� C^n-ellman Fernstrom moved that Resolution Ho. 141, relative to tax levy, be adopted. , Referred to the Committee on Waterworks. tit.k' ::oanr,l loran Poi;eon moved as an amendment that one mill. be added to the Sewers & Drains , �� `kpp`'�� Db7 J• a• Friteeh. Aekinrt ;m abatement oY::uter tax et lhzb On, Sri �:c,s L. u : [i _ - _ arr nti CO ea, gtnr.n Sewer on Ninth South. • Referred to the Committee on 'Waterworks. 1s Co'r^i lmnr^hoot coin"1 permission to erne^nt Resolution No. 142, iehfah permission was Obb F. Berth. Asking for free license to pedals fruit un3 voget ubles. p ', - Referred to the Committee or. License. granted and the following resolve ion presented: I 1 S eel„`inn Bo. 142. By Councilman hood. it ✓ Bb9 Kenyon Hotel Co. Stating that they era unable to keep the pram iseS around the Inn 1 1n a sar.lt cry ewoiltine, ce r.nnlred lip the Bourn of health, en ac o•art of ?a A II Ht 11 iL:50 J D That the City Engineer be and is ho roby instructed to lay a Twenty- the number of persona Permit tod to loaf �icur.I c L ....... _a .,i__ q«a«. a«r,,,« Oc «h,, i __ .t vnr nn nth ennth Street. persons be prevented Prom oongr o�;nLinp«there, II Councilman mu.ivuy boron r1 _ ^^^*ilea nd cprn semen be not normittoo , DD RN•IT '^ R.RESOLVED that 1410000.00, or al much thereof as is necessary be 'l h- - - ------------------------------------ -- ----------- ------- - -- - -----------------------a.,,,,ea-ilee e3 . : to stando Main between Second and 3rd South Streets, nor on Scond South betweenMain& State Streets.Reerrd t the a r Oounoilmnn Fernstrom movol ao an nmondmcnt that the matter be referred to the Committse on Streets, to make n report to the Caunoil ::onday nvenin�, .',uwst 7,ell red Ilse to report anon the matter of nevws et,.nds on the street, :Lich motion carried. 'I I� i Ill lith