146 of 1911 - A resolution directing the Superintendent of Waterworks to report to the Council whether or not this AUGUST 7 1C11. . I . .17-727 7, 1013. 1 'vent of nny insinillmn1 or the intorost .forosida, not boil. ',id on the da.te the some becomes ',.-ci:1 t - uninnid. nt the time onil installment and intorost -re DILL 710. 73. For an or linance real inn the s..1 o of fill t 3 :nd v.'on Llos .n1 ,.,,nod I: . ,11 1--,0,:e 1•,,, nnd ,.;,..11e, and 3'1..11 drns intor-st .t tho r to of eight per cent per anon, until oho ando of the er°nerdy assessed; nrovided, one or more installments, in the order goal, intro duco I by Counrilen.r. 3.'Boo, 11, 'oar t:Len un nni, re,1 '"iret. Ito,- :rid re"inn, 11, II.- in inch they nro ...,.1.10, or tiin :hole snail tint, on aid, may be paid on the day any install- nos cle,-, by •yin.- tho inour,t theroof nr.d interest to said date. to the Committee on So nitory i, ::nrleots. 1 . 3:C,:ifh 3. ni6 ordinD.nc, shall t-k, effect ucon evcrovnl. 1 introdneedby Councilman Roodn11, wens taken up and rend first time. On motion of Councilman . , Resolution Uo. 144. By Coon limos loos. .M . I 11.-,1-11, t - r:los :or o s.norendod on roll nil vote, :di members votir.r aye except Councilmen 37 Il R:101.711L l'Y 2:1. ilia" .017.1I1, t".t tin Do.rd cf nal lio orks L .. . are hereby instructed to include in sidowelk ontencine ho. 120, tin •...ni ...1 enanh 7i 1, of .0 . aelley, noh,non oral Terry, ,:ho nor° nbsent, and the ordinance read second time by title, third Illoon Co. 156 and all of loch "o. 96. I fro in fe'l erl 1-,..psed or roll cnli vote, all nembers votinmo aye except Councilmen Holley. Referred to I Corunittoe or In la rin„. ' Ge.:ern o. , 1 , 'od non and Forrn, who wen, absent, title annrovod and referred to the :layer for his approval. Resolution to. 145. By Councilman Reed. nnvionf- 7notonnien 1.o. ,".5. Scond.and 7in..1 ilstim,to.) ' 1171-1,211m1S, there seems to be n disnuto botwo.on the dtroet De:ports-int ,nd th• 't.b. F. ... Light and Railway Co., us to .'tort once in the streets snonal 1n. orninea'oy tl- „t r. . ht DILL C. 72. For ar. ordinnco 1^vyin,- tax and Crf tho ...ssessrdent of prngerty on Fourth 2.a5t and Iltill.n.y Conpany in tho construction ..f trank new therefor, be it I 1 .. • 1171101,nD, that as the ordinance rondo' fiftenn foot on -nein .1,1', ,f -:.,e ;'1' SI: ".....t, itroot In,tnmenn to tin Toople and Fonrth dent:. Stmets, in Favino District Iio. 27, for the purpose this council insists taint it means fifteen fent from the nal of tie Or.e1,1 ti n, nn.1 no, . . 1 fifteen feet from,the rnils. .. 1 o f:nen:fain for the nrndint-, guttering ..nd. eurnine, _rid m.ving thercof. , Roforrod to the City Attorney. De it undo to by the City Council of Silt Lake City, Ilt..11: 11 .. • 3212113' 1. rine t to." City Conne•il loos inrohy :Levy the tax and provide for the Resolution ho. 14G. By Counciln ..c7inney. aseossnent of the s me .,11,on the ero.orty horoinefter aoscrihoa in raving District his. 27, for I I nr-niline for the Lredi 1 , nuttorirst :non. carbine, and paving of a portion of said ii1P,RILS, Section e].3 of tho 11,Vised Ordinances of lt.0.7. ro tiros ins t ,11 b.,rev/ernes, district, 1,,-.:1t, bottlin m n orks, .,rtificia.1 ice nleints, or otiam.- annuf„cturinn ernalini.sentn, .t. ; .• In Lots 1, 1; need 7, Tilock 26; and 4 and 5 :loon 37, _lot 73'', abutting" on both ides way non•or houses, cold storanc plants, steam nal hand lnundries, ,.11 'non•ls end nfiice a of Fourth Inst Strnot not e•nen hind donth ,ind. Fourth South Streets. 1 nuildinns having morn than twenty-fivo rooms --oh, livery stnblos, need other ont,.111inninne flls tax is1oyiedto doiHn. inns en of grail:ton ;uttering 'rood curbing nolth cement, usinon larne .-nunntitios of:notion from the tenter,:orks system, shall ylne- or' in '..Inir 1 I 1. ,... F., • it L I i: •1 1 i ...... ,......, .... ..., .. --„__ ..... . on ... -.. ..,,t: moo,, ,...... _"- ,-4---- ,..--1.,,. -,A ,4,, .._ a 1/1 (.01; 1-Anon '.:is... i.o Lori:lc:un"' 3,.1,1 Feirth Soot Stroot 'nor-inbefore and hereinnftor doscribod to be ospecinlly affect-a nnd benefited by sitid improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, 1 t-rnined _nil ost oblishod tin t n.id oronorty ',ill be oenocially bor,efited thereby to the full ononne of "Lo t-.7 ,',,,..^-1,1 levied. and sold nnrcels of lad are hereby assessed at an equal and .,.if..r.n r no in "coo' 'ore mit1 the lime,r fnct frontn.o ugon snit portion of said. street front- d-yth ef 1:-onty-fivo (25. feet b oh thernfrord, ftnd the tan hereby levied and to leo :_esesend u-on said earcols of lend in thirteen thousand one hundred thirty-three and 11/100 (.13,11:11.11.. 1':lore, or ilnvon nnd 272659.1.008,000 (ik1,370659) dollars per front or linear foot of nblittirn property for rondway GO feet 'mile, there being 1155 feet of abutting property 'sot'or. the bound:m:1os of the lots, blocks and street above mentioned in acid district, LItch is tho toL,.1 oont nd cost nor front foot of said eavement, accordin; to the contract entered into ice ...• ....One.,,,,,. ',:. ;•1,1 .01.'. ,L1't 4.,:•.i1Ir o,ik'i LII,iv; taart ...it, 1.• :. 113T-11, IL:t,,a tho 2:Ind 1 y of r y, 1..11, •nd the fromourer in hereby nathorisod end directed to assess, in accordance ;',,. 'L. o 7_...,.-.n:. •-•„_' this nndir...no-, for lb ro...rie .e".' heroin mentioned: Sinty Font Roadny. in, -•ei --He of 'not, 7 n nd 7 tiJo ck 36; the :fest side of Lots 4 ond 5, Block 37, id t '3'., Snit :solo City Survey, .n tie sine are 'loom 'anon the official plats of said city, to __.• ,o: o . - , o ,,, -- r,...ez from said etro-t, and to collect said tax. 13:ii33 2. Said 'on, in...11 1, cono -no' be inlinquoi.t in ten equal yo.rly installmonts, intenost on tho nip". sum unnuid nt the rine of six per ,i-at nor ,,nnum, pe.jells at the time o oi i si, 11:ont in eroe to-tit: Ono-tonth thereof or :noon aftoi: the approval of the ordinance ceneimaine the Iery of tho tnx orf tho nnymont for such imnrovoment; on tenth in 'hie: years after - . „._ in. . t n too ..c.• .T:ry ,; e:,e-1..elldli .eor,01 lit ,,Lir coi -I thin, Lin' of in fin o yonra after such approval; coo tenth there-, _ :sin"-- rio-n, flf beleireos and IY'.1 for nator by monsuromoni: _ i . , f.t-:or Ic'eree'rd;:nOYr"1e.r.:IL.ilrfr'iltc'ht-lt RLo'i:Fef et 1°1e,'•such cr.1'11:1'.1:1olo.:it':Ta'bt1:1o1i:i71.1''nit:ii:11.1'.11a:.:16.1.°:i.''''Itfihr-;1:1'tt Cr, :i'f'''.1-211;roi'Som:°:1;r.ni'o'n''':'r ot'1°I'L'''''''ill';:nr. "1'111!,i''.i'r','tC-1 1411 1 13.--.1:11 1...'"d''' ''-'1-11 n....1.1'1'1 Deferred to the Com:ditto, oi .1..tersorhs. Rosolution 7o. 117. By Councilman. Dehinmey. ... i .....t17I,,,IF,Rt2f.:S.„..,,i;.; di.,t,,,,L,r,,,ov,i,11,c,d,rb,i,,,roriclitntl.,noo..0,of,itil-,ine,,,,enity,,t31,31t,tr:7•,:boytort,Lnet;ini ilii,..,i,,,,ee,,n:,,in 'Inter:orles; and wator, whic7.".7.1Rno1:11113d n'ojOderisitn'e'.42.icoopnt'foi'r s.tricthoYnf 'S1t'aoithillin4oj:irs;no'r2 °Ct'''' '''''.' '''''''' . '' L'1. force the motor toil pl3r70,I;3i302.30,1,'0,',2D:,,,,,.thanZratihL3:7,....i.,,,•:ni.L7,,,Len.t.„cm,,f, ,Intior.worlitn.is norohy limeen- . .t.„-eir, bin,inally,orti. o‘as where said Suporint-ndont onall cliscover that Line ntor sugaly on FURTILSR 1.1.:10141/2,D, that tho Superintondont ol' .mater (inns .1.,-: i,,1',L.,:j ....r,... , —• I- I-,,,- , I,,,,, i le foe not non, 1.:,01 100 I,: „ , ..,Ifliobreit'eththePyrinvate°1°onf°wL°1;nrSeu°ntidc7,ro7v95i1 of lt,hl'en1111-.1L;,3:1'a41:°o-f•deifonr'n'i1n31 o.1'1.. 3.1:"Irtn 111,-'.1:1:11 Crilt111, '"I'....e'h , e• 11 i 1 I , 11 I ... . m 11. 1, 1 .1 r . I sin'', fine ana imprisoronont. • M . , II - ., .4... .. .,.... a n.. . — _ 1 1 o re .e h aee r Incnev•1; cr,-1.,,th 1.1•ernof in nine yours after suoh Ro mm rerred to the Coittoo on int.r...orns. , od, 1, .. 1 . ei r.1'n :,.r of in ten y ... .:Ler noel, .r.v 1. On: or !nor, of snid in- I I It= III: e- Ineorl-n .. tn. 000003' ,n .d.1,n tnoy am 1,Lyulito, or In, ....loin 30,001111 LuX,uuy uo pul, ,. .444y, fir n,-mi the lovy of the tnx, ,olthout interest. In Roar:lit-Ion De. 148. iiy tounoilmnn nol.inhey. I II= NNW 1 I. • ni .I 11 I, . r WI; liFq 01 Ifl , 1r ,, ,,ere.,.. .,. ,.:, man 0f edeht per ennt . ,,,, .. ';1 :; 1 . : th e, •ty 3,,,; erevided, ono or more instninments in tho L ono 1 bo . .1 'i-. px,1 ' 1.'r roof 1 1 I''re-' 'o - id late 1 •C 5 ' ie ord-L, omn• •e.11 . I.- effect neon . e-rOV'1 "'" ' -i' `11,1: :. ,.'J , ..i. na m,.1 el rot tillo. On rnotisa of COST,c11Man .d,- .1 .:_‘., • , r ,:: ',1- nee,bill en rol 1 c 11 ve to el 1 liemnera voti 1,,-,. nye o•on A; Conic I I mon I i 111,,,duat,111, li nora outside or tile 1 1 ef,d, 01 ,,,e be..,.••,•', •.--- Vere 1:r '. ' '1.... , COrdrlor, , :d1., 0 •'e ,11 eor I f.i.pc1.•tt,iii.,,alince0:::11mi12vo'lhiphtirts .:',,a ,1 ,,iii,,ili.:.lilny.,;,,Ileiriii...hre'1 1 :1 'r „1,iy 1,0 (1.,,:.1.,::130:1..;:;:i2),:-±1','dt2:h.,i1,..titii,G,l'ouncil oholit, , ,. '111 f.1:1 C 11 ..efin' .;,-; lonninnss "Irani et , ir.9nr.v:M: Thnt no L•roitor:,',.:1' 'Th; b ; o , '.77 :11,11 ,3., ,. 1nd Rh. 111. Tlela ,. -.,Cd. .-: t I,. contl,,tiouo in a. in ,,, . , - •I.I1' 1' i'''il"1. 1• 1''l 1' L'.1' R.:solution 7.o. PIO. 11-; Conind iro,.. eninedy".• 'n'l ';' it ...'••'I'l'r•r fr,r1c1,1,1,11 ,nd '1.1)111,,kno 'cor-trf,,rn /1,111,1 1,i ,, ,.11.„. .._,... , . . , I .l'..' I - 1 1 , 1 111.1 1' I I II . , 11 II Ioi il 1,:11 1111111 III ___ 111111111 . . • • -—